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Naveen Hyder Frank Wong Department of Plant Pathology Microbiology University of California, Riverside

Background information. California has the largest turf and landscape industry in the US (approx. 15 billion)Approx. 950 golf courses in the state of California 2nd in the USNot much information available due to lack of turfgrass pathology program since the1990s. Objective. To assess turfgr

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Naveen Hyder Frank Wong Department of Plant Pathology Microbiology University of California, Riverside

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    1. Turfgrass Disease Trends in California and the Western United States Naveen Hyder & Frank Wong Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology University of California, Riverside

    2. Background information California has the largest turf and landscape industry in the US (approx. 15 billion) Approx. 950 golf courses in the state of California – 2nd in the US Not much information available due to lack of turfgrass pathology program since the1990s 1997 survey green industry worth 6 billion 15 billion/golf 7 billion First attempt to quantify data1997 survey green industry worth 6 billion 15 billion/golf 7 billion First attempt to quantify data

    3. Objective To assess turfgrass disease trends in California and the Western United States based on diagnostic laboratory data What are the major disease problems? What are the major hosts? What are the disease trends over the last four years? Where should research efforts be focused?

    4. Materials and methods A sample = 1 cup cutter size plug of plants and soil For this study 1 data point = one pathogen/plant interaction Data based on diagnostic samples received Samples are not evenly distributed throughout the Western United States Multiple samples from the same location Data collected from 2006-2009 (present)

    5. Collecting a data point Microscopic signs >>> incubate up to 24-48 hrs Isolation from tissue Leaves, roots and crown on pathogen specific media Samples delivered overnightSamples delivered overnight

    6. Large area encompassing several climate zones Large area encompassing several climate zones

    7. Common turfgrass species used in California and the Western U.S. Cool Season (C3 Photosynthesis) Poa annua Poa trivialis Agrostis stolonifera Festuca arundinacea Festuca rubra Lolium perenne Warm Season (C4 Photosynthesis) Cynodon spp. Pennisetum clandestinum Paspalum vaginatum Stenotaphrum secundatum 65 to 75°F Summer dormant 80 to 95°F Winter dormant bermudagrass – common and hybrid 65 to 75°F Summer dormant 80 to 95°F Winter dormant bermudagrass – common and hybrid

    8. Geographic origin (based on # of samples received)

    9. Sources of samples (based on number of samples received)

    10. Most common turfgrass hosts

    11. Poa annua (Annual bluegrass) diseases trends Top 5 from 2006 to 2009

    14. Agrostis stolonifera (Creeping bentgrass) disease trends Top 5 from 2006-2009

    16. Lolium perenne (Ryegrass) disease trends Top 3 from 2006 - 2009

    17. Cynodon spp. (bermudagrass) disease trends Top 3 from 2006 - 2009

    18. Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyugrass) disease trends Top 3 from 2006 - 2009

    20. Conclusions First effort to summarize data pertaining to turfgrass diseases in the Western United States California has a unique turfgrass disease profile because of diversity of climate zones within the state Top research priority should be cool season turf management esp. diseases of annual bluegrass Find replacement for poa or find better ways of managingFind replacement for poa or find better ways of managing

    21. Future research scope Use the data base to: Compare and contrast information with other regions Correlate disease trends with climatic variations Correlate disease trends with agronomic practices specific to California

    22. Acknowledgements GCSAA Environmental Institute of Golf California State GCSAs Syngenta Professional Products Bayer Environmental Sciences

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