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Senora Groeb Bienvenidos Welcome. Spanish Teacher- Room 307 Dundee Middle School 8 th Grade. Welcome to Senora Groeb’s Spanish Classroom. Bienvenidos!!!! Procedures & Guidelines. First Day of School. Am I in the right room?. Yes, if you are in room 307 .
Senora GroebBienvenidosWelcome Spanish Teacher- Room 307 Dundee Middle School 8th Grade
Welcome to Senora Groeb’s Spanish Classroom Bienvenidos!!!! Procedures & Guidelines First Day of School
Am I in the right room? Yes, if you are in room 307
Where am I supposed to sit? Today, sit anywhere you’d like and we will create a sitting chart at a later time.
Who is the Spanish teacher as a person?I am a wifeto Mike who is an 8th grade teacher, a mother to Lucas (14) and Giana (7)
I was born in Portugal I was raised in an orphanage in Portugal along with my 8 biological brothers and sisters. I was adopted at 13 years old by an American missionary couple who have a son named Derek (10 years younger than I) and he’s is the principal of Ferndale Elementary School.
My favorite things to do are…. Scrapbooking, make crafts, decorate, take pictures, go to the beach,travel,learn about other cultures,drink Mocha coffees,play and cuddle with my kids, go camping,cook,go to church, read,fashion, dance,dramaand play with my dog, “Cassie”
Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always!
What will I be doing this year in Spanish Class?You will be learning a variety of Spanish vocabulary through videos,lecture, games, music,dance, eating, cooking,slideshows, hands on projects, etc.
What materials do I need for Spanish Class? • Required Materials • (to have and bring to class) • Your School planner • 1 composition notebook ( interactive notes) • 1binder with 6 dividers • Loose-leaf notebook paper • Pencils • Blue/black pens • 2 packs of index cards • Set of highlighters • Metal ring(s) OR rubber bands OR index card box (to store/organize the index cards) • Spanish/English Dictionary • 1 box of markers OR 1 box crayons • 1 Elmer’s glue • 1 pair of scissors
How will I be graded?We will be doing a variety of lessons and hands on activities. Grades will be determined from the following scale: Remember, I don’t give grades, you earn them. Tests/Quizzes 25% Projects/Presentations 25% Behavior/Participation 25% Classwork 15% Notebook/Journal/note-taking 10%Heading Papers:ALL papers should have your first and last name, your class period, and the date in the top right hand corner. If
Senora Groeb’s Classroom Guidelines Procedures
Classroom Expectations(In this class you are expected to follow the ABC’s: )ActResponsiblyHave all of your materials and a positive attitude.Go to the bathroom BEFORE class.Beon time and on task.No cheating.Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help.Be Respectful of others, their ideas, their work, and their property.Create a Safe Environment-NO BULLYING
Guideline #1 Be in your assigned seat and quietly begin working on the bell work “Vamos” when the tardy bell rings.
Senora GroebToday’s SpecialSeptember, Vamos- “ Why is it important to learn Spanish?” Please write down 5 reasons. Objectives: Students will be able to understand the importance of learning Spanish.
Guideline #2 BringALLmaterials to class and take them with you when you leave.
Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.
Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. I WILL NOT tolerate Bullying of ANY kind!!!
Special Guideline • This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please…respect the “No Whining Zone” this year.
Rewards: • Rewards will be given out randomly for following directions, good behavior, good grades, participation, doing homework, making right choices and for effort. • Rewards include an assortment of prizes, letter home bragging on your skills, homework passes, awards, positive refferals, and special privileges.
Consequences: Consequences for Bad Choices: 1. Verbal warning 2. Chill out time-Thinking paper 3. Phone call home 4. Lunch detention and/or after school detention 5. In School Suspension 6. Office referral for out of school suspension (OSS) ***I reserve the right to change the order of consequences according to the situation.
Following Guidelines will result in: • Verbal or written Acknowledgement • A Stress free learning environment • A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
Not Following Guidelines will result in: • 1st • Warning and documentation • 2nd • Action Plan , Parental Contact, and after school detention 3rd • Disciplinary Referral
Severe Consequence • Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.
Classroom Procedures I will Explain, We will Rehearse, I will Reinforce!
Entering the room • Please enter quietly • Have a seat • Take out your materials • Review the agenda • Begin bell work “Vamos” assignment
When you are tardy • Enter quietly • Excused pass: Place excused pass in the basket beside my desk • Unexcused: Sign your name, date and reason for being tardy on the list by the door • Have a seat andtake out your materials
After an excused absence • Go to the We missed you Section • Retrieve any handouts • Pick up any missing notes/exercises/paperwork • Make-up tests: The day you return
Paper Heading • Heading Papers: • ALL papers should have your first and last 1. name, your 2. class period, and the 3. dateon the top right hand corner. If there is no name on the paper, no credit • (NNNC=No Name No Credit)
Turning in your papers Each row will: • Pass papers up (give them to the Person in front of you). • The person sitting all the way in the front, takes their stack to the basket with their hour on it Make sure your name and hour are on your Paper
If you Finished Classwork Early “What do I do next?”
What Do I Do Next?Activities Work on unfinished Spanish assignments, packets, etc. Read any “Spanish book” on pink Wagon Work on any extra credit assignments Review vocabulary words Start working on tonight's homework
Classroom Discussions • PLEASE participate • I want to hear what you have to say • Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion • If your question is off the topic, write it down and leave it in our mailbox located in front of the class to ask later.
Getting your attention I will: • Stand in front of the class and say “Dame cinco-give me five” • Raise my hand- 5 fingers • Wait for everyone to be quiet • Begin speaking
Moving around the room Use the Hand Signals: • I need to speak 2. I need to get up from my seat. 3. I need your help 4. I need to use the restroom 5. Senora Groeb needs your attention
Class Dismissal • I will dismiss you, not the bell • Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: Uno- Gather your materials Dos- Clean up around you Tres- Stand and exit the classroom quietly!
“Special” ProceduresThese will be introduced on an “as needed” basis • Library/Media Center • Distance Learning Lab • Special guests • Progress Reports • Working Cooperatively • Fire Drill • Intercom Announcements • Assemblies • Substitute Teacher
Teacher Contact Information:Senora Groeb • Email: AGroeb@Dundee.k12.mi.us • Phone: 734-529-2350 • ext:2342 • Room307
I truly believe in your potential and I want youto believe in it too! Remember… We Will Have an awesome year!Senora Groeb