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Getting Started. An Introduction to Your NCVPS Course. Rubric. Online Course Advantages. Accessibility Flexibility C ollege preparation S tudent to teacher communication Student to student communication. Source: http://performancepyramid.muohio.edu. Welcome.
Getting Started An Introduction to Your NCVPS Course
Online Course Advantages • Accessibility • Flexibility • College preparation • Student to teacher communication • Student to student communication Source:http://performancepyramid.muohio.edu
Welcome After you read and view the following activity, you will also complete your first assignment in the course: a forum post. Be sure to carefully read the information and follow directions. Now let's get started! Let’s move through the activity ahead.
Getting to know online learning Welcome to online learning and to our course! We are excited you have enrolled in this course and look forward to a great term with you. The purpose of this activity is to acquaint you with the course, your peers, and Moodle components. You will find helpful information about NCVPS and about how to be successful in an online course. Also, it's important to know that online courses require a lot of time, dedication, and work. Just as in a face-to-face environment, you have assignments, quizzes, tests, discussions, and projects each day. You also have an instructor who will communicate with you and assess your work daily. To begin, click on the first bullet below - moving left to right.
Getting to know online learning: Successful Online Learners • On the next slide, you'll see six characteristics of a successful online learner. • To read more about what type of online learner you are, visit our Quick Reference Guide.
Getting to know online learning: How to be successful All you need to do to prepare yourself for a successful experience at NCVPS is listed below: • Do the following items before the first day of class: • Complete this orientation! • Be aware of important dates for the upcoming semester. Find our calendars here. • Make sure you have the textbook(s) and/or materials you need for your course(s). Ask your ELA what textbooks and/or materials you need for you course. Do this before class begins. Click here see course descriptions, textbooks and materials, and technical requirements for each course. • Be sure that your e-learning advisor at your school has given you your username and password. NCVPS does NOT send usernames and passwords to students.
Getting to know online learning: Student Conduct Guidelines • Follow this to learn about the NCVPS student conduct guidelines. You will read about the importance of academic integrity, acceptable communications, acceptable use guidelines, and disciplinary actions. • Student Conduct Guidelines
Getting to know online learning: Help Center The Tech Help Center can help students with access issues, password resets, and error messages that might occur within the course. If you have a technical issue with your courses or accessing your course, complete an online ticket here: www.help.ncvps.org. Just click on "Open a New Ticket." A valid email will be required for ticket submission - so make sure you are ready to check your inbox! Online tickets will be addressed throughout the business day. We will handle these in the order they are opened. When opening an online ticket include your name, valid email, userID, course, instructor info, and a full description of the issue. If you need to speak with a technology representative, call the help desk phone number at 1-919-480-8770* during operating hours (8am-4pm, Monday-Friday except state holidays). *This is NOT a toll-free number and charges may apply. Your Instructor • Contact information for instructors can be found in the Instructor block each time you login to your course. • Your instructor can help with the following: • Answer course content questions • Reset tests and quizzes • Fix dead links • Answer basic Moodle questions E-Learning Advisor • Each school has a E-Learning Advisor (ELA). Your ELA can help you with registration issues. If you have trouble contacting your instructor, you should contact your ELA for help. Peer Tutoring • Peer tutors can helps students in numerous areas. Follow this link for peer tutoring details.
Your Turn Now that you have a better idea of what is involved in online learning, do you have any questions or concerns? This is the time to ask! You will post your questions or concerns in a Forum post for the Getting Started Module. Your teacher will read your post, address your concerns, and answer your questions. Instructor feedback is not instant, but instructors will answer your questions in a timely manner
Communication Tools NCVPS uses a variety of communication tools. This next activity will cover the most common tools your teacher may decide to incorporate throughout your course. These tools include: • Email • Moodle Messaging • Blackboard Instant Messaging • Daily Announcements
Submitting Assignments Throughout the semester, your teacher will require you to submit a variety of assignment types. They include: • Forums • Advanced uploading of a file • Quizzes
Submitting Assignments:Introduction In order for your worked to be graded, your teacher will provide clear directions for submitting your work. We have three major ways of formulating your grades. We use Forums, Advanced Upload of Files, and Quizzes. We will dive into each of these in greater detail.
Submitting Assignments:Forums You will discover that your course offers many opportunities for questions (and answers) from you. These will typically take place in forums. Forums offer a variety of ways to share thoughts. Make sure to follow instructions carefully as some forums may require you to post your own response prior to being able to join in on the conversation. This will give you the chance to submit your own unique answers before seeing others. Some forums even allow for you to add attachments and even embed media to make a more engaging conversation.
Submitting Assignments:Uploading part 1 A majority of your assignments will be submitted through the Assignment type in Moodle. These activities allow you to take files located on your computer and send them to your teacher for feedback and grading. Some of these assignments will allow you to include a personal note with your file upload.
Submitting Assignments:Uploading part 2 Once you've selected your file, you can send it for grading. Once you click on the Submit button on the previous screen, you'll receive a final warning that you will no longer be able to change this assignment once it is sent. In addition to this, you’ll see an acknowledgement of your work being authentic. You must check this box before clicking Continueonce you're ready. Once you’ve turned it in you can not update it.
Submitting Assignments:Quizzes • Throughout your course, you will have a variety of quizzes. Depending on the purpose of these quizzes and tests, you may receive a grade or you might simply be asked to take a pre-assessment or a status check along the way. There are a variety of options for each of these, so make sure you read the directions carefully. Many quizzes will give you a chance to review your answers before submitting for a grade. Others may even allow you to see what the correct answers were to guide you in your progress through a course. • This image demonstrates one way of seeing which questions were missed and which were correct, the total score, and some feedback to guide you through items you may have missed.
Managing Forum Posts A large portion of your courses conversations will come from Forums. The next section focuses on how to navigate, participate, and manage these conversations.
Managing Forum Posts:Navigating Forums • Each forum will contain it's own set of instructions. Make sure to pay close attention to how your teacher wants you to structure your discussion. Most teachers prefer that replies are posted in the proper location and new topics are set up as a separate item in that forum.
Managing Forum Posts:Participating in Forums • You have a couple of options when participating in forums. You may add a new topic or reply to another discussion thread. In addition to these settings you'll see the option to edit your post within a predetermined number of minutes. This option may be turned off by your teacher, if required for the assignment. To edit or delete a post, you must be the author.
Managing Forum Posts:Managing Forums • This is one of the most helpful parts of this activity. Every NCVPS course should contain an Activity block, typically underneath the Teacher block on the left side. Any activities in your course should be grouped into categories. To get to the Forums page, click on Forums. From here, you'll be able to see all the conversations in your course. • Forums are arranged in the same order they appear in your course. They are sorted by Topic (module or unit), the name of the forum, and the description. In addition to that, when given the option, you can view the number of discussions in each forum, the number of unread posts, the ability to track unread items, and (optionally) a chance to subscribe to forums via email. Make sure that your profile contains a valid email address. • This is the end of the Managing Forum Posts activity. Please continue to the Managing Forum Posts quiz.
NCVPS Grading Policy NCVPS has a standard grading policy. Please review the following documentation to help you better understand how our grading policy works.
NCVPS Grading Policy:Introduction The official NCVPS Grading Policy Quick Reference Guide can be downloaded here. This activity will take you through an in depth exploration of our grading policy. It is setup as a Frequently Asked Questions interactive document. Feel free to jump to the questions you'd like to learn more about.
NCVPS Grading Policy:Grading Scales Standard Grading Scale for Block Classes (Fall and Spring Sessions) Midterm: 37.5% (First Grade Report) End Term: 37.5% (Second Grade Report) *Final Exam: 25%
NCVPS Grading Policy:Grading Policy (Cont.) Standard Grading Scale for Yearlong Classes 18.75% (First Grade Report) 18.75% (Second Grade Report) 18.75% (Third Grade Report) 18.75% (Fourth Grade Report) 25% (Exam)*
NCVPS Grading Policy:Grading Policy (Cont.) Standard Grading Scale for Summer Classes 75% Cumulative grade for all course work 25% Final Project or Final Exam*
NCVPS Grading Policy:Final Exams & EOCs The Final Exam for EOC and CTE courses will be the EOC and VOCATS score. Schools are responsible for the administration of all EOC and CTE tests. For those courses, the grades that NCVPS reports to the school will be 75% of the final grade. Schools will score the EOCs and CTEs and average in the remaining 25% to determine the final grade.
NCVPS Grading Policy:Summer Session Grades NCVPS will report one cumulative grade for the summer session. The cumulative grades NCVPS reports to the school for EOC and CTE courses during the summer session will be 75% of the final grade. *SAT Prep will not have a final exam because of the two-part nature of the course.
NCVPS Grading Policy:Credit Recovery Grades Once all units of the Credit Recovery course are mastered, NCVPS will notify the school of the student’s completion of the course and a final numerical grade earned for the course on the final grade report. EOC testing will be the responsibility of the school; the school will also need to calculate the student’s final grade using the NCVPS final course grade (75%) and the EOC grade (25%). Beginning in the Fall of 2011: As described by the North Carolina State Board of Education, beginning in the Fall of 2011, all courses taken as credit recovery, despite the program, can only receive a final designation of PASS or FAIL. No final numerical grades may be given for these courses. If a student wishes to take a failed course in order to earn a final grade, credit recovery courses should not be taken. Here is the Executive Summary released by the North Carolina State Board of Education: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/stateboard/meetings/2010/12/gcs/12gcs.pdf
NCVPS Grading Policy:Moodle Gradebook During the semester, grades will be posted to the online grade book so that students can check their current classroom standing. If students do not see their grades posted to the gradebook, the instructor should be notified. NOTE: Students and parents should be aware that student grades will be officially reported by the instructor to the school ELA on a nine 9-week schedule, depending on the district’s reporting requirements. Instructors have the option of giving a comprehensive, cumulative exam at the end of each semester. For districts that require final exams, the second semester exam may serve as the course final. All students are also required to take the state-mandated, discipline-specific end-of-course exams. In addition, the local school may require students in AP courses to take the AP exam. Students should communicate with the school ELA or school counselor about AP exam expectations.
NCVPS Grading Policy:Other notes 1. Teachers will give actual grades (0-100) on individual assignments 2. Bi-weekly progress reports will reflect actual averages 3. For the first grading period of a block course or the first and second grading periods of a year-long course, a student can not earn a reported grade average of less than 60. 4. For the second grading period of a block course or the third and fourth grading periods of a year-long course, a student can not earn a reported grade average of less than a 50.
Moodle Gradebook Each course has a separate gradebook. To access your grades, click on Grades in the Settings block. To switch between the full grade report, and overall grade for your course. Click on Overview or User report. Finding your grades Changing your view
Moodle Gradebook The Moodle Gradebook is fairly easy to navigate. Make sure to click through all the interactive labels to learn more about the layout of your gradebook.
Moodle Gradebook:Column Headers The column headers outline the item, grade, percentage, and feedback (if available). The feedback column is particularly useful when submitting assignments with the Advance upload of files activity.
Moodle Gradebook:Assignment Mastery If it applies, your assignments will designate whether or not your assignment's grade is at mastery or not. This will appear in the Grade column.
Moodle Gradebook:Category Total Your category totals indicate how you are doing for a particular unit, module, topic, or grading period. This will help serve as an indicator of how you are doing each step of the way.
Moodle Gradebook:Feedback As you progress through your course, the feedback column can give you a better perspective of how your work is improving. This is particularly useful when reviewing for assessments.
Next Steps • Make sure you have a solid understanding of the materials presented so far, review this lesson if you need to. • Make sure you post any questions in the Getting Started Questions & Concerns forum, located in your course. • Complete your Getting Started final quiz, located at the top of your Moodle course. • Start your course with NCVPS.