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YOUR CHURCH CAN MULTIPLY. Ajagbe Samuel Olushola. The Church is not a building. It is the assembly of the called out ones. The Church began at Pentecost and will cease to exist after Rapture. Two types of Churches exist – The Universal Church also known as the Invisible Church
The Church is not a building It is the assembly of the called out ones.
The Church began at Pentecost and will cease to exist after Rapture.
Two types of Churches exist – • The Universal Church also known as the Invisible Church • The Local Church – also known as the visible Church • The Visible or the Local Church is the assembly of worshippers on earth and • The Invisible or Universal churchis the body of Christ comprising all saved Christians since Pentecost till rapture.
Luke 15:77 I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don’t need repentance. Luke 15:10b there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents.
The Dead in Christ + 300 The Universal Church B 300 Local Church The Local Church on earth
Ways Churches Grow Numerically A church grows numerically majorly through • Biological Growth • Transfer Growth • Conversion Growth
Biological Growth is the growth that results when the church experiences additions as members give birth to children. • Transfer Growth results as church members leave a Church to join another. • Conversion Growth occurs when sinners are saved and brought into responsible church membership.
A good and effective Church planter makes effort to grow his new Church by winning the lost and bringing them into the Church and not by transfer growth.
Church planting is an exhausting but exciting venture of faith that involves the planned process of beginning and growing new local churches as based on Jesus' promise and in obedience to His great commission (Matt. 18, Matt. 28:19).
Church Plantingrefers to the process of bringing together a group of like-minded professing believers to establish a new local church through equipping (training), encouragement and edification (teaching).
1. Concentrating of churches in an area while some other areas are suffering from Church Planting effort.
2 Planting a Ghost Church. A Ghost Church is a church planted among a people that are only residing in an area temporarily (e.g. Road construction workers). When such people leave their temporary places of abode, the church seizes to exist.
3 Enormous evangelistic Efforts not resulting into Church Planting.
4 Planting a Church whose nature is not determined by the environment where it is sited e.g. planting an English speaking church among local people that speak only the vernacular language, starting a church under a tree in a location dominated mainly by high class people etc.
5 Moving out without equipping the right personnel.
6 Moving out with limited knowledge of the people’s culture, language, mode of dressing, religious influence, response to Christianity and what others have done.
7 Moving out without counting the cost of Church planting efforts.
8 Moving out without mapping out good strategies for results.
9 Moving out without praying well.
10 Moving out just on the impulse of the moment without depth of understanding of what is to be done.
11 Moving into the environment with a “holier than thou” mentality and lifestyle. (“Holier than thou” approach).
12 Moving out with confrontational approach. This has to do with casting aspersions on whatever other churches or ministries have done, use of negative language on the culture and lifestyle of the people ridiculing their customs and traditions.
OBJECTIONS TO CHURCH PLANTING High Cost Harm to mother Church Breaks Unity
1 Where an existing "Mother Church" starts or sponsors a "daughter" church in another location.
2 Where a group of like-minded believers in a particular location decides to start a local church among themselves.
3 When as a result of evangelistic and missionary effort a church is started (planted) by a group of local indigenous believers with the help of missionaries.
Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed. Josh 13:1 (KJV)
For people to hear in their own languages. 2. Obeying the great commission Matt. 28:19-20. 3. Reach those still in sin – Mark 16:15.
Reap the harvest before it is too late – John 4:35; Prov. 10:5. • Check the spread of occultism and satanic influence. • Bringing the church closer to the people.
Successful harvesting is not measured by how much have been brought in but how many still remain to be harvested. If it is not reaped now, it may be wasted forever.
I. Spirit Guided Planning • Our planning and objective must include:- • Number of churches to be planted. • Period of planting the churches. • Resources needed for the task. • Raising funds, men and materials. • Location of the various churches. • Time to take off. • Evaluation procedures. • Monitoring and control. • Loopholes to avoid and how to maintain the vision.
II. Exploration and mapping Numbers 13:17-25; Joshua 2:1; Judges 7:9-14 A good overview of the geographical area is needed. Contact with an influential but not controversial person in the area will be good.
III. Targeting In targeting the right area for church planting, consideration is given to • ripeness of the harvest, • call from the people, • the gravity of needs, • strategic nature of the community etc.
IV. Understanding the people Know that people of various backgrounds behave differently from one another. Similarly, religious situations differ from one place to the other. These make necessary acquisition of basic knowledge about each area where church planting is taking place essential if a successful work is to be done.
Among things to understand about the people are:- • Past response to the gospel. • Present receptivity level. • Types of churches they have been used to. • Difficulties faced by other church planters. • Culture or customs that impede or accelerate church planting.
One or many of the following can make an area difficult for church planting work:- • Strong commitment to occultism. • Belief and practice of animism and traditional religion. • Highly Islamized belief and conduct. • Inclination to customary ideas and superstitions. • Considered stronghold of some religious groups. • Worship of deities.
Places where Christianity has become only a historical issue. • Strong ethnic bias against the gospel. • Local legislation against evangelism. • Sanctions against procurement of lands and properties. • Non-permanent nature of the settlers.
Characteristics of difficult areas • Deliberate obstacles are put before the church planter. • Much efforts result in little or no fruits. • Attempts are made regularly to frustrate whatever efforts are put up. • General and loud clamour for the gospellers to leave.
Confrontations by the resistant groups and their cohorts. • Campaign against the gospel work and character assassination of the church planters. • Consistent attacks, persecutions and alienation of those interested in the gospel. • Spiritual attacks from evil and demonic spirits. • Casting of spells and curses against the gospellers.
Dealing With Difficult Settings • Spiritual Warfare • Power of friendship and love • Social works that prepare ground • Involving non-controversial people • Indirect approach • Right frame of mind (Phil. 4:8) • Perseverance and positive confession • Targeting prominent indigenes • Power Evangelism
Church Mapping is one of the tools to help the health and well-being of the end-time church. It is the process of discovering the • health, • growth and • vitality of the church.