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What does a label of tell us?. Cognitive Processing. Sensory Modality . Response. IQ. Attention Selective & Sustained or Working. Memory Perception Analysis & Synthesis. Fine Motor (apraxia, dyspraxia, & dysgraphia). n. (MR). Auditory (HI). verbal LD. (ADHD-C) &
What does a label of tell us? Cognitive Processing Sensory Modality Response IQ Attention Selective & Sustained or Working Memory Perception Analysis & Synthesis Fine Motor (apraxia, dyspraxia, & dysgraphia) n (MR) Auditory (HI) verbal LD (ADHD-C) & Inattentive Gross Motor (OHI, DCD) nonverbal LD Visual (VI) Social Behavior (EBD)
Informal Assessment:Assess the Task 1. What sensory input? 2. What learning processes? 3. What kinds of response is required?
Summary: Assess the Task/Test A. Sensory Input • Auditory • Visual B. Learning Processes • Sensation • Attention • Perception/Discrimination • Analysis • Synthesis • Memory • Reasoning C. Output • Gross motor • Fine-motor (gestural, written) • Spoken- motor • Informal assessment of input/output and process
1. SENSORY INPUT modalities • Auditory • Visual (light color shape) • Tactile (pain, pressure, temperature) • Gustatory (sweet, sour, bitter) • Olfactory -Informal assessment of auditory vs. visual
2. LEARNING PROCESSES A. Attention • Select (pay attention to relevant information& ignore nonrelevant) • Sustain (maintain attention)
B. Perception/Discrimination the inability to match stimuli, make same/different judgments, or identify an object from sensory input
C. Analysis (figure ground) • Auditory (sounds to letters, sounds to syllables, sentences to words) • Visual (breaking apart visual stimuli)
D. Synthesis (closure) • Auditory (closing up sounds into words and words into sentences) • Visual (closing up parts of an object to identify the whole)
E. Memory types • Sequential (sounds, compound words)(psghetti, sitter baby, hangaber) vs. Associational (by personal experience or context not necessary by logic, such as chronology) • Recall vs. Recognition • Working (hold information in mind) vs. Short-term vs. Long-term
F. Reasoning (concept formation/IQ)--movement away from concrete function of object or literalness of statement to something that represents it. Symbols ? • visual? • auditory?
#3. What FINE-MOTOR RESPONSE? • 1. speech • 2. written • 3. action (gesture, pointing) -Informal assessment of response
Please “Draw A Man” & the child drew many: The inability to stop a motor response, topic of conversation, verbal response
Case Analyis Elizabeth goes on and on when she talks, and people have a hard time understanding her. Her family usually tells her, “You’re going on and on,” as a cue to stop talking. Elizabeth doesn’t get much work done in school. When she writes, she often leaves words out of sentences or fails to complete the sentences she starts. Her attention tends to wander.