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Learning about Sex and Sexuality. 1. Complete the questionnaire about sexual values 2. Complete the small group question sheet – “Learning about sex and sexuality”. GUIDELINES FOR SENSITIVE TOPICS Be respectful in your tone of voice and actions. Pass if you feel uncomfortable.
Learning about Sex and Sexuality 1. Complete the questionnaire about sexual values 2. Complete the small group question sheet – “Learning about sex and sexuality”
GUIDELINES FOR SENSITIVE TOPICS Be respectful in your tone of voice and actions. Pass if you feel uncomfortable. Respect others right to pass (that is, not answer or contribute if they choose). Always use correct vocabulary, if you know it. Be serious, but keep it casual. How do I talk about this stuff?
Keep it general (Do not share personal information or ask direct personal questions) Getting out of your “comfort zone” is a learning experience. Be open to taking risks. Avoid put-downs. Keep interactions positive, even if you don’t agree. Use basic rules of courtesy. Wait for your turn, talk quietly, wait until others are finished talking before you begin. Time outs will be used if guidelines are not followed. Watch yourself!
Sexual Activity at a young age What are the risks?
Try to define: • Sex (as in the sex of a person) • Gender • Sexual • Sexuality • Sexual intercourse Let’s get the terms straight!
Sex – biological maleness and femaleness – refers to physical characteristics • Gender – the culturally and socially constructed difference between male and female • Sexual – an act or behavior that is related to sex • Sexuality – the total expression of a person’s maleness or femaleness through that person’s feelings, beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviours • Sexual intercourse – the sexual union that involves the insertion of the penis into the mouth, vagina or anus – some dictionaries also define it as any physical contact between individuals involving stimulation of the genital organs of at least one. Let’s get the terms straight!
Discuss: • How is gender affected by culture? • How did you learn about “how to be” in our culture as a male or female? • How do you think these social “norms” help and hurt people of both genders? Give examples for each. In your small group…
In your notes: Name 5 risks you are aware of. • How can we avoid these risks? What are the risks associated with teenage sexual activity?
Human sexuality is not only a physical act. • While the physical risks are significant (infections, diseases, unplanned pregnancy, sexual assault etc.), other aspects of people are also deeply affected. • Connect sexuality to the other aspects of humans • Social: (how are relationships, reputation affected?) • Intellectual: (what learning needs to exist?) • Emotional: (how does sex create emotional vulnerability?) • Spiritual: (how is the relationship with God and the Church affected?) • Read “Early Sexual Activity” article and summarize, list risks in your notes. • Rank the risks in order from your greatest concern to your least concern. Sexuality and SPIES
All Christians are called to chastity. • Chastity is defined as a virtue for moderating (controlling) sexual urges • it integrates sexuality and the person – sex is not just a physical act. • Sexuality is part of God’s plan when it is used appropriately. What are my options?
What is chastity? • For unmarried people – practice abstinence (do not have sex) until marriage • For married people – be faithful (chaste) to your partner for a lifetime • For the priests, religious sisters and brothers – practice celibacy (a vow to avoid sexual relations) • Chastity is a positive choice, rather than avoidance. Our faith can help us make that choice – and can help it be less difficult What are my options?
The Church teaches that sexual intercourse is shared by a husband and wife for two purposes: • To unite them and express their love • To welcome children into their lives. • The Church’s teachings are clearly against adultery, artificial contraception and abortion. What does the Church teach?
The Church teaches that all human life has dignity from the moment of conception until natural death. • Read at least 2 articles that are available. • Summarize the ideas presented in your journal. The dignity of all human life
How does the media present sexuality? • In your small groups: discuss the question above and name 3 specific examples of how sexuality is presented in the media (e.g. on {insert movie title, TV show} sexuality is shown to be…). • How is this different from the Catholic view? • Talk to your friends and family about this – we don’t have to accept the messages that we get from the media. Cultural links