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How to Go to Graduate School

How to Go to Graduate School. Biology Department Saint Louis University Dr. Downes & Dr. Nordell bdownes1@slu.edu nordell@slu.edu. What is graduate school?. Graduate school is training in research Research = discovery of the unknown. Are you an explorer?

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How to Go to Graduate School

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  1. How to Go to Graduate School Biology Department Saint Louis University Dr. Downes & Dr. Nordell bdownes1@slu.edu nordell@slu.edu

  2. What is graduate school? • Graduate school is training in research • Research = discovery of the unknown. • Are you an explorer? • Do you like to think creatively? • Are you eager to make a unique contribution to the world during your lifetime? • Are these things as important to you as a high salary? • A career in research can be very profitable, but if that is the only motivation it is likely to be disastrous. • Do what you love. The rest will take care of itself.

  3. What is graduate school? • Graduate school is preparation for careers including: • industrial research • government research • academic research • teaching • Teaching is the ultimate destiny for any knowledge if it is to be preserved and expanded.

  4. What is graduate school? • Graduate school is the pursuit of a Master’s or Doctoral Degree • Master of Science (M.S.) • 2 year commitment • Research & writing • Industry or research technician, high school education, • Doctor of Philosophy in Science (Ph.D.) • 4-6 year commitment • Extensive research & writing • academics, research • Post-Doctoral Position

  5. Why go to Graduate School? • Graduate school requires intense commitment of time and resources. • Ability to work independently is a requirement! • Good reasons to apply: • Professional development/ career goals • Teaching, research, industry • Intellectual curiosity • Bad Reasons to apply: • Not sure what else to do • Don’t feel ready for a job • Waiting to get into medical school • Looking for expanded undergraduate education

  6. BEFORE Applying to Graduate School • Grades and GRE’s • Minimum 3.0 GPA • Score well on the Graduate Record Examination (www.ets.org) • Measures: • Verbal reasoning (scale is 200-800) • Quantitative reasoning (scale is 200-800) • Critical thinking • Analytical writing (scale is 200-800) • General • Biology • Many dates (can take at SLU) • Computer-based test scores reported within 3 weeks • Paper-based test scores reported within 4-6 weeks

  7. BEFORE Applying to Graduate School • Gaining Experience • Start doing actual science early! • Lab courses • Real hands-on research experience • Find faculty with research that interests you • Biology Dept. Research Opportunities • Examine faculty research on web • E-mail faculty • request meeting about doing research • during their office hours or by appointment • Discuss research & commitment required • Join a scientific student organization • St. Louis University Tribeta Biology Club • Just Earth (mailto:slujustearth@hotmail.com) • SLU Alpha Epsilon Delta

  8. Applying to Graduate School • Choose an area of research • What interests you? • Topics in courses • Read Science Daily • http://www.sciencedaily.com/ • Career Info • http://www.emporia.edu/biosci/carebiol.htm • Read job postings • See what looks interesting for you!

  9. Applying to Graduate School • Select an institution • Scientific society within discipline often has lists of who has graduate assistantships to offer • American Society for Microbiology • http://www.asm.org/Education/index.asp?bid=1214 • American Physiological Society • http://www.the-aps.org/education/edu_grad.html • Ecology Society of America • https://listserv.umd.edu/archives/ecolog-l.html • Talk with SLU Biology faculty members/ mentor/ advisor • Get application form& deadlines • mid January or earlier • http://www.pitt.edu/~biohome/Dept/Frame/applytograduateschool.ht

  10. Applying to Graduate School • Apply to primary and multiple secondary choice schools • High competition for positions • Be prepared to work on advisors research project • Usually will be working on a subset of the advisor’s research • Be flexible in your research interests • Research interests often change during or after graduate school

  11. Applying to Graduate School • Select potential advisors • Find specific faculty members • Do your homework • Check their web site/ Read their scientific publications • Contact the potential advisor • do early – before applying! • Tell them: • why you are writing • why you find their research interesting • Are they accepting any graduate students? • Research assistantship or teaching assistantship available? • Send them your: • Curriculum Vitae (Academic resume – long version)

  12. E-mail to Potential Graduate Advisor Dear Dr. X, Hi. My name is Bob Billiken I am a senior biology major at Saint Louis University. I am currently applying to graduate schools with PhD programs in the biological sciences, specifically those programs encompassing animal ecology research, and I came upon your information in the process. After reading about your research and the work done in your lab, I am very interesting in the possibility of earning my degree with you as my mentor. If you are accepting new students into your lab this coming school year, I believe that I would be a worthy candidate. For your consideration, I have included below some information about myself and why I believe you should consider my application. I have also attached to this email my resume and a writing sample from my undergraduate thesis proposal. Please consider me as a potential member of your lab, as I believe I could provide a valuable contribution to your research team. If you have any questions or would like to talk to me further about the possibility of joining your lab if I am admitted to the biology graduate program, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Bob Billiken What would you think if you got this letter?

  13. Applying to Graduate School • What should be on your Curriculum vitae: • Undergraduate degree and date expected • List of science (& related) courses and grades • Science and non-science GPA • GRE scores • Research experience • In class/lab & in research lab • Work experience • References (these are important!) • Provide them with pertinent information to provide an accurate reflection of your abilities (see next slide)

  14. Applying to Graduate School • How to get a good letter of recommendation • Request and discuss in person • Ask them if they can write a positive letter! • Provide all forms, stamped and addressed envelopes • Remind them of their interactions with you • Course number and semester and grade • Academic information • Names and numbers and grades for courses & GPA • Test scores, academic awards, etc. • Research & work experience • Be specific • Academic strengths & weaknesses • Personal characteristics • Concrete examples of your dependability, intellectual capabilities & critical thinking skills, initiative, written & oral communication skills, interpersonal skills • Gentle reminders of timeline

  15. Applying to Graduate School • Letter of Intent • Your goals/ intentions • Why do you want to go to graduate school? • Your research interests • State clearly (not vague generalizations) • Should tailor for each potential advisor • Sell yourself! • Describe your qualities and experiences that make you unique and prepared • Grades, research experience, internships, work experience, maturity, extracurricular experience as it relates to graduate school, motivation

  16. Applying to Graduate School • Interviews • Be prepared • Know faculty research interests • Ask to meet graduate students • Do one or more faculty have research programs that interest you? • Meet with each of them • Quality of library resources • Are more than one faculty are active in your research field of interest? • Send thank you!

  17. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships • Fellowships for graduate study leading to research-based master’s or doctoral degrees • Can apply your senior year! • http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201 • Due in early November • Based on academic achievement, reference letters, GRE scores, research proposal

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