This file contains the three figures used in John Mueller’s “The Iraq Syndrome,” as published in the November-December 2005 issue of Foreign Affairs with the Iraq and Afghanistan figures updated. It also contains several other related tables and graphs. The first figure relates to the postscript on the article, published by foreignaffairs.com in March 2011. --updated to March 20, 2011
Percent saying “stay out” Troops to Bosnia End of Vietnam War Iraq War Beginning of Vietnam War Gulf War 9/11 Kosovo Do you think it will be best for the future of this country if we take an active part in world affairs, or if we stayed out of world affairs?
In view of the developments since we entered the fighting in Korea, do you think the United States made a mistake in deciding to defend Korea (South Korea), or not? Or: Do you think the United States made a mistake in going into the war in Korea, or not?(percent supporting of those with opinion) China enters war
In view of the developments since we entered the war in Vietnam, do you think the U.S. made a mistake sending troops to fight in Vietnam?(percent supporting of those with opinion) Tet offensive
In view of the developments since we first sent our troops to Iraq, do you think the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq, or not?(percent supporting of those with opinion) After London bombings Iraq elections 9/11 fifth After Iraq elections Iraq forms government Petraeus report Abu Ghraib Katrina
Thinking (now) about U.S. military action in Afghanistan (that began in October 2001): Do you think the United States made a mistake in sending military forces to Afghanistan, or not?(percent supporting of those with opinion) 9/11
Support for the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan Time, in years, since the beginning of the war
Suppose President George W. Bush decides to order U.S. troops into a ground attack against Iraqi forces. Would you favor or oppose that decision? (If support) The number of possible casualties in a ground war with Iraq had been estimated at between 100 American soldiers, if the Iraqi military offers little resistance, to as many at 5,000 American soldiers if the Iraqi Republican Guard fight an effective urban defense. With this in mind, would you still support sending ground troops to fight in Iraq if it meant that up to 100 American soldiers would be killed in battle, or not? (If yes) Would you still support sending ground troops if up to 500 American soldiers were killed in battle or not? (If yes) Up to 1,000? (If yes) Up to 5,000? (If yes) Would you say you would support sending ground troops to fight in Iraq no matter what iT cost in American casualties, or not? --Los Angeles Times December 15-17, 2002: before the war 35% Oppose war 7 Don't know if favor or oppose 58 Favor war 49% Still favor if any killed 46% Still favor if 100 killed 43% Still favor if 500 killed 37% Still favor if 1000 killed 32% Still favor if 5000 killed 24% Still favor if more than 5000 but not unlimited 17% Still favor no matter the cost in American casualties 6% Don't know about casualties Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war in Iraq? --Washingon Post December 15-17, 2006: nearly 3000 U.S. fatalities 31 Favor war 67 Oppose war 8 Unsure
Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power? --Gallup 9/11 Campaign for war begins
Do you think removing Saddam Hussein from power was worth the loss of American life and other costs of attacking Iraq, or not?Percent worth it--CBS News Saddam captured
All in all, do you think it was worth going to war in Iraq, or not? Wording prior to 6/03: "All in all, do you think the current situation in Iraq is worth going to war over, or not?" Wording, 6/03-12/03: "All in all, do you think the situation in Iraq was worth going to war over, or not?" Saddam captured
Again thinking about the goals versus the costs of the war, so far in your opinion has there been an acceptable or unacceptable number of U.S. casualties in Iraq? Percent acceptable--Washington Post
All in all, considering the costs to the United States versus the benefits to the United States, do you think the war with Iraq was worth fighting or not?Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat? --Washington Post Strongly oppose Oppose Oppose Somewhat oppose Somewhat favor Favor Favor Strongly favor
Do you think the United States should keep its military forces in Iraq until civil order is restored there, even if that means continued U.S. military casualties; OR, do you think the United States should withdraw its military forces from Iraq in order to avoid further U.S. military casualties, even if that means civil order is not restored there?Percent for keeping U.S. forces in Iraq--Washington Post