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The Importance of Being Ernest? Earnest?

The Importance of Being Ernest? Earnest? . And the importance of HOMONYMS An introduction. What’s in a name? . Review page 2 of your packet; complete the left side of the anticipation guide carefully and with thought. Do names carry meaning? . Arthur Elizabeth Victoria. What’s in a name? .

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The Importance of Being Ernest? Earnest?

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  1. The Importance of Being Ernest? Earnest? And the importance of HOMONYMS An introduction

  2. What’s in a name? • Review page 2 of your packet; complete the left side of the anticipation guide carefully and with thought

  3. Do names carry meaning? • Arthur • Elizabeth • Victoria

  4. What’s in a name? • Homonym: one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning—Examples? • Quail (bird; to recoil) • Homophone: one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling—Examples? • To (verb form: infinitive…to do), too (also), two (number) • EARNEST VS. ERNEST

  5. Earnest • a serious and intent mental state <a proposal made in earnest> • a considerable or impressive degree or amount <the sap started running in earnest>

  6. Ernest • A male name

  7. The Importance of Being Earnest:: • The importance of being in a serious mental state or impressive degree.

  8. The Importance of being Ernest • The importance of being the man named Ernest

  9. What’s in a name? • Meaning • Purpose

  10. Review the names on page 2 • Anyone name Ernest or Earnest? • Who is here? • John Worthing, J.P. • Algernon Moncrieff • Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D. • Merriman, Butler • Lane, Manservant • Lady Bracknell • Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax • Cecily Cardew • Miss Prism, Governess

  11. Comedy of Manners • satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class • Irony • farce • often represented by stock characters (stereotypes) • What are stereotypes of the Victorian age *think Pride and Prejudice* • the plot < witty and often bawdy dialogue • Conflict Epigram • Motif Pun

  12. High Society (social Class) • Upper class; elite; socialites • In the Victorian Era • Valued: history, heritage, lineage and the continuity of their family line. • Believed: • born to rule through divine right • Noblesse Oblige the Elite's duty to take care of society • Hoped: to continue tradition and the status quo • primogeniture (first born son inherits everything) • Enjoyed a life of luxury and leisure • Owned most everything around • By the late Victorian period—the middle class was only beginning to be recognized

  13. Comedy of Manners • satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class • High society—ridiculed • Irony—opposite of what is said is actually meant

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