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http://doi.di.dk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Tim%20Marsh.pptx. The Person & Behaviour in Safety Culture for Task Force Zero March 2011 Dr Tim Marsh, C.Psychol . CFIOSH; SFIIRSM. Safety Culture. Safety Culture …. Safety Culture. Safety Culture …. Safety Culture …. Context.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. http://doi.di.dk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Tim%20Marsh.pptx

  2. The Person & Behaviour in Safety Culture for Task Force Zero March 2011 Dr Tim Marsh, C.Psychol. CFIOSH; SFIIRSM

  3. Safety Culture Safety Culture …

  4. Safety Culture Safety Culture …

  5. Safety Culture …

  6. Context

  7. One in 100,000 ? …

  8. Items can combine Three items from a measure in a pallet factory Item 3: Employees should not take short cuts between work benches Item 5: Air powered tools should be placed in holsters Item 8: Employees are not bombing objects

  9. A Tragic Example…

  10. A Tragic Example…

  11. Please stand and waggle your feet clockwise …

  12. Please waggle your feet clockwise … and draw a six with your finger

  13. The phenomenal power of the human mindI cdnuoltblveieetaht I cluodaulacltyuesdnatnrdwaht I was rdanieg.Thephaonmnealpweor of the hmuanmnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it deosn'tmttaerinwahtoredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olnyiprmoatnttihng is taht the frist and lsatltteer be in the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotlmses and you can sitllraed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamnmniddeos not raederveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? And you awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt?!

  14. Please all stand …

  15. Safety Culture …

  16. Individual or Optimising/ Situational? Pro-actively ask “… anything slow, uncomfortable or inconvenient about doing the job safely? …”

  17. A Subtle Nudge …

  18. Buts, Eyes … and Praise and 1 in 10

  19. Human Failure: (Just Culture) Unsafe Act Error Violation Optimising Situational Individual Knowledge Rule Slip

  20. Safety Culture …

  21. Individual or Optimising/ Situational? Pro-actively ask “… anything slow, uncomfortable or inconvenient about doing the job safely? …”

  22. Enhancing Safe Behaviours Model Behaviour That Meets or Exceeds Expectation Exemplary Behaviour ‘I was involved in doing something exemplary that contributed to HSSE success’ Effective Sharing of Lessons Learnt ‘I ensured that the learning points from my experience were shared with others’ Excellent Planning & Risk Management ‘Through effective, structured planning, I managed risks proactively through appropriate controls’ Creating a safer work environment ‘I contributed to creating the right culture in my team to improve our safety performance locally’ EVENT Intervention ‘I intervened to prevent an unsafe act or reported a hazardous condition’ Expected Behaviour ‘I performed as expected following all the rules, guidance and good practice’ Increasing HSE Cultural Maturity ENCOURAGEMENT RECOGNITION REWARD Behaviour That Falls Below Expectation Did the individual believe that they were acting in the appropriate manner? The action, event or behaviour could not be done in accordance to established procedures, but it was done anyway The individual believed the action, event or behaviour was for the good of the company The individual believed that the action, event, behaviour was for their personal gain or benefit NO NO NO Was the action, event, behaviour as planned or intended? Was the action, event, behaviour believed to be in conformance with existing rules or procedures? The individual meant to do it that way with little or no regard for the consequences NO NO YES NO YES YES Slips & Lapses ‘I didn’t realise what had happened’ Mistakes ‘I didn’t expect that to happen’ YES Unintended Outcome ‘I was not aware of the rule; the rule was not clear or well understood’ YES Situational ‘I cannot complete the task if I follow the rules, but I did the task anyway’ YES YES Organisational Gain ‘It was better for the organisation to do it that way’ Personal Gain ‘It was better or easier for me to do it that way’ Reckless/Intentional ‘I neither thought nor cared about the consequences’ HUMAN ERROR Routine – One off event or Repeat – Individual or Common VIOLATION Routine – One off Event or Repeat; Individual Behaviour or Common Behaviour COACHING/TRAINING DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES

  23. Vroom • Ice Breaking • Assertion • Presentation Skills • Heinrich • Breakthe Chain • Just Culture - Person? Who, What & Why Value Outcome How X X • Model Safe Behaviour • Challenge • Behavioural Analysis • Communication • Delegation • Facilitate BBS • ABC Analysis • Five Whys • Coaching • Clever Psychology • Praise • Taught by • Organisation

  24. ThankYou from Ryder Marsh (Safety) Ltd

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