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Vocabulary Prescription

Vocabulary Prescription. Remedy for Vocabulary Instruction. Symptom:. Loss of memory when copying words and definitions from a dictionary. Diagnosis:. Non-Contextualized Vocabulary Deficiency!. Causes:. Random word lists No direct vocabulary instruction

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Vocabulary Prescription

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Prescription Remedy for Vocabulary Instruction

  2. Symptom: • Loss of memory when copying words and definitions from a dictionary

  3. Diagnosis: • Non-Contextualized Vocabulary Deficiency!

  4. Causes: • Random word lists • No direct vocabulary instruction • Copying complicated incomprehensible definitions from dictionaries

  5. Prescription and Wellness Plan

  6. Prescription Read AloudsDosage: 5 mg Daily

  7. Wellness Plan • Meaningful literature • Power words • Eight step exercise plan • Daily extension vitamin

  8. Step 1 Choose a meaningful short text. You will do a read aloud with this text. You will focus on this text for a week. You will re-read this text throughout the week.

  9. Step 2 Read the text before you give it to the students. Make a list of all the words you think would be good for your vocabulary list. Narrow the list down to 3-5 POWER words based on students’ needs.

  10. Step 3 Eight-Step Exercise Plan

  11. Exercise Step 1 • Introduce your vocabulary words on the first day. • Read the sentences in which the words are found – not the whole book. • Example: • Teacher reads: • “If something is unfair, we can protest, or speak out against it. • Literature: Symbols of Freedom by: • Jeanne and Bradley Weaver • National Geographic

  12. Exercise Step 2 • Show students an illustration with the word. • Make the students say the word twice. • Example: • Protest • Literature: Symbols of Freedom by: • Jeanne and Bradley Weaver • National Geographic

  13. Exercise Step 3 • Show students the word in their native language. • Make the students say the word in both languages. • Example: • Protest - Protestar

  14. Exercise Step 4 • Give students a short, easy definition of the word. • Make the students repeat the word and definition. • Example: • Protest – to speak against something you do not like • Literature: Symbols of Freedom by: • Jeanne and Bradley Weaver • National Geographic

  15. Exercise Step 5 • Give students examples of the word. • Use pictures. • Example: • If our school had uniforms, • students might protest to change the dress code.

  16. Exercise Step 6 • Let students interact with the word. • Example: • Teacher says: When I show you a picture, stand up if it is an example of protest. • Sit down if it is not an example.

  17. Exercise Step 6 • Let students interact with the word. • Example: • Teacher says: When I show you a picture, stand up if it is an example of protest. • Sit down if it is not an example.

  18. Exercise Step 7 • Ask Questions. • Example: • Teacher says: • Boys and girls have you ever seen a protest? • What is something at school that you would like to protest against? • Do you think protests are good or bad and why?

  19. Exercise Step 8 • Review the word. • Example: • Teacher says: Boys and girls what word means to speak against something that you do not like? • All of the students would say the vocabulary word again: PROTEST

  20. Step 4:Daily Vitamins • Reinforce vocabulary through extension activities

  21. Word Walls • Make a word wall with the new vocabulary words. • Put the word, definition, and picture on the wall.

  22. Scavenger Hunt • Students look for the vocabulary word in other texts that they read. • Students put stickers on the word posted on the word wall when they find the word in other texts.

  23. Musical Chairs • Write definitions on cards. • Place the cards in a circle around the room. • Students walk around the circle as music plays. • When the music stops, students stop and pick up a card. • Students read the cards and give the correct word.

  24. Bedazzled Words • Students write the words in big letters on paper. • Students make the word look like its meaning. • For example: the word icy might have icicles hanging off it

  25. Put the definition, a picture, or an example of the word on a card. • Tape the cards around the room on the walls. • Give each student a card with a vocabulary word. • Students search the wall for the correct match to their word. • The students stand beside the card. • Go around the room and have each student read his word and the definition or example. Carousel Match

  26. Drug Facts and Warnings Do: Don’t: Make ELLs copy definitions from dictionaries! Forget to target academic terms. Skip steps! Forget to be creative and add to this prescription. • Follow the exercise plan for each word. • Take a daily extension vitamin each day. • Select text and vocabulary appropriate for ELLs. • Use content related text for read alouds.

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