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Scriptural Church Organization Elders: Shepherds Of The Flock. Scriptural Church Organization Elders: Shepherds Of The Flock. Introduction. -Any congregation is not organized unless they desire to have and appoint elders
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Introduction -Any congregation is not organized unless they desire to have and appoint elders -These men have a very important function in the work of any local church -These men will meet scriptural qualifications, and hold a great responsibility as they serve the Lord in His kingdom
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Introduction -God has commanded that elders be appointed in every church (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5) -Peter described the elders as shepherds that must, “Feed the flock of God which is among you” (I Peter 5:1-2) -Today we will notice: -Numbers and designations for elders -The authority and work of elders -Some false conceptions of elders
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Descriptions Of Elders In The New Testament -ELDER -(presbyturos) means one advanced in life, a senior. -This term describes this individual as someone who is dignified and experienced (I Peter 5:1) -This can be understood when one cannot be qualified who is a “novice” (I Tim. 3:6)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Descriptions Of Elders In The New Testament -BISHOP -(episkopos) means an overseer, watcher, guardian or superintendent. -Bishop describes the work of overseeing (I Tim. 3:1-2; Phil. 1:1) -These men must watch out for the souls who make up the local church where they labor.
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Descriptions Of Elders In The New Testament -PASTOR -(poimen) means herdsmen or shepherd -This portrays a picture of those who lead a flock (Lord’s sheep) into paths of truth -Any pastor at work must be careful to protect and lead sheep to safety (Eph. 4:11)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Descriptions Of Elders In The New Testament -All Three Terms Describe The Same Office -Passages use these terms interchangeably and they are describing the same function in a local church (Acts 20:17, 28; Tit. 1:5-7) -When an elders work is understood one can see how each term is used (I Pet. 5:1-2; Eph. 4:11)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Number Of Elders In Each Congregation -Each congregation had a plurality of elders -The churches in Jerusalem and Ephesus had “elders”(Acts 11:30; 20:17, 28) -This is something that was found in every church (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5) -Each congregation had “elders” among them (I Peter 5:1)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Number Of Elders In Each Congregation -One man cannot oversee a congregation alone, and it would violate the teaching of the word of God if a congregation decided to do such -Since there are a plurality of elders, they need to be able to stand for truth and work together
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Authority Of Elders -It must first be noticed and understood that an eldership does have authority (Heb. 13:17; I Tim. 3:4-5; 5:17) -The elders authority is limited to the law of Christ since He is the only lawgiver (James 4:12) -Elders are also limited to the local church over which they have been appointed (I Peter 5:1-3)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Authority Of Elders -Some elders abuse their authority, while others are timid about using it. -Some elders cannot agree in their decisions and need not to have one elder making the final choice over the others -Elders must abide in the word of God and lead the local church to the keeping of the Lord’s will
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock The Work Of Elders -ELDERS ARE SELF-EXAMINERS -Elders must watch for themselves as well as others in the pursuit of righteousness (Acts 20:28) -The first responsibility of an elder is to himself.
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock The Work Of Elders -ELDERS ARE EXAMPLE-SETTERS -If an elder is going to lead in any direction, he must first walk down that path (I Peter 5:3) -Sheep are not driven but led. A congregation is to follow their example in truth.
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock The Work Of Elders -ELDERS ARE OVERSEERS -Elder must stand over the work of a local church and make sure it is functioning according to the Scriptures (Acts 20:28) -An elder’s oversight is limited to the local church over which he was appointed (I Peter 5:2)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock The Work Of Elders -ELDERS ARE FLOCK-FEEDERS -Sheep that aren’t fed are sheep that can’t be led (Acts 20:28, 32) -The word of God is the source of food for the Christian (I Peter 5:2) -Consider the example of the Good Shepherd (Psalm 23:1-3)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock The Work Of Elders -ELDERS ARE SOUL-WATCHERS -Shepherds must give account for the flock at the end of their work (missing sheep, injured or sick etc.) -Elders likewise, must give account for the souls of the brethren in a local church (Hebrews 13:17) -This describes an important responsibility
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock The Work Of Elders -ELDERS ARE RULERS -Elders must rule their own house, as well as the household of God (I Tim. 3:4-5) -Elders must lead (rule) well, that is with diligence (Romans 12:7-8; I Tim. 5:17) -These passages show that an elder must know how to rule in order to be qualified
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Some Common False Conceptions Of Elders -NO ELDERS -There are many who feel that a congregation is better off without elders -They base their argument on either a poor experience with elders in the past, or the worry that an eldership would lead them down the wrong path. -Elders are to be appointed in “every church”
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Some Common False Conceptions Of Elders -MEN CAN JUST ASSUME THE ELDERSHIP -Some think that men of higher social status or financial success can just be an elder -The problem with this is that it takes more than wealth and recognition by the world to be an elder (I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Some Common False Conceptions Of Elders -EVANGELISTIC OVERSIGHT -Some want to put the evangelist in charge of everything -The Bible makes a clear distinction between the work of both of these men (Eph. 4:11) -This may be where the title “pastor” has been falsely used for many minister’s today.
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Some Common False Conceptions Of Elders -GROWTH INTO QUALIFICATIONS -Some hold that any man can be appointed an elder, but must then begin to grow to meet the qualifications found in the word of God. -The Bible says, “A bishop, then, must be…” and then lists the qualifications. -What if a man fails to grow?
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock Some Common False Conceptions Of Elders -GROUP QUALIFICATIONS -This view states that we can appoint several men that each make up the list of qualifications -EX: One man has one wife, another is apt to teach, the next one is not given to wine. -We wouldn’t even appoint a man to public office this way …like Congress
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -Elders have a very important work and it is indeed worthy of double honor when done well -We need to look out among us and find men who might be qualified to serve as elders and encourage them in this work that they might be appointed -Without elders or without efforts to appoint them we are not organized Biblically.
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -The work of these men is seen by the descriptions of elder, bishop, and pastor -There must be a plurality of elders in each local church -These men must recognize the authority given to them to lead the congregation in the paths of righteousness -Elders must submit to the authority of Christ
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -Elders should be: -SELF-EXAMINERS -EXAMPLE-SETTERS -OVERSEERS -FLOCK-FEEDERS -SOUL-WATCHERS -RULERS
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -An elders will be rewarded for taking on this wonderful responsibility: “…when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away” (I Peter 5:4)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock HAVE YOU HEARD THE SHEPHERD’S VOICE? -Jesus said,“ I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. "As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” (John. 10:11-16)
Scriptural Church OrganizationElders: Shepherds Of The Flock HAVE YOU HEARD THE SHEPHERD’S VOICE? -Jesus words tell us we must: Hear Matthew 7:24, 26 Believe John 3:16 Repent Luke 13:3, 5 Confess Matthew 10:32-33 Baptized Mark 16:16 Faithful Matthew 24:13