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Welcome to Jeopardy!

Welcome to Jeopardy!. With your hosts, the Fabulous BTW Educators. Category 1. Parameters. Category 2. Importance. Category 3. Source. Category 4. Units. Category 5. Limits. Category 6. Water Quality. Game Board. Water Quality. Units. Limits. Parameters. Importance. Source.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Jeopardy! With your hosts, the Fabulous BTW Educators

  2. Category 1 Parameters

  3. Category 2 Importance

  4. Category 3 Source

  5. Category 4 Units

  6. Category 5 Limits

  7. Category 6 Water Quality

  8. Game Board Water Quality Units Limits Parameters Importance Source $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Round 2

  9. $100 Cat 1: $100 A This parameter is a measure of fecal contamination.

  10. $100 Cat 1: $100 Q What is fecal coliform? Board

  11. $200 Cat 1: $200 A This parameter is a measure of cloudiness in water.

  12. $200 Cat 1: $200 Q What Is Turbidity? Board

  13. $300 Cat 1: $300 A This parameter is a measure of Hydrogen Ions (H+).

  14. $300 Cat 1: $300 Q What is pH? Board

  15. $400 Cat 1: $400 A We can measure the electrical conductivity of substances present in water to measure this parameter.

  16. $400 Cat 1: $400 Q What Are Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)? Board

  17. $500 Cat 1: $500 A This parameter is a measure of how much oxygen microorganisms use in aerobic oxidation of organic matter.

  18. $500 Cat 1: $500 Q What Is Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.)? Board

  19. $100 Cat 2: $100 A This parameter is one of the key factors determining what species are most likely to be naturally adapted to certain climatic regions.

  20. $100 Cat 2: $100 Q What Is Water Temperature? Board

  21. $200 Cat 2: $200 A This parameter is necessary for cellular respiration in fish and macroinvertebrates.

  22. $200 Cat 2: $200 Q What is Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.)? Board

  23. $300 Cat 2: $300 A This parameter is the limiting factor for algal growth.

  24. $300 Cat 2: $300 Q What Is Phosphate (PO4)? Board

  25. $400 Cat 2: $400 A Raw sewage increases this parameter – a measurement taken after a 5-day incubation period.

  26. $400 Cat 2: $400 Q What Is Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.)? Board

  27. $500 Cat 2: $500 A Plants and animals need this nutrient to build proteins and nucleic acids.

  28. $500 Cat 2: $500 Q What is Nitrogen? Board

  29. $100 Cat 3: $100 A Riffles increase the amount of this element in water.

  30. $100 Cat 3: $100 Q What Is Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.)? Board

  31. $200 The volume of water that moves over a designated point over a fixed period of time.

  32. $200 Cat 3: $200 Q What Is Discharge (stream flow rate)? Board

  33. $300 Cat 3: $300 A Soil erosion, waste discharge, urban runoff, eroding stream banks, large numbers of bottom feeders which stir up sediment, and excessive algal growth increase the value of this parameter.

  34. $300 Cat 3: $300 Q What Is Turbidity? Board

  35. $400 Cat 3: $400 A These organisms turn water to a green color.

  36. $400 Cat 3: $400 Q What are Phytoplankton or Algae? Board

  37. Daily Double Daily Double

  38. $500 Algal blooms are usually the first sign of this – an accelerated natural cycle.

  39. $500 Cat 3: $500 Q What Is Cultural Eutrophication? Board

  40. $100 Cat 4: $100 A ° Celsius.

  41. $100 Cat 4: $100 Q What Is Water Temperature? Board

  42. $200 Cat 4: $200 A Colonies/100mL.

  43. $200 Cat 4: $200 Q What Is Fecal Coliform? Board

  44. $300 Cat 4: $300 A Jackson Turbidity Units (JTUs).

  45. $300 Cat 4: $300 Q What Is Turbidity? Board

  46. $400 Cat 4: $400 A No unit, just a number.

  47. $400 Cat 4: $400 Q What Is pH? Board

  48. $500 Cat 4: $500 A % Saturation.

  49. $500 Cat 4: $500 Q What Is Dissolved Oxygen? Board

  50. $100 Cat 5: $100 A Optimal range for fresh water organisms is 6.5 – 8.2.

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