http://dmitri.tymoczko.com POP QUIZ: QUESTION 1 • Below you will find the 10 most-common major-mode chord progressions in the music of composer X, along with the percentage of all progressions belonging to that category. In making this table, I have grouped together root position and first-inversion triads and all sevenths, so V6–I, V7–I, V–I6 (etc.) all count as “V–I progressions.” However, 6/4 chords are their own category. Today's first quiz question is: who is the composer? Don’t dither, just answer off the top of your head.
http://dmitri.tymoczko.com POP QUIZ: QUESTION 1I • In the Bach chorales, the most common destination for V2 is I6. What is the second most common destination?