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Aloha, Welcome to Island Room 4’s Back to School Night Presentation!. Meet the Ferguson’s!. …. Three years ago I moved back to the beach (I grew up on the beach front in Newport Beach). I now live ½ a block from the beach in Huntington Beach and I love it!
Aloha, Welcome to Island Room 4’s Back to School Night Presentation!
… • Three years ago I moved back to the beach (I grew up on the beach front in Newport Beach). I now live ½ a block from the beach in Huntington Beach and I love it! Six years ago, I received a Master’s Degree in Reading and a Reading Specialist Credential from Cal State Fullerton. • I have been teaching at Brywood for 14 years! Yikes! • I love reading, teaching, shopping, being with my friends and family, going on adventures, and of course, anything that has to do with the water, the beach, and Hawaii!
Get Ready to Share! • Before we start talking about Island Room 4 and the First Grade curriculum, I would like to give you the opportunity to: * Introduce yourself * Tell us the name of your child * Share one interesting fact about your family!
The I.U.S.D. Mission Statement • * Instill a love of and joy for learning within our students. • * Demonstrate our passion for teaching and learning. • * Collaborate to maximize our impact on student learning. • * Evaluate the effect of our teaching on student learning and achievement. • * Know our impact. • * Focus on evidence of student learning. • * Maintain high expectations for all students. • * Listen to and learn from our students. • * Create intellectually safe and engaging learning environments. • * Invite parents to be our partners in improving student achievement.
Brywood’s Motto Our goal is strong, basic, and high powered learning for all students.
My Goals • The students in Island Room 4 have a rich mix of diversities, which I feel should be recognized, appreciated, and celebrated. Our students have a wide range of gifts and talents that make them unique. It is because of this range, that I encourage each student to be successful in developing and attaining their own personal goals. I teach a meaning and thinking centered curriculum, which embraces all learning styles, and encourages higher level thinking. Together, as a team, we will provide your child with experiences that promote enthusiasm for learning, self esteem, independence, honesty, accountability, and responsibility! • Common Core’s 4 C’s: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication
Come Meet the Child Come meet the child, that loves to be free, Warmed by the sun, kissed by the sea. Come meet the child, that watches the sky, Searching for rainbows or objects that fly. Come meet the child, the hides from the dark, Bees that will sting, or dogs that will bark. Come meet the child, that is eager for praise, Told she is special, and loved in many ways. Come meet the child, that is so hard to see, Come meet the child, that lives within me. * Do you remember what it was like to be a child? *
“If” for Teachers (And Parents too!) If you can see your students/children As diamonds in the rough, Inspiring them to do their best And not just good enough, If you can open doorways, Light sparks and keep them glowing, And see the love of learning As seeds that you are sowing, If you can keep on caring And remember why you teach/are a parent, You’ll give your students/children wings to fly And show them stars to reach.
The First Grade Curriculum!http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards * Language Arts * • The Houghton-Mifflin reading series provides the basis of our reading program. This literature series offers learners a balanced literacy program, which includes reading, writing, speaking, thinking and enrichment activities. Students will read a variety of literature and informational texts. They will further develop their communication skills as they engage with peers in collaborative conversations. Students will learn to write for different purposes as well. • * Our Anthology themes include: All Together Now * Let’s Look Around * Home Sweet Home * We Can Work It Out * Special Friends * Surprise! * Family and Friends * Animal Adventures * Our Earth * We Can Do It!
Early Intervention Reading Model (EIRM) * Students qualify for this program based on the results of the District mandated assessments. * Students receive intensive small group support to aide in the reading process. * Additional 30 minutes, daily, outside of the allotted Language Arts minutes. * Flexible grouping! * If your child qualifies for EIRM, I will discuss the program with you during your scheduled conference time.
Response To Instruction(RtI) * Process by which students are assessed and then placed in a group that meets the needs of their instructional level. * Each student will be placed in an RTI classroom for one hour each day, 4 times a week. They may or may not be with their “homeroom” teacher during this time. * Groups are totally flexible! * More information will be given to you during your scheduled conference time. * Great time to volunteer!
Mathematics- Striving for Excellence with Math Expressions • * Houghton Mifflin Math Expressions series is used for math instruction. Concepts are taught using materials and manipulatives and leveled problem solving. The program encourages math talk, questioning and higher level thinking. Students will be begin to extend their knowledge of Math as they learn to add and subtract within 20, develop an understanding of whole numbers, and place value within 100, measure and order objects by length, interpret data, and work with shapes. * Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data, Geometry.
Math Expressions Uses Research Based Instructional Strategies Average Retention Rate after 24 hours!
“Key” Math Words * When we are SUBTRACTING, we look for these words: difference fewer less than minus how many/much left? how many/much more? how many remain? • * When we are ADDING, we look for these words: • and plus • in all joined • combined • altogether • sum • total
Science • * First Graders are expected to learn both the content and process of science. Therefore we teach a balanced and comprehensive approach that includes investigation, experimentation and direct instruction. Students use the collaboration model quite frequently during science. We have three kits: Physical Science (Solids, Liquids, and Gases), Life Science (Plants and Animals), and Earth Science (Weather).
Social Studies • We use the Harcourt School Publishers for our Social Studies series. First Graders are ready to learn about the world in which they live. They are also ready to learn about their responsibilities to other people. Students begin to learn how necessary it is for people and groups to work together to solve problems through cooperation. The overall themes are: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, Geography of the Community, Symbols, Icons, and Traditions of the United States, Life Today and Long Ago, Cultural Literacy: One Nation, Many People, and Economics: Goods and Services.
P.E. • * Students practice and build on their foundational skills. We will continue to practice and improve upon our locomotor skills: jumping, hopping, galloping, sliding, walking, running, leaping, and skipping. We also work on taking turns! * We do not have a set PE time slot scheduled yet! * On PE days, Islanders need to be wear closed-toed shoes. The Islanders are also encouraged to wear a hat and sunglasses.
Library and Computers * Mrs. Sukhov has taken over both Library and Computers since we have lost our Librarian due to budget cuts. We will need to rely on Parent Volunteers to make our time during Library and Computers run smoothly! * Our scheduled Library and Computer time is every Tuesday from 8:15-9:05. Please make sure your child returns his/her books each week!
Homework • * Students will be assigned homework on a weekly basis. First grade homework is meant to be a partnership between the parent and the child. It is also meant to be an extension of the work that is being • taught in the classroom. • First grade homework includes daily reading (to/with/by approach), journaling (with parent response), Math workbook pages, Math facts flashcards (they’re coming!), and spelling practicing (mid Fall). There will be an occasional special homework assignment based on what we are studying but you will be given plenty of time to complete any additional activities.
Snack and Lunch * Brywood is part of the computerized lunchbox system. Each student is assigned a special number. In order to purchase snacks or lunch, students enter their number into a computer system rather than carrying cash. * You can register for this program online. Once registered, you can make deposits into your child’s account. Menus are available monthly online. * If you need assistance purchasing lunch for your child, please see me. There are programs available for your support. * Lunch is $3.25, milk is 50 cents, and snacks are 50 cents and up. * Mark “snack” and “lunch” for a couple of months! * At lunch students play first and then sit down to eat lunch for 20 minutes. After they eat, they return to class.
Our Island Super Star of the Week * Every week we will honor a “Super Star” on our Island. The Super Star is randomly chosen every Friday afternoon by the previous Super Star. * On the Friday that they are chosen, the Super Star will get to take home our class lobster named Lucky. The Super Star will need to complete a journal activity throughout the week. I will read the journal aloud to the class the following Friday. * At the end of the week, the Super Star will receive a book created by their peers. * Lucky, his backpack, and the completed journal, are all due on Thursday, just in case something is accidentally left at home!
We Don’t “Monkey” Around! * A positive reinforcement system is used in our classroom. * Each student begins the day on green (Hang 10). If the student is not following directions and has been warned twice, the student will move their clip to yellow (Yellow Flag Warning). If the student receives an additional warning and continues to have behavior issues, the clip is moved to red (Wipe Out!). If your child gets into the red zone, you will receive a note, email, or phone call from me that day. * We eventually earn Lucky Bucks to spend during our class auctions. * Our class will also work together to earn special celebrations that are voted on by the class.
Island Birthday’s * We have changed our school-wide policy regarding birthday celebrations. * Please remember that celebrating your child’s birthday is not an obligation or requirement, however, if you choose to do so, please note the new guidelines: * No food of any kind will be allowed for birthday celebrations. * Non-food items are allowed, however, please do not spend more than $1.00 per student. Suggestions include: pencils, stickers, school supplies, book donations (This is highly recommended!!!), etc. * Invitations to parties may not be distributed during school hours.
Island Grading Rubric + • Your work is outstanding! You did above what was expected of you. You also followed the directions. You understood the lesson and got the correct answers. • You followed the directions. Your work is neat and complete. You understood the lesson and got most of the answers correct. • You didn’t follow the directions. Your work is messy and the work might be incomplete. You didn’t try your • personal best! -
A DayInTheLifeOfYourFirstGraderInIslandRoom4!(Does not include , PE or EIRM)
Meet the Islanders! Boys Braden Isaac Jaden Jonathan Justin Kai Kyle Matthew Nathan Noah Scott 18 Girls + 11 Boys= 29 Islanders i Girls Alishba Ally Annabel Audrey Ava Bella Casey Catherine Dorina Emily Faith Finley Izabella Kyara Maddisen Matilynn Savi Sienna
Other Island Tid-Bits o’ Fun! * Please take an active roll in your Islander’s education! * Please make sure your Islander is clean! Check his/her teeth, body, clothes, lunchbox, etc. for icky-ness! * Online Fun: Our webpage: http://teacherweb.com/CA/Brywood/MissFerguson/apt1.aspx * Food For Thought * Homework Sample * Nine Goals For Basic Facts Success * Alpha Friends and Vowel Teams * Printing Fun * Sight Words- make up 70% of the written text! * Ages and Stages * ABC Rules For School * 101 Ways to Praise Kids * Treasure Bag
Food For Thought! * Here are some known facts about the positive aspects of eating breakfast: 1. Islanders who are breakfast eaters are more likely to achieve higher grades and participate in class activities. They are also more likely to pay closer attention to the teacher and to details. 2. Islanders who are breakfast eaters will more likely make better food choices throughout the day. * Need some brain boosting food ideas? These foods have been known to help boost your Islander’s brain: Avocados, bananas, beef, broccoli, brown rice, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, cheese, chicken, collard greens, eggs, flaxseed, legumes, milk, oatmeal, oranges, peas, lettuce, salmon, soybeans, spinach, tuna, turkey, wheat germ, and yogurt! Information from Ask Dr. Sears!