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XCTL (Explicit Clock Temporal Logic). Real-Time Extension for LTL. Motivation w.r.t. “periodic clock” Complexity: Shorter formulae ( EnterGR O 15 , 25 Tout consists of 223 symbols, recall complexity is 2 O(| |) . Allows reference to event driven execution model with zero
XCTL(Explicit Clock Temporal Logic) Real-Time Extension for LTL • Motivation w.r.t. “periodic clock” • Complexity: Shorter formulae (EnterGR O15,25Tout • consists of 223 symbols, recall complexity is2O(||). • Allows reference to event driven execution model with zero • steps.
Approaches to Time Quantification • Every stimulus p must be followed by a system response q within 3 time units: • First order monadic logic • t. p(t) s. q(s) st s t+3 • Current time variable: • x. □((pT=x ◊(q T x+3)) • Bounded operators: • □(p ◊[0,3]q) • Freeze quantification: • □x.(p ◊y.(q y x+3))
XCTL: Syntax Vocabulary: • Propositions: p, q,… • Timing elements: • Time Constants: C = {a, b, c,…} • Timing variables: V = {x, y,…} • Clock variable: T Atomic formulae • Propositions • a + x T, a + x c where: {, , } Formulae: • Atomic formulae (e.g., xT, Ty5, x>3) • p, pq, Op, pUq (e.g., ((p(xT)) (q(Tx3))) )
XCTL Semantics Behavior (trace) for a formula [P,C,V]*: , Ic • (0,t0), (1,t1), (2,t2)… where i2P, tiInt+ s.t. : - For all i, titi+1 - nInt+j s.t. tjn, • Ic: C Int (fixed for all states). -- for aC, ta denotes Ic(a) Semantics: • j |= a+x T iff ta+x tj for every {x} Int. • j |= a+x c iff ta+x tc for every {x} Int. A behavior , Ic is a model (satisfies) of (P,C,V) iff 0 |= for every {V Int}. * P- thepropositions in , V- thetime variables in , C- thetime constants in
Example A model for: ((p(xT)) (q(Tx5)))
Railroad Crossing in XCTL: Assertions • 40 seconds minimal delay between trains. Tin O1,39Tin Tin(x=T) O(Tinx40T) • It takes a train 6 seconds to arrive at the signal. Tin O6(AtSignal) Tin(x=T) (AtSignal(x+6=T)) • Trains exit XR within 15 to 25 seconds after passing the signal. (AtSignal Twait) (Twait Twait) O15,25Tout ((AtSignal Twait) (Twait Twait ) x=T) (Tout (x+15T)(x+25T))
Railroad Crossing in XCTL: Requirements • Every train that arrives at the signal is allowed to continue beyond the signal within 10 seconds. AtSignal O0,10(Twait) AtSignal (x=T) (Twait (x+10T)) • The gate is open whenever the crossing is empty for more than 10 seconds. O0,10(Tcr0) O10(Open) (x=T) Tcr0U(x+10=T) (Open (x+10=T))
XCTL Closure CL(f) - is the minimal set that satisfies: • fCL(f), tt, O(tt) CL(f) • gCL(f) gCL(f) • gUhCL(f) h, g, O(gUh)CL(f) • OgCL(f) gCL(f) • Timing formulae (next slide)
Closure Timing Formulae • Let {a+x}, v{c, T}, {, , } • v CL(f) v, v, v CL(f) • T CL(f) O( T), ( T)CL(f) Also, the “difference table”: |CL(f)| <3|f|2
Example: Cl((p (T5))) 9. (p(T=5), 10. O(p(T=5), 11. T5, 12. T5, 13. O(T5), 14. (T5) 15. tt, ff, Ott 1. (p (T5)), 2. (p (T5)), 3. O(p (T5)), 4. p, 5. T=5, 6. p, 7. (T=5), 8. (p(T=5),
Atoms A set ACL(f) such that: • tt, O(tt) A (guarantees infinite models) • for every g CL(f), g A g A • for every gh CL(f), ghA gA or hA • for every gUhCL(f), gUhA hA or g,O(gUh)A • for every v CL(f) precisely one of v, v, v A • TA O(T)A • =TA or TA (T)A • The difference table w.r.t. A • The set of time constraints in A, C(A), is consistent (a solution to a linear system).
Timed Next Relation LTL: OpA pB, …. (A,B)X c A c B =TA =TB or TB Graph Construction:G()(At,X) where At is the set of all atoms that contain , or are accessed from an atom that contains via the X relation Example: Cl((p(T5))) Atoms Atom#2 (p (T5)), (p (T5)), p, T=5, (T5) Atom#1 (p (T5)), O(p (T5)), T5, (T5) Atom#3 T5, O(T5)
Timing Relations between Atoms C is self-fulfilling if it is s.c. and for every pUqA (in C) there is an atom B (in C) such that qB. (A,B)X, C(A)={T1,…,Tk, L1,…,Lm} by definition C(B)={T'1,…,T'k, L1,…,Lm} such that: • if Tj is T then T'j is T • if Tj is T then T'j is T or T • if Tj is T then T'j is T BW-Lemma: If u1,…,un,t'Int satisfy C(B) then there exists tt' such that u1,…,un,tsatisfy C(A). FW-Lemma: If A, B belong to a self-fulfilling s.c.s.then C(A)=C(B) and all time constraintsin C(A) are of the form T.
BW-Lemma: If u1,…,un,t' Int satisfy C(B) then thereexists tt' such that u1,…,un,t satisfy C(A). Proof • u1,…,un |= L1,…,LmC(A), C(B) (t’) • iTC(A)iT | i<TC(B), let t=i(u) tt’. for <TC(A)i- >0C(A)t>(u) (sim. for >TC(A)). • iTC(A), def El= { i | i<T}, let l=max(l(u)) (l if El= ) Eg={ i | i >T}, let g=min(g(u)) (g if Eg=) g-l>1C(A) g>l+1, let t=l+1 l<t<g. l<TC(A)l<TC(B)l(u)=l<t’ t t'
FW-Lemma: If A, B belong to a self-fulfilling s.c.s. then C(A)=C(B) and all time constraints in C(A) are of the form T. Proof AB, BA {Li} same in A,B & <TC(A)iff <TC(B). Assume =T |>T C(A)(<T)A DC, <TD, but DA <TC(A) !!! • From FW-Lemma: If u1,…,un,t satisfy C(A) then it is a solution forevery atom in a self-fulfilling s.c.s. that contains A.Also, u1,…,un,t' is a solution for every t't.
fulfilling path A0,A1,… in G(): • i, (Ai,Ai+1)X, • i, pUqAiji s.t. qAj. • A0 Fulfilling Paths and Satisfiability Theorem: is satisfiable iff there exists a fulfilling path for in G(). Sketch of proof: • if is satisfiable construct the sequence: A0,A1,.. where Ai={ pCL() | si |= p } Show that is fulfilling path. - Given A0,A1,.. is fulfilling path of . define s0,s1,.. such that: si={ pAi }. Since is infinite there exists k s.t. all the atoms from k head are contained in a self-fulfilling SCS. Let u1,...un,tk be a solution of Ak, then trace backwards and assign values titk (possible by BW-Lemma). Also by FW-Lemma assign sk+1,sk+2,.. by tk+1, tk+2,...
Satisfiability Checking Algorithm • Let G0=G(). • repeat with the last defined graph Gi Let C be a useless maximal SCS in Githen define Gi+1=(Wi+1,Xi+1) by: Wi+1=Wi-C Xi+1=Xi(Wi+1Wi+1) until Gi is empty or does not contain anyuseless maximal SCS. • If there is an atom AGi such that A • then report success • else report fail. Theorem: is satisfiable iff the algorithm reports success.
Remarks • The algorithm does not check for complete models(time increases with at most 1 t.u.).. Hence, the Formula (x=T) O(x+2=T) is satisfiable though it does not have a complete model. • The definition of a model does not require time to be non- negative. Hence, the formula (x=T) O(x=-1) is satisfiable but only by a model where t00. In order to restrict models to non-negative clocks we need to augment formulae with a proper constraint p (0T)