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TYPES OF COMEDIES. SLAPSTICK COMEDIES. They involve lots of physical action. Comedians throw things at each other, hit each other or have funny accidents. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are examples of slapstick comedians .
SLAPSTICK COMEDIES They involve lots of physical action. Comedians throw things at each other, hit each other or have funny accidents. StanLaureland OliverHardyareexamples of slapstickcomedians.
Charlie Chaplin wasborn in 1889. He firstbecamefamous for his acting in silentfilms. He directed and wrotemusic for films. He diedin 1977. Haveyouseenanymovies of Charlie Chaplin?
SITUATION COMEDIES Theyare TV programswhichusuallylasthalf an hour. Theyarebroadcastonce a week. The samecharactersare in eachepisode and wewatchtheirdailyadventures.
STAND-UP COMEDIANS Stand-upcomediansperform on theirown. Theytelljokes in clubsor in theatres.
SPOOF A spoof is an imitation of a bookor film which is designedto be happy. Itmakes a parody of the originalversion.