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Anomaly Intrusion Detection. Research and Project Overview Presented by: Yevgeniy Gershteyn Larisa Perman 05/15/2003. Outline. Research: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems (ADS) Attacks Neural Networks Applications Project: User Profiler for UNIX
Anomaly Intrusion Detection Research and Project Overview Presented by: Yevgeniy Gershteyn Larisa Perman 05/15/2003
Outline • Research: • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) • Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems (ADS) • Attacks • Neural Networks Applications • Project: User Profiler for UNIX • Goal • Design • Hopfield NN • Demo
Introduction • Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are special security mechanisms to prevent the computer systems and networks from stream of harmful activities. • Intrusion detection systems are devided into • misuse or signature based detection • anomaly detection • To determine system security risk, system monitoring is used to screen users activities (log and usage files). • To classify obtained data to detect intrusion attempts neural networks can be applied because of their ability to learn and generalize
Misuse Detection • Detects only known attacks based on attack signatures (patterns). • Works quite accurately with no false alarms to be raised. • Cannot detect previously unknown attacks which signatures are not available.
Anomaly Detection • Can detects previously unknown attacks. • Looks for differences between current activitiesandstatistical model of past behavior. • Focusing on normal system behaviors, rather than attack behaviors. • Normalbehaviors have a profile that was created during the training period in the absence of attacks in the experiential system. • Machine learning techniques are used for this. • Current activities of the system which are different from a profile are irregular behaviors and classified as potential intrusions.
Anomaly Detection (drawbacks) • Unable to identify and classify the specific type of detected attacks. • Systems depend of the type of attack they has been looking for. • Generate a large amount of false alarms. • Cannot distinguish whether irregular activities are intrusions or unusual but legal. Non-intrusion can be labeled as intrusion. • If the attack occurs while the creating a normal behavior profile, this intrusive behavior will be a part of the normal behavior.
Anomaly Detection (cont.) • Depends on the source of input data anomaly based intrusion detection systems can be divided onto host based and network based. • Host based systems focus on the users (or programs) activities at hosts and use different methods to build a normal behaviors profile. • Network based systems focus on the packets which are transmitted over the network. Based on the type of used data they are classified into traffic and application.
Anomaly Detection (cont.) • Traffic models are used to monitor the stream of packets to determine particular parameters to detect varieties of attacks, such as port scans or denial-of-service (DOS) attacks. • Application models integrate application specific knowledge to detect attacks on a particular service on target machine, such as Remote-to-Local (R2L) attacks.
Attacks • Denial of service attacks attempt to render a system or service unusable to legitimate users. • Probing/surveillance attempt to map out system vulnerabilities and usually serve as a launching point for future attacks. • Remote to local attempt to gain local account privilege from a remote and unauthorized account or system. • User to root attempt to elevate the privilege of a local user to root (or super user) privilege.
Mimicry Attacks – Hacker’s Tips • Slip under the radar is when attacker is trying to avoid causing any change whatsoever in the observable behavior of the application. • However, with modern systems it is hard to make huge harm to the system, because it is hard to do something in the system without system calls. • Be patient is simply to be patient: wait passively for a time when the malicious sequence will be accepted by the IDS as normal behavior, and then pause the application and insert the malicious sequence. • In this case attacker must wait long time to get chance to do destructions of the system, but it is possible and may have dangerous outcomes.
Hacker’s Tips (cont.) • Be patient, but make your own luck is one way the attacker can improve upon passive patience is by loading the dice. • The attacker can look for the most favorable path of execution and nudge the application into following that path. • For this technique attacker should learn behavior of the intrusion detection system and identify this paths. • Replace system call parameters is another observation is that most schemes completely ignore the arguments to the system call. • System call: open("/lib/libc.so", O_RDONLY) • Looks indistinguishable (to the IDS) from the malicious call: open("/etc/shadow", O_RDWR) • Prevention of this attack is not widely used in intrusion detection system, so more attention needed for especially this method of the attack.
Hacker’s Tips (cont.) • Insert no-ops is another observation • If there is no convenient way to insert the given malicious sequence into the application's system call stream, we can often vary the malicious sequence slightly by inserting “no-ops" into it. • In this kind of attack, does not indicate what the purpose of the attacker is in the system. • Generate equivalent attacks is a way of generating variations on the malicious sequence without changing its effect gives the attacker an extra degree of freedom in trying to evade detection.
Main Goal of ADSs • The main goal of latest researches on ADS is maximize the amount of detected intrusions and minimize the rate of false alarms. • It is necessary to know what characteristics of the system were learned while the profile was created and what type of the information is in there. • It is important to choose a suitable set of features in order to enhance the structure and contents of the profile. • It is helpful to apply potential resources of a profile to determine and regulate its size and complexity to make it suitable (or comprehensive) depends of the system needs.
Why Neural Networks? • Neural Networks is used because of their ability to learn and generalize. • able to classify inputs from exposure to a set of training inputs and application of well defined learning rules • can produce reasonable classifications for novel inputs (assuming the network has been trained well) • Major issues: • how to encode the data for input to the network • what network topology should be used • how to train the networks • how to perform anomaly detection with a supervised training algorithm • what to do with the data produced by the neural network.
IDS and Neural Networks • Training Mode: • Supervised Learning: • Covers entire domain because instead of looking for a specific match, it looks for a pattern match. • Unsupervised Learning: • Tries to find patterns within a dataset and seek to group them according to the most relevant features. • Useful for large volumes of raw data with little (or no) knowledge of the interrelations between different field in the vector.
IDS and Neural Networks • Feedback Mechanism • Feed-forward Networks (non-recurrent) • Draws conclusion solely on its own data vector: No other data or previous results are used and no system memory. • Suitable for problems where the data vectors are independent of each other. • Simple to train and deploy. • Recurrent Networks • Result of previous decision may influence subsequence decision. • Data sets need to be carefully designed to make appropriate relations between different vectors.
Research Efforts • MLP – the most common NN used in IDS • Based on monitored data. • Anomaly Detection on user behavior analysis. • As alternative approach to signature based misuse detection. • Concern: when data set becomes big, accuracy goes down. • Self Organizing Map – the most recent approach • Applied to user behavior, applications and process analysis. • Accuracy for big data sets as good as for small. • Trend to use multiple technologies • One technique to create data set, and NN to learn and generalize, analyze and update data set.
MLP in UNIX Security • The project goal: Utilize NN to problem of user anomaly detection. • The system used MPL network to attempt to train and detect anomalies in real-time. • The system was designed to continuously modify and adapt to its user’s normal behavior. • The system’s monitoring domain: • User Activity times, User login hosts, User foreign hosts, Command set, and CPU usage. • It successfully detect a wide variety of anomalies on a student host in a university setting.
Host Based ID using SOM • Examine session data by users on a UNIX system in search behavioral anomalies. • Collects the following session data for analysis: • User group, Connection type, Connection source, Connection time • The collected data is preprocessed and normalized for presentation to SOM analysis engine. • Engine has two levels • 3-map tier which summarizes the first three input domains with respect to time. • Correlates the conclusions of the first tier. • Result: each user group can be examined and associated with particular user behavior.
User Profiler for UNIX Project Overview
Goals • Design the system to determine users whose activities are higher than their authorized level. • Develop an algorithm to evaluate and analyze the dissimilarity between the assigned pattern and the obtained outcome for the user. • Apply Neural Network techniques to solve the task. • Chose one of the existing Neural Network techniques and build the Neural Network to perform these tasks. • Train and test the Neural Network with the suitable data set. • Implementation of the designed system. • Implement Neural Network • Develop a Profiler • parse user’s data from UNIX log files • prepare the input for Neural Network • analyze Neural Network results
Design • Classified UNIX commands into five classes considering how harmful they are. • Created 3 main users’ patterns: • student { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 } • faculty { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 } • admin { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } • Since actual data wasn’t available at that time, data set was simulated.
Neural Network • Single layer Hopfield Network with 5 interconnected neurons Note: Hopfield Network was described by Dr. Reznik in Topic 5
Hopfield Network • Input X, Output Y, Weighted Matrix W • Stored patterns Y1, Y2, Y3 • Calculate weighted matrix: • Activate Net by applying the input vector X • Calculate the actual output Y • Compare the result with appropriate pattern M W = ∑ YmYTm – M * I m=1
Implementation DEMO • Source Code: • HopfieldNetwork.java • Matrix.java • Profiler.java • ProfilerException.java • SystemMaps.java • Tools.java • UserInfo.java • Data: • system.dat • users.dat
Conclusion • MLP is widely used network. However, for big input set it is not useful. • Recurrent networks overcome MLP, since they are self-learning. • Our experiment with Hopfield Network just proofed that self-learning is a good technique for IDS. • In our opinion, unsupervised networks will push down supervised learning.
References • A. Ghosh, A. Schwartzband, and M Schatz. Learning Program Behavior Profiles for Intrusion Detection. Preceding of the Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring, April 1999 • K. Tan, The Application of Neural Networks to UNIX Computer Security. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/tan95application.html (2003) • A. Ghosh and A. Schwartzband. A Study in using Neural Networks for Anomaly and Misuse Detection. Preceding of the 8th USENIX Security Symposium, August 1999 • D. Wagner, P. Soto Mimicry attacks on host-based intrusion detection systems. Proceedings of the 9th ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security, Washington, DC, USA. Pages: 255 – 264, 2002 • R. Sekar, A. Gupta, J. Frullo, T. Shanbhag, A. Tiwari, H. Yang, and S. Zhou. Specification-based anomaly detection: a new approach for detecting network intrusions. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, pages 265–274, 2002. • R Christopher Krügel, Thomas Toth, and Engin Kirda. Service specific anomaly detection for network intrusion detection. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Computer Applied Computing, pages 201–208, 2002. • Alexandr Seleznyov and Oleksiy Mazhelis. Learning temporal patterns for anomaly intrusion detection. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Computer Applied Computing, pages 209–213, 2002.
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