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NEREUS INTERREG TASK FORCE 13 th of March 2009, Brussels Birgit Urban (Brandenburg)

NEREUS INTERREG TASK FORCE 13 th of March 2009, Brussels Birgit Urban (Brandenburg) Lucio Bernardini Papalia (Basilicata) Representation of the Land Brandenburg to the EU, Rue Joseph II 108, B-1000 Brussels. CONTEXT of our activities.

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NEREUS INTERREG TASK FORCE 13 th of March 2009, Brussels Birgit Urban (Brandenburg)

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  1. NEREUS INTERREG TASK FORCE 13th of March 2009, Brussels Birgit Urban (Brandenburg) Lucio Bernardini Papalia (Basilicata) Representation of the Land Brandenburg to the EU, Rue Joseph II 108,B-1000 Brussels

  2. CONTEXT of our activities Space technologies and applications play a key role in supporting the economic growth, industrial competitiveness, scientific research and innovation and a sustainable development of the European Regions. The NEREUS-network was created with the explicit aim to close the existing gap between the space technologies end-users and institutional actors of European Space policies on regional level. WHY? Because regions need modern technologies and services to cope with their tasks deriving from EU-legislation and regional development.

  3. The main objective of the Task Force is: • to develop a • for • space technologies applications, • downstream services and new regional space policies • through the identification, analysis and dissemination of good practices.

  4. Objective of the NEREUS INTERREG Task Force • Products for the market could be developed in the following fields: • environment, • civil protection • security, • training and education, • enterprise, • transport, • health, • ICT

  5. Objectiveof the NEREUS INTERREG Task-force Possibilities for developing the market: Among others: To investigate the possibilities for preparing applications for the next INTERREG IVC calls (and perhaps other INTERREG programmes) !!!!! in order to develop and implement the networking activities among the NEREUS partners. A first step in that direction is the exchange of regional good practices among NEREUS’ regions. This includes the integration of regional stakeholders, such as: - enterprises, research centres, universities, educational institutes, local authorities – in order to enhance the development of new policies for the downstream market.

  6. Objectives of the NEREUS INTERREG Task-Force • Activities, which can be covered by INTERREG IV C projects in order to develop policies and tools for a market: • Analyzing the factors, which enhance the use of space technologies - in the context of increasing the level of innovation and in turn drive up regional productivity and growth -; • Promotion of international cooperation and networking between regional stake holders: regional level, research institutions and enterprises (= so called triple helix) via participation at EU calls or other activities to strengthen the international integration. • Identification and dissemination of relevant information on EU space technologies applications and related policies. -

  7. On the way to an INTERREG project In this context: What is necessary for INTERREG projects? -

  8. On the way to an INTERREG project: • Administrations: • They are not fully aware of the potentials the space technologies may have for the regional development; • They utilize only a part of the services available for their proper tasks (e. g. risk prevention, urban development); • They do not stimulate the development of the market by investing into core projects therefore innovation is hampered and the corresponding regional economical development blocked. • Enterprises: • They do not develop the necessary, future oriented services as they will not find a market; • Their international activities are difficult, because they are to small to do the job on their own (with respect to finances, staff, time, experience and risk); • They are not investing and do not/cannot hire qualified staff; • Universities: • Missing funds for further investments and participation at international projects; • Missing cooperation with enterprises. -

  9. On the way to an INTERREG project: With INTERREG projects a new approach is possible: -

  10. On the way to an INTERREG project: • NEW!!!! • To foster market demand driven activities in the field of space technologies: • Analysis – to be done by the regional administrative level: • This covers reflection on the following issues (homework has to be done ;-)) • Identification of the technology available in the regions! • How is the research and innovation infrastructure supported? What kind of infrastructure is available (science parks, innovation centres, incubators or support to clusters)? As a consequence: is it necessary to refocus the research offer? • Is there a multidisciplinary and cross sectoral approach with the aim to • . bringing innovative ideas to the market more quickly; • . promoting entrepreneurship and business creation; • . to stimulate and strengthen the complementarities between structural funds and other EU programmes (FP7, CIP, KOPERNIKUS, GALILEO, LIFE, ICT); • - to enable enterprises to internationalize; • - to develop ICT based services and products with aim to rise the participation of public actors in the information society and to strengthen the ICT connections between regions; -

  11. On a way to an INTERREG project: • What role does/could the public legislation and procurement play to enhance the regional market? • Is the integrated programming approach used as a flexible policy instrument? • How is financial support given? Are flexible instruments, such as loans, risk capital available for SMEs? • Which support is given for the development of human resources? E. g. Training and increasing investments in R&D related human capital in order to enhance the adaptability of workers and enterprises to innovation! • b) Identification and dissemination of relevant information • This includes the following subjects: • on EU space technologies applications and related policies (legislation, procurement, tools, methodologies, processes, techniques, etc). • c) New tools: • Does this mean: the creation of new information tools, e. g. • Implementation of a website-accessible European Database covering all the relevant information for the development of a regional market for space related services. -

  12. Possible activities within a NEREUS INTERREG IV C project: • ACTION follows on REFLECTION! • Result: List of indicative activities - Different work-packages are possible: • a) Information and exchange of best-practice: • thematic seminars, workshops, conferences, study visits; • project’s steering group meetings, • newsletters, brochures; • implementation of a website-accessible European database of relevant Space activities, technologies and policies; • b) Policy development: • joint thematic surveys or studies, • production of good practice guides, • policy recommendations, • Strategic guidelines, • development of action plans; • Joint development of regional policy tools (methodologies, Software); • joint implementation of pilot actions and sub projects (mini-programmes?). -

  13. Possible activities within a NEREUS INTERREG IV C project: • List of indicative and possible activities - Different work-packages are possible: • b) Education: • exchanges of staff, • joint interregional training sessions,

  14. On a way to an INTERREG project: Situation: In general, too many issues should be covered by ONE single project:

  15. Background information on INTERREG IV C • Budget:321 Million Euro from ERDF budget • The objective of the program: • The overall objective is to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies and instruments in the areas of • innovation & the knowledge economy • environment & risk prevention • In order to contribute to the economic modernization and increased competitiveness of Europe. • Priorities: • Innovation & Knowledge economy: • Innovation, research and technological development • Entrepreneurship and SME • Information society • Employment, human capital and education

  16. Background information on INTERREG IV C • Environment & risk prevention: • Natural and technological risks, climate change • Water management • Waste preventions & management • Biodiversity and preservation of natural heritage; air quality • Energy and sustainable transport • Cultural heritage and landscape • This means:most of the issues tackled by the program could be related to space technologies and downstream services used by the regions. • List of priorities: • A list of priorities is annexed to the INTERREG IV C program. The use of GMES applications is one of it. The GMES-Bureau of DG Enterprise is working closely together with DG Regio in order to support the development of corresponding projects in the framework of INTERREG IV C !

  17. Background information on INTERREG IV C • Types of intervention: • a) Regional Initiative Projects (Type 1), • b) Capitalisation Projects including Fast Track Projects (Type 2) • a) Regional Initiative projects (including mini-programs): • particular focus on the exchange of experience and on the identification, analysis and dissemination of good practices in the policy area; • The intensity of cooperation changes: • • Basic intensity: projects which propose ‘traditional networking activities’ • (thematic seminars, development of joint communication tools (newsletters, • websites,); • • Medium intensity: projects which propose, in addition to normal networking • activities, more demanding work for instance related to pilot actions / development • of new approaches; • • High intensity of cooperation: projects which propose the creation of a ‘mini- • program’ under which sub-projects will be supported. These projects are characterized by a high level of intensity of cooperation (e. g. including the setting up of joint decision making procedures to decide on the sub-projects).

  18. Background information on INTERREG IV C • b) Capitalization Projects including Fast Track Projects (Type 2): • Capitalization Projects are interregional cooperation projects, • which focus specifically on the transfer of regional development good practices into mainstream EU Structural Funds programs (i.e. Convergence, Regional Competitiveness and Employment and other European Territorial Cooperation programs) of the regions participating in the project or represented in the partnership. • Expected results: for each participating region - a concrete action plan, specifying how the identified practices will be implemented under the mainstream programm of the region. • c) Fast Track projects • = Capitalisation Projects, which benefit from additional expertise from the European Commission in order to contribute to the Regions for Economic Change initiative. The Commission will provide this additional expertise at its own costs I

  19. Background information on INTERREG IV C Partnership: Projects have to involve partners from at least three countries, from which at least two partners must be from EU Member States and financed by the INTERREG IVC program. For NEREUS this means: The lead partner could be one of the NEREUS regions.

  20. Background information on INTERREG IV C Co-Financing Rates: Under the INTERREG IVC Program, the eligible project activities are co-financed from the ERDF at either 75% or 85% depending on the Member State. Co-financing rate Participating States (EU + Norway) 75% ERDF Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom 85% ERDF Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia 50% National Funds Norway

  21. Background information on INTERREG IV C Eligible partners: Only public authorities (regional and local) and bodies governed by public law are eligible. The private sector can be subcontracted by partners to provide services or to assiste in the implementation of some activities. Background: According to Directive 2004/18/EC, Article 1, a body governed by public law means any body: (a) Established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; (b) Having legal personality; and (c) Financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; - Or subject to management supervision by those bodies; - Or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory

  22. Background information on INTERREG IV C • Situation of the calls: • First call in 2008: about 481 projects have been sent in; only 41 have been approved – none related to the application of space technology/GMES. • Second call 2009: has been closed in January; again 491 projects have been sent in. Approval is estimated for autumn 2009. • Both calls show that most of the projects focused on the following issues: • Priority one: Innovation- entrepreneurship and SME • information society and employment • employment, human capital and education • Priority two: Environment • energy and sustainable transport • natural and technological risks (including climate change) • This means: NEREUS is dealing with all the main issues mentioned!

  23. Background information on INTERREG IV C GMES-projects already approved: The analysis is difficult, as the space technologies are not explicitly mentioned in the titles of the projects registered in the programme data banks. Examples: INTERREG III B CADSES “SISTEMaPAR” = Spatial Information Systems for Transnational Environmental Management of Protected Areas: The project aims to foster regional to transnational levels of management and development of cross-border national park regions by improving or establishing cross-border and transnational networks of spatial information systems. INTERREG III C “FLAPP” = Flood Awareness and Prevention Policy in border areas (European Network of Flood Managers)

  24. An INTERREG IV C proposal • Ideas for an INTERREG project: • Opinion of the other working-group leaders: • To develop a data bank for the NEREUS regions that gathers information on the potentials available in the regions. This data bank should include sections, such as: enterprises, research institutions, end-users, relevant implemented Projects and regional policies. • Aim: to have a sound basis for further cooperation and the development of projects and common actions in the various fields of the application of space technologies. • Content of the project: • - indication of entities: enterprises, research centers, universities, public authorities); • indication of main space technology end-users: categorization of their needs and products requirements; list of successful projects showing the best practice and space technologies product applications; • Indication of main public (national and regional) space technology policies and tools to develop space technologies applications and downstream services market;

  25. An INTERREG IV C proposal • Ideas for an INTERREG project: • Kind of project: • 1. Regional initiative project with • a) Basic intensity - traditional networking activities with thematic seminars, development of joint communication tools (newsletters, • websites,); • b) Medium intensity: a project which proposes, in addition to normal networking • activities, more demanding work for instance related to pilot actions / development of new approaches; • 2. Capitalization Fast Track Project • Background: the experience and potentials of the NEREUS partner available Advantage: in the space this kind of project could focus in a short time on the following subjects: • transfer of good practice into the mainstream programmes available on regional level (e. g. ERDF, ESF); • increase the synergies and complementarities between structural funds and FP7 funds in the programming period 2007/2013. • In addition this kind of project offers the opportunity to • set up a regional action plan for each region involved and the actions indicated could be implemented through regional structural funds.

  26. Partners for an INTERREG IV C project NEREUS offers partners from the following 22 regions: Italy : Abruzzo, Basilicata, Lombardia, Molise, Puglia, Veneto France : Midi-Pyrénées, Aquitaine Germany : Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hessen Spain : Andalousia,Castilla y Leon, Madrid Belgium : Bruxelles Capitale, Wallonia Portugal : Açores Austria : Wien-VBA United Kingdom : East Midlands Poland : Mazovia (Mazowieckie Voivodship)

  27. An INTERREG IV C proposal • Ideas for an INTERREG project: • Other ideas ? • Development of a project on the basis of an already existing project, e. g. FLAPP • Advantage: development of a best-practice example for one subject tackled by NEREUS and INTERREG IV C, e. g. water mangement/risk prevention etc.

  28. CONTACTS Contact person: Lucio Bernardini Papalia, Basilicata Region Birgit Urban, Land Brandenburg Email: lucio.bernardini@regione.basilicata.it; Birgit.Urban@eulv.brandenburg.de;

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