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Goal. Overview current crop insurance programs for main cropsHow they work, choices farmer must makeOverview Federal Disaster ProgramsHow SURE works with crop insuranceDisaster Programs are part of the Farm Bill and now crop insurance has become more soGive farmers money when they haveMove awa
1. Federal Crop Insurance and Disaster Programs Paul D. Mitchell
AAE 320: Farming Systems Management
2. Goal Overview current crop insurance programs for main crops
How they work, choices farmer must make
Overview Federal Disaster Programs
How SURE works with crop insurance
Disaster Programs are part of the Farm Bill and now crop insurance has become more so
Give farmers money when they have
Move away from ad hoc payment programs
3. Crop Insurance Program Costs Have Surpassed Commodity Program Costs in Recent Years
4. Different Data, Same Story
5. Types of Crop Insurance Policies Farmers have four choices for most crops
Are exceptions for smaller crops
Yield Insurance vs Revenue Insurance
What triggers a payment?
Yield or Revenue below the guarantee?
Individual vs. Area-Wide Coverage
Whose yield/revenue triggers payment?
Your own or your county’s?
6. Catastrophic coverage (CAT) 50% coverage level 55% price election
AGR-Lite: Insure Schedule F income
7. Types of Policies Yield Protection (YP)
Individual Yield Insurance
Revenue Protection (RP) and RP-HPE (harvest price exclusion)
Individual Revenue Insurance
GRP: Group Risk Plan
Area-wide (County) Yield Insurance
GRIP: Group Risk Income Protection
Area-wide (County) Revenue Insurance
8. Types of Policies After choose a policy, have three choices to make
Coverage Level (like the deductible)
Price Election (payment rate for losses)
Unit Structure (some policies have no options)
Explain Yield Protection details to understand others
9. YP: Yield Protection If actual harvested yield is less than your Yield Guarantee, receive an indemnity
Actual Production History (APH): Average harvested yields over last 4-10 years
Yield Guarantee: chose Coverage Level as % of your APH (Actual Production History)
Coverage Level: % average yield (APH) chosen as guarantee, from 50% to 85% by 5% intervals
Price Election: Choose price paid for each bushel below your yield guarantee, from 100% to 55% of established base price
10. Coverage Level sets Yield Guarantee—Example Year Yield
2005 145
2006 175
2007 140
2008 110
2009 185
2010 175
AVG 155
APH = 155
11. Price Election How much you are paid for each bushel that actual harvest is below yield guarantee
Base Price set by USDA-RMA: Average of Dec. corn (Nov. soybean) futures contracts on Chicago Board of Trade during February
Choose 100% to 60% of this price in 1% intervals, appears as $/bu options
Most farmers choose 100%
Price set for large regions
2011: Corn 6.01, Soybeans 13.49, Wheat 9.89
12. YP Indemnity If Harvested Yield < Yield Guarantee
Indemnity = Price x (Yguarantee – Yharvested)
Price: Chosen Price Election
Coverage Level determines your trigger, pay more for higher coverage levels
Price Election determines how much paid when have a loss, pay more for higher price election
13. Unit Structure Legally define the area (fields) insured
Planted to same crop during insurance period
Cannot cut across a county line
Separate production records for each unit
Three unit types (smallest to largest)
Optional Unit, Basic Unit, Enterprise Unit
Usually want as many optional units as can
Enterprise unit discount now larger: better??
Lots of rules: Crop insurance agent can help you figure out rules
15. Revenue Protection Combines Yield Protection with price protection based on CBOT futures prices
Your yield history and CBOT prices set your preliminary Revenue Guarantee
Same coverage levels, same unit structures
Your revenue at harvest is your yield x CBOT prices (e.g., Nov average of Dec corn)
If your harvest revenue is below your guarantee, triggers an indemnity payment
16. Initial and Final Revenue GuaranteeRP vs. RP-HPE Base Price: Feb avg of Dec corn futures
Harvest Price: Nov avg of Dec corn futures
Initial Revenue Guarantee calculated using the Base Price
Final Revenue Guarantee calculated using the maximum of Base Price and Harvest Price
Main Point: With RP, if price increases over season, your revenue guarantee increases
RP-Harvest Price Exclusion: revenue guarantee not updated with max(Base,Harvest) price
Lower indemnities with RP-HPE if price increases and have low yield, so Lower Premiums
17. RP Protects Against BothPrice Increases and Decreases If price falls or have low yield, you know you will have the grain, or the money to buy grain at existing prices, to fulfill contracts
If price increases, revenue guarantee increases too, so again you know you will have the grain, or the money to buy the grain at existing prices, to fulfill contracts
Still have to market your grain
Can now market more aggressively since you will have grain or indemnities to buy grain at existing market prices if you have a yield loss
18. RP vs. RP-HPE vs. YP(150 bu/ac APH and 70% coverage level)
19. RP vs. RP-HPE vs. YP If harvest price > base price and low yield, larger indemnity for RP than for RP-HPE
If harvest price < base price, no difference for RP vs RP-HPE
Notice: RP-HPE: can do worse than YP if high prices and low yields
RP-HPE uses actual higher harvest price to calculate actual revenue, while YP uses actual yield loss at lower base price
RP-HPE: worst if low yields and high prices, best if low yields and low prices
20. GRP Group Risk PlanGRIP Group Risk Income Protection GRP = YP, except uses NASS county average yield (not your yield)
GRIP with Harvest Revenue Option (GRIP-HR) = RP, except uses NASS county average yield
GRIP without Harvest Revenue Option (GRIP-noHR) = RP-HPE, except uses NASS county average yield
Payments not made until Mar/Apr when NASS yields come out: cash flow issues?
21. Updated Table for RP and GRIP
22. Lots of Crop Insurance Rules Lots rules: Planting dates, Late and prevented planting, Double cropping, Alternative crop uses, Corn maturity, Yield guarantees, Unit structures, Breaking new ground (CRP vs pasture)
Can forfeit your coverage if break a rule
Are ways to get the most out of your policy (use the rules to your advantage)
Insurance agents don’t always know all the rules, good agents do
23. Subsidies and Crop Insurance USDA-RMA runs crop insurance program, sets policy rules, sets premiums
Premiums subsidized so farmers pay less than the “actuarially fair” premium
If on average, $100 indemnity paid once every 4 years, then “actuarially fair” premium is $25
Private companies sell insurance policies, but govt. subsidizes their administrative costs
No premium load to cover costs
All companies sell exactly same policy at same price
Means that on average, farmers should make money from crop insurance
24. Premiums Subsidized% of the Fair Premium Farmer Pays Coverage: 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
YP & RP 33 36 36 41 41 45 52 62
GRP 41 41 45 45 49
GRIP 41 41 45 51 56
Enterprise 20 20 20 20 20 23 32 47
Main point: government and farmers each pay part of the fair (full) premium
Higher coverage, greater share of premium you pay
CAT: 100% subsidized, just pay $300 admin fee
25. Premiums: Dane County WI, 2011(160 APH) Yield Protection
26. Premiums: Dane County WI, 2011(160 APH) Revenue Protection
27. Premiums: Dane County WI, 2011(160 APH) Revenue Protection-HPE
28. Compare Policies: Basic Units
29. Crop Insurance Program Costs Have Surpassed Commodity Program Costs in Recent Years
30. WI Farmers Practices and Experiences with Crop Insurance Quick overview of WI farmer practices
Which policies popular
Which coverage levels
Quick overview of WI farmer experiences
What are loss ratios
Farmer Loss Ratios for corn and soybeans
31. WI Farmers and Crop Insurance RP (used to be CRC) most popular among those buying insurance
Slightly larger than average sized farms buy it
Use more than average number of units
70-75% coverage level popular
YO (used to be APH) popular among smaller farms
Use fewer than average number of units
CAT (corn) then 65% coverage level popular
GRIP (and GRP) used by some large farms
32. WI vs. neighboring states% planted acres insured in 2010
33. WI Crop Insurance Participation
34. Experience with Crop Insurance Loss Ratio measures insurance performance
Loss Ratio = Indemnities/Premiums
Loss Ratio of 1.5 means, on average, $1.50 in indemnities paid for every $1.00 of premiums
Crop insurance: Subsidized premiums, farmers and government each pay part
Program loss ratio = Indemnity/(Govt. + Farmer Premium)
Farmer loss ratio = Indemnity/Farmer Premium
Farmers care about farmer loss ratio
35. WI Crop Insurance for Corn in 2007
36. WI Crop Insurance for Soybeans in 2007
37. APH+CRC+RA Average County Program Loss Ratios for Corn 1995-2007
38. APH+CRC+RA Average County Program Loss Ratios for Soybeans 1995-2007
39. Summary of WI Farmer Experiences with Crop Insurance Farmers, on average over the whole state, generally win on crop insurance policies
Especially in the north
Especially for soybeans
Crop insurance is (partially) a subsidy program to help farmers when they need it most, when they have low yields and/or revenues
40. Crop Insurance for Other Crops Almost all major WI crops have a standard crop insurance policy for them, usually YP
Forage production and seeding
Small Grains: oats, rye, barley
Processing Vegetables: Potatoes, sweet corn, snap beans, green peas
Miscellaneous crops: Cranberries, hybrid seed corn, mint, apples
41. Crop Insurance Alternatives AGR-Lite: Insure farm’s Schedule F income
Multiple crops and livestock, allows you to insure whole farm revenue
Alternatives if no a policy exists
FSA non-insured crop assistance program (NAP): FSA sells CAT policy if none available
Organic prices now available for many crops
Corn, soybeans, wheat, etc.
Livestock price (not production) policies
LGM Dairy has rapidly become popular
42. Livestock Gross Margin Insurance for Dairy (LGM Dairy) New policy 1st offered August 2008
Premium subsidy recently approved, so now premiums lower (in news again)
LGM Dairy sets a floor on Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC)
If actual IOFC is less than your chosen guarantee, triggers indemnity payment
Brian Gould (AAE) local expert on LGM-dairy (using his overheads)
43. Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Establish a floor on Income over Feed Costs (IOFC)
Class III put options: Creates milk revenue floor
Feed call options: Establishes feed cost ceiling
Using this bundled option strategy, producer can establish an IOFC floor
44. LGM Dairy Gross Margin (GM) = Expected market value of milk minus Expected feed cost
Gross Margin Guarantee (GMG) = GM minus Deductible
One GMG and GM per contract
Evaluated over entire contract period
Actual Gross Margin (AGM) = Actual market value of milk minus Actual feed cost
1 AGM per contract, evaluated over full contract period
Indemnity paid if AGM is less then GMG
Uses prices as listed above, with feed use based on corn & soybean meal equivalents
45. LGM Dairy Like using bundled options except
No contract minimum size limit
Max of 240,000 cwt over 10 month fiscal year
No actual futures/options market activity
Premium not due until after contract matures
Buy from a crop insurance agent just like traditional crop insurance policies
46. LGM-Dairy Information Understanding Dairy Markets website: http://future.aae.wisc.edu
LGM-Dairy website: http://future.aae.wisc.edu/lgm_dairy.html
LGM-Dairy Mailing List: http://future.aae.wisc.edu/lgm_dairy.html#5
Brian W. Gould Victor E. Cabrera
(608)263-3212 (608)265-8506
bwgould@wisc.edu vcabrera@wisc.edu
47. Federal Disaster Programs USDA has many disaster programs to help farmers and rural residents
Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
Tree Assistance Program
Livestock Forage Program
Livestock Indemnity Program
Emergency Farm Loans
Emergency Conservation Program
Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-Raised Fish
Main Point: If there is a disaster in your area, contact your local county FSA office for information on programs
48. SURE: Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Previously, every time a disaster occurred, Congress would pass an ad hoc disaster bill to give farmers who suffered losses disaster payments
2008 Farm Bill created permanent disaster program called SURE
Are other disaster programs too, for livestock and other agricultural producers
See previous list
49. SURE: Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments New comprehensive permanent disaster program for crop farmers
Whole farm revenue guarantee added on top of crop insurance guarantees
If actual farm revenue below guarantee, SURE pays up to 60% of the difference
Free increase in your crop insurance coverage at whole farm level
50. SURE Guarantee Guarantee equals sum of all crop insurance guarantees for farm increased by 15% at the whole farm level, capped at 90%
75% coverage becomes 75% x 1.15 = 86.25%
80% coverage now 80% x 1.15 = 92%, but capped at 90%
With SURE, less need for 80% or 85% RP
Save money, reduce your crop insurance coverage level and use free SURE coverage
51. SURE Actual Revenue Actual yields x USDA marketing year average price (Sept-Aug) (Not CBOT)
Plus crop insurance indemnities, including replant and prevented planting
Plus 15% of DP’s, all CCPs & ACRE payments, all LDPs
Plus other disaster payments received
52. SURE Requirements Risk Management Purchase Requirement
To eligible for SURE payments, you must have all crops insured, including pasture
SURE supplements crop insurance and SURE guarantee depends on insurance guarantees
Small acreage exclusion applies
Cheapest route: YP CAT from crop insurance agent or NAP policy from FSA
53. SURE Payment Eligibility Details Produce in a disaster county or contiguous county or suffer 50% production loss
Suffer at least 10% production loss on at least 1 crop from a natural disaster
(Price drops alone will not trigger SURE)
Satisfy Risk Management Purchase Requirement
Must insure all crops of economic significance
Economic Significance: crop contributes at least 5% of expected total farm crop revenue
Insure hay, not new seeding or forage for grazing
54. SURE: A Big Deal! SURE payments for crop losses occurring in 2008 exceed $2.0 billion
WI Ranked 12th with >$72 million
SURE payments for crop losses occurring in 2009 so far > $166 million
WI so far >$4.2 million
Nationally so far, SURE given $2.27 billion
57. Using SURE with Insurance SURE increases your effective coverage at farm level for free, so can cut back on crop coverage level you pay for
60% RP + SURE = 69% farm coverage
65% RP + SURE = 74.75% farm coverage
70% RP + SURE = 80.5% farm coverage
75% RP + SURE = 86.25% farm coverage
80% RP + SURE = 90% farm coverage
85% RP + SURE = 90% farm coverage
75% RP + SURE gives you slightly better than 85% RP alone, so why buy 85% RP?
58. Summary Overviewed 4 main types of crop insurance
Individual vs. Area-wide, Yield vs. Revenue
Lots of issues not covered, lots of other crops can be insured
Very quick overview of SURE
Lots of issues not covered, are more disaster programs not covered here