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What is Rotary?

What is Rotary?. How do you answer this question in a way that creates interest?. PDG Rick Tinucci. District 6080 2012 Conference. What is an Elevator Drill?. An elevator speech is a concise, clear, informative and engaging conversation starter that generates further interest in Rotary.

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What is Rotary?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Rotary? How do you answer this question in a way that creates interest? PDG Rick Tinucci District 6080 2012 Conference

  2. What is an Elevator Drill? • An elevator speech is a concise, clear, informative and engaging conversation starter that generates further interest in Rotary. • Short: 30 seconds to 2 minutes • Invites conversation

  3. What is an Elevator Drill? • Memorable • Relatable • Authentic • Believable • Engaging

  4. Construction • An elevator drill should contain the following elements: • Interest creating statement • Some fact or statistic about Rotary (Feature) • A benefit attributed to the fact presented • An example or what you have just described • A question to prompt conversation Repeat 2 – 4 above as the conversation continues

  5. Example Mankind is Rotary’s Business! There are 30,000 Rotary Clubs in over 200 Countries making their communities a better place to live. Our club just completed a project to put playground equipment at the grade school providing a safe place for recreational activities. Have you seen the playground?

  6. Elements • Interest creating statement • Provocative • Funny • Unexpected • Examples • Rotary Saves Lives • Mankind is Rotary’s Business • Rotary makes the World a Better Place • Rotary Builds Communities & Bridges Continents

  7. Elements • A Fact or Statistic about Rotary • Truthful • Unknown • Interesting • Examples • There are over 30,000 Rotary Club in 200 countries • Rotary’s membership consists of 1.2M professional men and women worldwide • Rotary is the world’s oldest Service Organization

  8. Elements • A Benefit Statement tied to Fact • Focus on “Why?” • What keeps you as a member? • Examples • Making our communities a better place to live • Providing opportunities for Service and Fellowship • Creating Peace and Goodwill throughout the world

  9. Elements • An Example of our work • Focus on “How” • Use real projects you or your club have engaged in. • Examples • Dictionaries to 3rd Graders • New Playground at School • Providing Eyesight to 1000 adults in India

  10. Workshop • Lets put this all together into one concise statement. • Who wants to give it a try?

  11. Examples • Rotary is a fellowship of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace around the world. • What do you think?

  12. Examples • Rotary saves lives! Rotary leads the world in the fight to eradicate Polio, inoculating over two billion children against this dreaded disease. It is estimated that 100,000 lives have been saved through this effort. Our club has held several fund raisers to support this effort and is one of the leaders in Missouri.

  13. Examples • Mankind is Rotary’s Business! There are 30,000 Rotary Clubs in over 200 Countries making their communities a better place to live. Our club just completed a project to put playground equipment at the grade school providing a safe place for recreational activities.

  14. Wrap Up • An elevator drill should contain the following elements • Interest creating statement • Some fact or statistic about Rotary (Feature) • A benefit attributed to the fact presented • An example or what you have just described • Ask a question Repeat 2 – 4 above as the conversation continues Give them a business card or theme pin

  15. Wrap Up Thank you

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