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What Am I? Review Time Body Systems Chapter 22-26

What Am I? Review Time Body Systems Chapter 22-26. How Body Systems Interact. What Am I?. This system interacts with every organ and system in your body systems. Answer: What is the circulatory system?. What Am I?.

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What Am I? Review Time Body Systems Chapter 22-26

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  1. What Am I? Review Time Body Systems Chapter 22-26

  2. How Body Systems Interact

  3. What Am I? This system interacts with every organ and system in your body systems

  4. Answer: What is the circulatory system?

  5. What Am I? These two systems work together to support the body assisting movement of the body.

  6. Answer: What are the skeletal and muscular systems?

  7. What Am I? These two systems provide oxygen to your cells and carries dissolved carbon dioxide back to the lungs. .

  8. Answer: What are the respiratory and circulatory system?

  9. What Am I? These systems work to get the absorbed nutrients distributed through your body.

  10. Answer: What are the digestive and circulatory system?

  11. What Am I? These two systems help break down glucose for the body to use and get rid of waste.

  12. Answer: What are the digestive and excretory systems?

  13. What Am I? These two systems work together to move food and unwanted nutrients out of the body

  14. Answer: What are the digestive and muscular systems?

  15. What Am I? These two systems help you move around and safely interact with your environment.

  16. Answer: What are the muscular system and nervous systems?

  17. What Am I? These systems work together to protect the body from pathogens and act as the first line of defense against disease.

  18. Answer: What are the immune and integumentary systems?


  20. What Am I? stomach, small /large intestines, esophagus

  21. Answer: What are organs in the digestive system?

  22. What Am I? heart, veins, arteries, capillaries and the blood.

  23. Answer: What are organs in the circulatory (cardiovascular) system)?

  24. What Am I? nose, lungs, diaphragm and trachea

  25. Answer: What are the organs in the respiratory system?

  26. What Am I? bones (206), cartilage, and ligaments

  27. Answer: What are organs in the skeletal system?

  28. What Am I? Skeletal, smooth, cardiac

  29. Answer: What are types of muscles?

  30. What Am I? brain and spinal cord

  31. What are organs in the nervous system?

  32. What Am I? kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin.

  33. Answer: What are organs in the excretory system?

  34. What Am I? Blood vessels, nerve fibers, hair follicles

  35. Answer: What are organs in the Integumentary system?

  36. What Am I? Lymphocytes

  37. Answer: What are parts of the Immune system?

  38. What Am I? lymph nodes

  39. Answer: What is the What are organs in the lymphatic system?

  40. What Am I? Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries and testes

  41. Answer: What are organs in the Endocrine system?

  42. What Am I? Testes and ovaries

  43. Answer: What are organs in the Reproductive system?


  45. What Am I? This system breaks down food into chemical nutrients that our body needs. Nutrients are then absorbed into the blood.

  46. Answer: What is the digestive system?

  47. What Am I? This system transports oxygen, nutrients, and wastes through the body.

  48. Answer: What is the circulatory system?

  49. What Am I? This system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

  50. Answer: What is the respiratory system?

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