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Velika Hoca

Velika Hoca. Velika Hoca is currently the largest Serbian enclave in Metohija, comprised of approx 700 persons . The inhabitants of this enclave are protected by U.N. soldiers

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Velika Hoca

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  1. Velika Hoca • Velika Hoca is currently the largest Serbian enclave in Metohija, comprised of approx 700 persons . The inhabitants of this enclave are protected by U.N. soldiers • Velika Hoca and its surroundings are a perfect “terroir” for wine growing – perfectly combined soil composition, climate and traditional know-how

  2. 13 churches are still standing as well as Visoki Decani’s winery and cellar • Hoca’s wines have an outstanding reputation since the time of St. Sava. VelikaHoca is mentioned as early as 1198AD, as one of the eldest villages in the region. During the times of Stefan Nemanja, the land belonged to the monastery Hilandar.

  3. The documentary about Velika Hoca was filmed in order to present Velika Hoca as a destination for pilgrimage, cultural, religious and wine tourism. It is also an attempt to show a business opportunity that we would like the Diaspora to participate in. The ultimate goal is to create a sustainable environment for Serbs remaining there by creating job opportunitites for them.

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