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How does carrying capacity effect the environment, AND YOUR HEALTH?

Aseel Dari Br.Nassry 9 th grade girls 1. How does carrying capacity effect the environment, AND YOUR HEALTH?. What is capacity?. Capacity is basically just the  maximum amount or number that can be received  or contained in a specific place, at a specific time.

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How does carrying capacity effect the environment, AND YOUR HEALTH?

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  1. Aseel Dari Br.Nassry 9th grade girls 1 How does carrying capacity effect the environment, AND YOUR HEALTH?

  2. What is capacity? • Capacity is basically just the maximum amount or number that can be received or contained in a specific place, at a specific time. • Have you ever seen an elevator saying “maximum capacity 800 lbs”? that’s because in order to maintain a stable elevator, you need less than 800 lbs or you will fall straight down. And I’m pretty sure we don’t want that.

  3. So, what is so important about capacity? • Carrying capacity doesn’t only have to be in numbers, it could also be in the amount of people. For example, did you ever see our auditorium with the sign that says, “Caution: there should be no more than 208 persons in this room.” • That’s there because if there is more than 208 persons, there can be serious consequences. • Point being that capacity is all about amount.

  4. What are the effects towards capacity? Positive Negative • Capacity tells us if we are able to attain the amount we have on our selves. • It makes us stay in the middle with our own weight. (homeostasis) • If you don’t take care of maintaining it, you will suffer from heart disease, diabetes and could possibly end up looking like…

  5. What does capacity do to our eternal environment? • In population ecology, the carrying capacity is the population size at which the population growth rate equals zero. Population size is constrained by food availability, competition with other species, and interactions with predators and diseases. So, like I said you may possibly lead to looking like

  6. Ways to cut down your own capacity? • Diet- some people don’t like to diet, so you can just watch out for what you eat. • Exercise- exercising everyday for 30 minutes can decrease your intake of calories. • Healthy- Eat healthy and eat green. Also I heard that if you smell bananas or green apple, you can lose weight. Same goes for eating anything purple.

  7. Continuation: • (4) Activity- usually, people use television to entertain themselves, but you should really just get up and start walking. • (5) Holiday Intake- Americans usually gain more pounds during the seasons of fall and winter, due to Thanksgiving, Christmas and other traditional rituals. All because this is happening during the cold, so people cant really get out and do much.

  8. DID YOU KNOW????!!!?? • (1) Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat and digest a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. • (2) When you eat too much food, it actually reduces your ability to hear. So consider eating healthy, and ONLY until you are full. • (3) Smelling bananas and green apples can make you lose weight. (4) Eating purple substances can make you lose weight. Such as: purple grapes, plums, etc. (5) In order to maintain homeostasis in your body, you cant eat fast food as often.

  9. Conclusion • Capacity is the maximum amount in an object, and the carrying capacity is the population size at which the population growth rate equals zero. Carrying capacity doesn’t only have to be in numbers, it could also be in the amount of people. Capacity tells us if we are able to attain the amount we have on our selves. If you don’t take care of maintaining it, you will suffer from heart disease, diabetes and more. The carrying capacity is the population size at which the population growth rate equals zero. Some ways you can decrease your capacity(weight) is by

  10. Continuation • Exercising everyday for 30 minutes can decrease your intake of calories, and also by eating healthy. Get up and start walking. So really, do you want to be like him. Or like him?

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