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Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Drug Use: Yesterday and Today. Alcohol Importance in Early Development of Colonial US. Colonial settlers objected to drunkenness not drinking. Drinking home brew was prudent because 1. Water wells were contaminated 2. TB was transmitted via cow’s milk

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Chapter 2

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  1. Chapter 2 Drug Use: Yesterday and Today

  2. Alcohol Importance in Early Development of Colonial US • Colonial settlers objected to drunkenness not drinking. • Drinking home brew was prudent because • 1. Water wells were contaminated • 2. TB was transmitted via cow’s milk • 3. Yeast in home brew provided many vitamins and minerals

  3. Early Whiskey production in the US • After revolutionary war: • 1. It was unprofitable for Virginia, Kentucky, Western PA and Maryland farmers to ship grain to east coast markets. • 2. Converted grain into whiskey. A value added product • 3. Bourban County, KY became famous as home of Bourbon.

  4. Cont. Early Whiskey production of the US • 4. Rev. Elijah Craig is credited with developing Bourbon • 5. Feds imposed tax on whisky in 1791 • 6. Resulted in Whiskey Rebellion in Western PA • 7. President Washington sent in Militia to put down rebellion

  5. History of Marijuana Use • China 2723 BC Emperor Shen Nung prescribed marijuana for gout, malaria, Rheumatism, and gas pains. • Use banned in China in 500 BC because It made youth disrespectful to elders. • Used in India for religious and festive purposes. • Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote marijuana used for cloth and intoxication.

  6. History of Marijuana Use Cont. • Greek physician, Galan (200-130BC), wrote marijuana seeds used to stimulate appetite and produce a sense of warmth. • Believed to have arrived in Western Europe circa 500 BC • Use in US dates to 1545. • Early 1900’s, was used by Hispanics in South West and Blacks in ghettos

  7. History of Opium Use • Use dates back 6000 years, Samarian Tablet referred to poppy plant as joy plant. • Egyptians, circa 1500 BC used as medicine to stop children from crying excessively • Greek God of Sleep, Hypnos, is pictured carrying a container of poppy pods. • Roman God of sleep, Somnus, is pictured carrying a container of poppy pods.

  8. History of Opium Use Cont. • Galan, Greek physician, opium included in candies and cakes. • Galan, Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius addicted to opium. • Arabs introduced to opium use via trade with China and India because Korean forbade alcohol use. • Chinese Emperor banned use in 1729 because the use was thought to threaten the country.

  9. History of Opium Use Cont. • British merchants encouraged opium cultivation in India because they could make a profit from smuggling it into China. • Led to two opium wars between Britian and China – 1839 and again in 1856. • Thomas Sydenham developed Laudanum, opium derived drug in 1600s which popularized use. • Fredrick Serturner, Morphine, 1806: Alexander Woods syringe in 1853.

  10. Early Efforts to Control Mind Altering Drugs in the US • 1700- Temperance movement, Benjamin Rush. • 1851 Governor Neal Dow, Maine enacted legislation to stop alcohol use in state. • 1855 Eleven states and two territories enacted laws to ban alcohol use. • 1891 Congress passed an excise tax on whiskey to raise revenue. • 1842 Congress imposed tax on crude opium. • 1883 Feds signed first opium related treaty to regulate opium trade.

  11. History of Coffee Use • Use as beverage dates back to 900 AD in Arabia • Koran banned its use in 1600 because it was considered an intoxicant. • Use in England and France dates back to mid 1600s • Coffee houses mushroomed thereafter- penny a cup places of learning for men. • Edward Lloyd Coffee House established circa 1700- Later became Lloyds of London, Insurance Co. • Today in US, approximately 90% of Americans use coffee in some form daily.

  12. History Use of Cocaine Use • Use dates back to 3000 BC in Incan Empire, South America • Spanish Conquistadores tried to stop use but popularity increased • Use in medicines, wine and coca cola popularized use further • Freud extolled medical value of cocaine and that led to more wide spread use

  13. History of Amphetamine Use • Synthesized in Germany at Beyer Pharmaceutical Co in 1887 • First used medically in 1920

  14. History of Barbiturates, Non Barbiturate Sedatives, Minor Tranquilizers • Barbituric Acid discovered 1863, Adolf von Beyer • Barbital was developed from Barbituric Acid by 2 German Scientists to treat anxiety and nervousness • Non Barbiturate Sedatives: • Bromides developed 1860 to treat epileptic convulsion • Choral hydrate synthesized 1832 as soporific • Paraldehyde synthesized 1882 as soporific • Minor Tranquilizers: Anti Anxiety agents • First placed on market in 1950s • Includes: Meprobamate, Benzodiazepine, Librium, Valium

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