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CCMDB 7.2. CCMDB 7.2 at a Glance. Time to Value : Quick deployment via automation and out of the box content. Visualization : Make it easy to view and understand CIs and process flows. Audit Variance Remediation : Easily correct Audit variances.

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  1. CCMDB 7.2

  2. CCMDB 7.2 at a Glance • Time to Value: Quick deployment via automation and out of the box content. • Visualization: Make it easy to view and understand CIs and process flows. • Audit Variance Remediation: Easily correct Audit variances. • Simplified Change Process: Simple flow that includes more automation and guides the user through every step. • Automated Impact Analysis • Restricted Change Schedules: Changes cannot be scheduled during blackout periods. • Multi-Customer/Service Provider support

  3. CCMDB 7.2 Details Contents • CMDB Initialization • Configuration Management • Change Management • Additional Improvements

  4. Discovered CIs in TADDM Actual CIs Authorized CIs Import Promote CMDB Initialization Deployment steps to populate a CMDB with Actual (discovered) CIs as well as creating Authorized CIs that are needed by your business processes.

  5. Discovered CIs in TADDM Actual CIs Import Importing Discovered CIs Business Value: Improve time to value by making it quicker and easier to get the CIs needed for you business. CCMDB 7.2: • Additional filtercapabilities for importing discovered CIs from TADDM: • Better control over the data that gets imported by specifying which CI types to include and exclude, as well as better performance due to less data. • Increased flexibility and control by specifying depth by CI type. • Performance improvements. • Automate configuration of ITIC TADDM CI adapters, which import CI. • Improved documentation.

  6. Authorized CIs Creating an Authorized CI Space Business Value: Improve time to value by making it quicker and easier to get the CIs needed for you business. CCMDB 7.2: New and improved CI design tool, Deployer’s Workbench. It allows administrators to easily design the Authorized CI Space that their Authorized CIs will exist in by choosing which CI types and relationships are critical to their business. Features include: • Best Practices Authorized CI Spaces. They can be used as is and can be imported into a CCMDB server with 2 clicks. • Drag and drop from Best Practices CI Spaces, Common Data Model, or Actual CI Space to create your own Authorized CI Space easily. • Easilyimport and exportCI Spaces from one environment to another. • Documentation to guide you through every step.

  7. Easily update CI Type properties, including attributes Deployer’s Workbench 7.2 Shows how many CIs you have, to help decide which CI Types should be included. New relationship view, to easily see relationships. 2 Best Practices Authorized CI Spaces: Comprehensive and Simple.

  8. Actual CIs Authorized CIs Promote CI Promotion Business Value: Improve time to value by making it quicker and easier to get the CIs needed for you business. CCMDB 7.2: CI Promotion allows Authorized CIs to be created from Actual CIs and then linked to the corresponding Actual CI. Update promotionwas added to allow customers to promote again CI's that have been previously been promoted. This includes: • Ability to sync existing authorized CIs with promotion. • Ability to sync attribute values and create related CIs that are newly discovered. • Expand the promotion scope and "re-promote" to create additional related CIs. • Add an attribute from a classification and all CI instances are affected. • Requires a RFC to update any CI that is in a protected state.

  9. Configuration Management

  10. View CI Topology Business Value: Improve service performance (reduce outages) and reduce costs (remove audit fines) by identifying the CIs that are critical to your business and understanding how they are related to each other. CCMDB 7.2: A new graphic topology view was added to easily view and identify important CIs. Features include: • Available in CI application, Actual CI application, and Change application for viewing Impacted CIs. • Easy configuration to see exactly what is important for your business. • Icons that make it easy identify CIs, what state they are in, and can be configured if needed.

  11. CI Topology Viewer UI Generic Controls to pan, zoom, view overview, and select part of a diagram. Filters to display or highlight CI relationships, classifications and depth of topology. 2 views. Business view only shows CI classifications that are critical to the Business (these are configured when creating or updating the CI classifications). View CI status, descriptions and additional info on CIs. .

  12. CI Management Business Value: Provide accurate Authorized CIs to allow business processes to run successfully and efficiently. CCMDB 7.2: • Improved CI Names. A new name field was added to all CI Applications. • The field uses improved logic to provide a more descriptive name. • This new name field can be edited by users. • Discovered CI's in TADDM that get deleted will get deleted in the Actual CI Space. • History will be kept of all deleted Actual CIs and can be viewed with a report. • Queries can be run to find Authorized CI's that are linked to a deleted Actual CI, so the user can handle appropriately. • Out of the box queries added to allow users to immediately get the information they need: • Actual CI's that are and are not link to an Authorized CI. • Authorized CI's that are and are not linked to an Actual CI.

  13. CI Auditing Business Value: Provide accurate Authorized CIs to allow business processes to run successfully and efficiently. CCMDB 7.2: Immediately remediate an audit variance by updating an Authorized CI to reflect the Actual value.

  14. CI Auditing Cont. Business Value: Provide accurate Authorized CIs to allow business processes to run successfully and efficiently. CCMDB 7.2: Determine exactly what remediation is needed from an audit variance: • Create a Change or Service Request to handle the remediation of an audit variance. • View approved Changes for a CI when viewing an audit variance to help determine if there was an approved change that caused the variance. • View CI attribute history while viewing an audit variance. • View the last audit results for the same CI.

  15. Change Management

  16. Simplified Change process Business Value: Reduce costs by making it quick and easy to process a change, and reduce risk and impacts by planning and communicating the change before it actually occurs. CCMDB 7.2: New workflow based Change Process provided out of the box. • Invocation of automated impact analysis & scheduling • Approval enhancements • Multi-level Change authorization • Support for multiple approvers at each level (e.g. multiple CAB's) • Easy to add additional adhoc approvers as needed • Enhanced job plans to capture impact assessment workflow assignments

  17. Simplified Change Cont. New tabs that align with each major phase in the Change process and contain the information relevant to that phase. A new Progress Map provides a visual representation of the states that change record has to progress through for completion.. .

  18. Simplified Change Cont. Workplan Map is a visual representation of all activities and tasks. It exists on a new tab in a Change to provide a snapshot or visual indicator of all tasks. It includes the status for individual tasks, tasks in a hierarchy, and shows task dependencies.

  19. E-Storefront Operating System Computer System WebSphere Database Purchasing Impact Analysis Business Value: Reduce risk caused by a change by easily and accurately determining the impacts ahead of time. CCMDB 7.2: Automated identification of possible service outages. Two techniques provided to determine impacts: • Calculated • Engine executes a set of (configurable) rules against the CMDB • Follows relationships to find all impacts • Historical Analysis • Data mining of previously identified impacts • Re-use work done previously

  20. Impact Analysis Cont. View impacts in a Topology View. View Summary (and manage impacts) in a tabular view.

  21. Define Change Process Behavior Business Value: Provide a convenient way to make the completion of a Change easier, more efficient, and more repeatable across similar Changes. CCMDB 7.2: Define process behavior in an easily configured format. • Set the criteria/condition that is then used by the Change process to apply the response plan. • Once the response plan is applied, the behavior is executed. Examples: • Assign owner to new Changes • Assign job plan to a Change • Define Standard Changes

  22. Avoid Blackout Periods Business Value: Minimize the severity of impacts and disruption to services. CCMDB 7.2: Blackout periods identify critical business periods when outages would be expensive. • Automated Change scheduling will avoid blackout periods • Can apply to all CI's or to selected CI's • Configuration Item application shows blackout periods for the CI • Blackout period approvers can be specified Get a Change schedule approval vote if an implementation task is scheduled during the blackout period. • Blackout period has a type to indicate what is allowed • Restricted • Lockdown

  23. Detect Schedule Conflicts Business Value: Minimize the severity of impacts and disruption to services. CCMDB 7.2: • View all schedule conflicts and their details directly in a Change. • Three types of conflicts: • Change Window • Blackout Period • CI (multiple Change implementations scheduled for a CI at the same time) • Change Implementation Schedule highlights conflicts • Change process workflow adds additional approvers if conflicts exist • Nightly background calculation identifies Changes with conflicts • Out of the box query in Changes app to view and select all Changes with conflict. • Out of the box report lists all Changes with conflicts

  24. Additional Improvements

  25. Multi-Customer enablement Multi-Customer enablement or Service Provider support allows management of Change and Configuration for multiple Customers in single instance deployment. New applications to manage multiple customers.

  26. Additional Improvements • Additional Middleware / OS Platform Support WebLogic, Solaris, AIX 6.1, SuSE 9 & 10 for Z, RedHat 4 & 5 for Z, RedHat 5 64 bit, Windows Server 2008, SuSE 9 & 10 • LDAP is now an optional requirement • Automated Uninstall of CCMDB • Linux support for admin workstation • TADDM no longer required to be up and running before installing CCMDB

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