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INTRODUCTION: • This is the I finish contribution that has been given to know to the world of the advance of the technology, for a better acting in our daily environment since more and more the technology to it advances in such a way, to cover each human being's necessities. • Nets of sensors without cables • The creation made up of thousands or millions of sensors, the nets observed almost everything: the traffic the time the seismic activity.
OBJECTIVES: • *To give to know as this new advance gives a consumption energy minimum. • *To register the physical or environmental most diverse conditions. • *To help us to carry out activities like: the one traffics, the time, the seismic activity in others. • *To show autonomous apparatuses capable and intelligent of a communication without cable.
CONTENT: What are they? • The nets of sensors are nets of nano autonomous apparatuses capable of a communication without cable and they suppose one of the technological advances more investigated at the present time. Through nets of sensors, it can be integrated functionalities that before were independent some of other, with the purpose of achieving maximum efficiency mainly in the consumption fields and energy management. • They are nets of nano autonomous apparatuses capable of a communication without cable and they suppose one of the technological advances more investigated at the present time.
So that they serve? • The nets of sensors without cable control and they register the physical or environmental most diverse conditions. Every time they are more extended, but they have the problem of the energy supply. • Made up of thousands or millions of sensors; that observe almost everything.
CONFORMATION OF HARDWARE: • •A sensor is made up of four basic components, an unit censor, a process unit, an unit of the transmitter-receiver, and an unit of power. • •They can also have additionally dependent application components as: source of power. The units censors are usually, made up of two Subunits: the sensors and the analogical-digital (ADCs) converters. • •The process unit that is generally associated with a small storage unit, it manages the procedures that he/she makes that the sensor node collaborates with the other nodes to carry out the task assigned censor
PILE OF PROTOCOLS: • This protocol pile combines the power and route assignment, it integrates the data with net of protocols, potent communications efficiently through the wireless mean, and it promotes cooperative efforts of sensor nodes.
OTHER DATA • *The new advances in the production of radio microchips, new forms of Reuters and computer new programs related with nets are being able to eliminate the cables of the nets of sensors, multiplying this way their potential. • *At the moment one works with radios of low frequency with a reach of until 80 meters and speeds of up to 300 Kb / second. • The last investigations point toward an eventual proliferation of nets of intelligent sensors. • *. In this sense, the computation that penetrates in all the facets of the daily life of the human beings is about to become in fact.
CONCLUSION: • This technological new innovation is since a very big advance for us you dare of her we are diminishing the weight and risk of some of the works of our environment, and you dare of it facilitates us to it a little the day by day. This helps us the best communication form without caring the place in which we are; since it is you dare of wireless nets that these sensors work.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: • *http://www.tendencias21.net/Crean-redes-de-sensores-sin-cables-e-inteligentes-que-apenas-consumen-energia_a1651.h • *http://www.euroresidentes.com/futuro/redes_sensores.htm • *http://www.euroresidentes.com/Blogs/avances_tecnologicos/2004/06/redes-de-sensores-sin-cable.htm