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7th Framework Program 2007-2013. Achilleas D. Stalios Achilleas.Stalios@ec.europa.eu European Commission -DG Research- Industrial Technologies Directorate -Materials-. Funding programmes. Education - Lifelong Learning Programme Research- FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES
7th Framework Program2007-2013 Achilleas D. Stalios Achilleas.Stalios@ec.europa.eu European Commission -DG Research- Industrial Technologies Directorate -Materials-
Funding programmes • Education - Lifelong Learning Programme • Research- FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES - Seventh Framework Programme for research and development • Innovation - Competitiveness and Innovation Programme • Structural and Cohesion Funds
R&D – European weaknesses Note: (1) 2000 data (2) 2002 data (3) 2003 data
Towards The 7th Framework Programme 2007-2013 (‘co-decision’)
FP7 : What’s new? New FP7 http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/events/07_feb_07_prog_en.html Main elements: • Duration increased to seven years • Total budget of €50.5 billion=>63% increase • Frontier research (~ €1.1 billion per year) • New structure: Cooperation – Ideas – People – Capacities • Flexible funding schemes • Joint Technology initiatives • Simpler procedures • Outsourcing
FP7 2007 –2013 Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
FP7/ Budget Ideas 7 460 €M Cooperation 32 413 €M People 4 728 €M Capacities 4 217 €M Non-nuclear JRC 1 751 €M Total European Community budget for non-nuclear research: 50.52 € billions
FP7/ Cooperation programmehttp://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/cooperation
Collaborative projects Projects can range from small or medium-scale focused research actions (CP) Large‑scale integrating projects for achieving a defined objective. (Large CP) Coordination and support actions Support for activities aimed at coordinating or supporting research activities and policies (networking, exchanges, trans-national access to research infrastructures, studies, conferences, etc.). (CA) and (SSA) Networks of Excellence FP7/ Cooperation programme Funding Schemes
FP7 /Cooperation programme(collaborative research) M€ 6 100/62819 April 1 935/192 2 May 9 050/1019 8 May 3 475/364 4May1st 2 350/237 3 May 1 890/200 2 May 4 160/229 3 May 623/58.5 10 May 1 400/34.5 19 Jun 1 430/80.3 31 May
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies Materials New production Integration of technologies for industrial applications Workprogrammes include indicative priorities for future calls!!! 4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
Selected topics in Materials and Nanotechnology in FP7 Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials –cont’d Nanoelectronics
Other Important Topics * 2nd for ICT call will be public May/June 2007
Potential Joint Technology Initiative: New Nanoelectronics Approaches Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for Sustainable Energy Future Aeroanutics and Air Transport Global Monitoring for Environment and Securitu Embedded Systems Innovative Medicines Initiative Technology Platforms related to Theme 4: ENIAC: European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council NanoMedicine- Nanotechnologies for Medical Applications Technology Platform on Sustainable Chemistry Steel Future Textiles & Clothing Manufacturing Technologies The European Construction Technology Platform Industrial Safety The European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform The European Technology Platform on Photovoltaics Photonics 21: The Photonics Technology Platform EUMAT: European TP for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies European Aluminum Technology Platform
FP7/ Ideas http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ideas • Frontier research • Investigator-driven • Support to individual teams through Europe-wide competition • Governance: European Research Council • Executive Agency
FP7/ Ideas Scientific Council • 22 high level scientists reflecting the full scope of European research, nominated by Commission • Dr. Claudio BORDIGNON (IT) Professor Manuel CASTELLS (ES)Prof. Dr. Paul J. CRUTZEN (NL) Prof. Mathias DEWATRIPONT (BE) Dr. Daniel ESTEVE (FR) Prof. Pavel EXNER (CZ) Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim FREUND (DE) Prof. Wendy HALL (UK) Prof. Dr. Carl-Henrik HELDIN (SE) Prof. Dr. Fotis C. KAFATOS (GR)Prof. Dr. Michal KLEIBER (PL) Prof. Norbert KROO (HU) Prof. Maria Teresa V.T. LAGO (PT) Dr. Oscar MARIN PARRA (ES) Prof Robert MAY (UK) Prof. Helga NOWOTNY (AT)Prof. Christiane NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD (DE) Dr. Leena PELTONEN-PALOTIE (FI) Prof. Alain PEYRAUBE (FR) Dr. Jens R. ROSTRUP-NIELSEN (DK) • Prof. Salvatore SETTIS (IT) Prof. Dr. Rolf M. ZINKERNAGEL (CH) • http://europa.eu.int/erc/
FP7 / Ideas • Role of the Scientific Council • Establish overall scientific strategy and preparation of work programmes (incl. calls for proposals, evaluation criteria) • Define scientific management: peer review methodology; selection and accreditation of experts; monitor quality of operations and evaluate programme implementation • Assure communication with the scientific community
FP7 / IdeasWork Programme / Launch strategy • Two streams of activity are foreseen: - Early stage independent investigators (“Starting Grants”) > 2 < 9 years after PhD up to 5 years project ~1/3 of the annual budget: 300-350 M€ per year (200 grants) - Established Investigators (“Advanced Grants”)
Principal Investigator: Potential to perform world class research Quality of research output: Has the Principal Investigator published in high quality peer reviewed journals or the equivalent? To what extent are these publications ground-breaking and demonstrative of independent creative thinking and capacity to go significantly beyond the state of the art? Intellectual capacity and creativity: To what extent does the Principal Investigator's record of research collaborations, project conception, supervision of students and publications demonstrate that he/she isable to confront major research challenges in the field, and to initiate new productive lines of thinking? 2. Quality of the proposed research project Ground-breaking nature of the research: Does the proposed research address important challenges in the field(s) addressed? Does it have suitably ambitious objectives, which go substantially beyond thecurrent state of the art (e.g. including trans-disciplinary developments and novel or unconventiona approaches)? Potential impact: Does the research open new and important scientific, technological or scholarly horizons? Methodology: a) is the outlined scientific approach (including the activities to be undertaken by the individual team members) feasible? (Stage 1) b) is the proposed research methodology (including when pertinent the use of instrumentation, other type of infrastructures etc.) comprehensive and appropriate for to the project? Will it enable the goals of the project convincingly to be achieved within the timescales and resources proposed and the level of risk associated with a challenging research project? (Stage 2) 3. Research Environment Transition to independence: Will the proposed project enable the Principal Investigator to make or consolidate the transition to independence? Hosting institution (normally applicant legal entity): Does the institution hosting the project have most of the infrastructure necessary for the research to be carried out? Is it in a position to provide an appropriate intellectual environment and infrastructural support and to assist in achieving the ambitions for the project and the Principal Investigator? Participation of other legal entities: If it is proposed that other legal entities participate in the project, in addition to the applicant legal entity, is their participation fully justified by the scientificadded value they bring to the project? FP7 / IDEASStarting Grants / Evaluation criteria
FP7 / IdeasStarting Grants / Peer review panel Social Sciences SH1 Individuals and organisations: Economics, management, demography, geography, urban and environmental studies. SH2 Institutions, behaviour, values and beliefs: Anthropology, sociology, political science, law, communication, social studies of science and technology. SH3 The human mind and its complexity: Cognition, linguistics, psychology and philosophy. SH4 Cultures and cultural diversity: Literature, visual and performing arts, music and cultural studies. SH5 The study of the past and of cultural artefacts: Memory, history and archaeology.
FP7 / IdeasStarting Grants / Peer review panel Natural Sciences & Engineering PE1 Mathematical foundations: Pure and applied mathematics, theoretical computer science and mathematical physics. PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter: High energy, particle, nuclear, plasma, atomic, molecular, gas and optical physics. PE3 Structures and reactions: Condensed matter (structure, electronic properties, fluids,…), statistical physics, nanosciences, reactions. PE4 Material sciences and methods: Material sciences, molecular architecture, analytical chemistry, synthesis (both inorganic and organic) and theory, physical and environmental chemistry, method development. PE5 Information and communication: Informatics and information systems, communication technology, computer science, intelligent systems. PE6 Engineering sciences: Electronics, product design, process design & control, construction methods, fluid and solid mechanics, energy systems, bio- engineering. PE7 Universe sciences: Astro-physics/chemistry/biology/geology; solar system; stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy; cosmology; space sciences, instrumentation. PE8 Earth system science: Physical geography, geology, geophysics, oceanography, climatology, ecology, global change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources.
FP7 / IDEASStarting Grants / Peer review panel Life Sciences LS1 Molecular, cellular and developmental biology: Biochemistry, molecular biology, metabolism, cell biology, signal transduction, embryology, structural biology. LS2 Genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and systems biology: Molecular genetics, cell genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, computational biology, biostatistics, biological modelling. LS3 Organismic physiology, including infection and immunity: Organogenesis, organ physiology, endocrinology, ageing, toxicology, parasitology, microbiology, virology, immunology. LS4 Neurosciences: Neurobiology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, systems neuroscience, neuroimaging. LS5 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology: Evolution, adaptation, population biology, biodiversity, ecotoxicology, marine biology, radiation biology, environmental risks, environmental medicine. LS6 Applied medical and health sciences: Clinical medicine, public health, psychiatry, surgery, epidemiology, biomedical engineering, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, medical ethics. LS7 Applied biology and bioengineering, including agricultural sciences and biotechnology: Genetic engineering, GMOs, synthetic biology, plant biology, fisheries, forestry,environmental biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, biomaterials, biohazards
OBJECTIVE-> TO MAKE EUROPE MORE ATTRATIVE FOR THE BEST RESEARCHERS http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people Scope Human resource development in R&D in Europe Numerous, well-trained, motivated researchers Attract students to research careers Attract researchers to Europe and retain skills and sustainable career development Appropriate gender balance FP7 / PeopleHuman potential
Initial training of researchers - Marie Curie Networks FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN 7 May-25 Sept 2007 Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships (IEF) FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-1-IEF 14 August 2007 - Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-3-COFUND 17 Oct 2007 Industry-academia pathways and partnerships - Industry-Academia Scheme FP7-PEOPLE-2007-3-1-IAPP 31 May 2007 FP7 / PeopleActivities/ 1st calls for proposals
FP7 / PeopleActivities/1st call for proposals • International dimension - Outgoing International Fellowships FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-1-IOF 14 August 2007 - Incoming International Fellowships FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-2-IIF 14 August 2007 - Reintegration grants FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-3-IRG Continuous submission with "cut-off dates" for proposals received until 25 April and 17 Oct 2007 • Specific actions - Excellence awards FP7-PEOPLE-2007-5-2-AWARDS 29 March 2007 - Researchers' night FP7-PEOPLE-2007-5-1-1-NIGHT 3 April 2007
FP7 / CapacitiesResearch Capacity OBJECTIVE-> TO UNDERPIN THE NEEDS TO PERFORM RESEARCH http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities • Research Infrastructures INFRA-2007-2-2.27Pan-European R I for Nano-structures 1715 M€ • Research benefit of SMEs FP7-SME-2007-1 1336 M€ • Regions of Knowledge 126 M€ • Research Potential 340 M€ • Science in Society 330 M€ • International Cooperation 180 M€ • Coherent Development of Policies 70 M€
Minimum condition,general rule, at least 3 independent participants from 3 different MS or Ac Additional conditionscan be established by the SP or WP (number or type of participant, place of establishment) Specific conditionsmay also apply for: Frontier research actions,at least 1 legal entity established in a MS or Ac Collaborative projects addressing the participation of International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) minimum is 4 participants, 2 of which from MS or Ac and another 2 from ICPC countries unless otherwise foreseen in the WP Conditions for participation
Reimbursed will be according to the type of action and/or activity Research and technological development activities: up to 50% of eligible costs, or up to 75% for: Non profit public bodies secondary and higher education establishments research organisations SMEs Security related research, for highly reliable capabilities with impact on security of European citizens and targeted to a limited number of public users Demonstration activities: up to 50% Other activities including management:up to 100% Upperfunding limits (1)
Actions that will be reimbursed up to100%: Frontier research Coordination and support actions Training and career development of researchers Upper funding limits (2)
Most funding schemes, particularly at beginning of FP7 will use reimbursement of eligible costs Eligible actual (average personnel costs may be used if do not differ significantly from actual) incurred during duration of project in accordance with the beneficiary usual accounting and management principles recorded in the accounts of beneficiary used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project Non-eligible (identifiable indirect taxes including VAT…) Reimbursement of eligible costs
Participants may charge eligible directandindirect costs Reimbursement ofindirect costs: For all: either actual overhead, or simplifiedmethod, or flat rate of 20% of direct costs For Non profit Public Bodies, Secondary and Higher Education establishments, Research Organisations, and SMEs unable to identify real indirect costs, may apply for a flat rate of 60% for funding schemes with Research, Technological Development & Demonstration For Coordination and Support Actions limit of 7% of direct costs Indirect Cost
It aims at certifying the methodology of calculating(average) personnel costs and overhead rates Waives the obligation of certificates for interim payments Simplified certificate for final payments Valid throughout FP7, on a voluntary basis, must be accepted by the EC Particularly aimed at legal entities with multiple participation Certification on the methodology
Under FP7 we do not talk anymore about audit certificates but aboutcertificate on financial statements (CFS) Certificate on financial statements: Mandatory when requested funding reaches 375,000 Euro per beneficiary (except for project of 2 years or less: CFS submitted at the end) If above the threshold, mandatory for every beneficiary, except if a certification on the methodology is provided Certification on financial statements
Participant Guarantee Fund (“the Fund”): All beneficiaires contribute to the Fund to insure against losses of a defaulting participant The contribution shall not exceed 5% of the EC financial contribution due to each participant Financial interests generated by the Fund will serve to cover financial risk In principle this amount will be reimbursed at the end of the action Risk avoidance mechanism (1)
Sources: Financial Regulation/Implementing Rules, FP7 and Rules for Participation “Contract” becomes “Grant Agreement” “Contractor” becomes “Beneficiary” “Instruments” become “Funding Schemes” “Audit certificate” becomes “Certificate on Financial Statement” The results of the project (knowledge in FP6)becomes“Foreground” Pre-existing know-how becomes“Background” Terminology
Unless exempted by the call for proposals, participants will have to draw up a “consortium agreement”, to govern the following: (a) The internal organisation of the consortium (b) The distribution of the Community financial contribution (c) Additional rules on dissemination and use including intellectual property rights arrangements, as appropriate (d) The settlement of internal disputes. Consortium agreement
The Commission invites individuals to apply as prospective independent experts in order to be included in its database of experts for the Seventh Framework Programme http://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7 Who evaluates proposalsHow to become evaluator for FP7Cooperation
The Commission has invited the Member States to submit candidates as independent experts in order to be included in its specific database as panel Chairs and panel members and a pool of referees. Panel Chairs are expected to be internationally recognised, senior scientists in their fields. Panel members are expected to be senior scientists in their fields, actively pursuing research at the front line. Who evaluates proposalsHow to become evaluator for FP7Ideas
Further informationInformation research programmes projects: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7 EU research: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research RTD info magazine: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/rtdinfo
Single Helpdesk: Research Enquiries Service http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries