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”DELIVERING AS ONE” Joint UN Procurement Initiatives

”DELIVERING AS ONE” Joint UN Procurement Initiatives. Executive Board Presentation UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS September 2012. Joint presentation UNDP, UNOPS, UNFPA. Successes – HLCM PN. Revised Guidelines for Common UN Procurement at the Country Level including an extended set of practical tools

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”DELIVERING AS ONE” Joint UN Procurement Initiatives

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  1. ”DELIVERING AS ONE”Joint UN Procurement Initiatives ExecutiveBoardPresentation UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS September 2012 Joint presentation UNDP, UNOPS, UNFPA

  2. Successes – HLCM PN Revised Guidelines for Common UN Procurement at the Country Level including an extended set of practical tools Field supportmissions to countries to assesscountryoutcomes and identifybestpractices Developed extensive training material on UN cooperation Workedwith UN organisations to include UN cooperation material in trainingcourses FacilitatedUNSSC trainingon common UN procurement, deliveringtraining to over 120 UN staff Harmonization Working Group:

  3. Successes – HLCM PN Harmonization Working Group: Standardizedtable of contentsfor UN procurementmanuals Developed a Common UN Glossary of procurement-related terms Comparative review of procurement review committees Pilotedimplementationof a newwayofpresentingtheUN ProcurementPractitioner‘s Handbook (website, iPhone& Android App, E-Book)

  4. Policy on UN CooperationImplementation (baseline) Include 2 slides on status of implementation 1. UN Cooperation; 2. Secondary Review; 3. LTAs; 4. Restrictions; 5. Procurement Services; 6. Integration of ‘guidelines´; 7. Communication on ‘Guidelines’; 8. Table of contents

  5. Policy on UN CooperationImplementation(August 2012) 1. UN Cooperation; 2. Secondary Review; 3. LTAs; 4. Restrictions; 5. Procurement Services; 6. Integration of ‘guidelines´; 7. Communication on ‘Guidelines’; 8. Table of contents

  6. Successes – HLCM PN VendorSanctions: Model Policy Framework adopted in 2011 = Guiding Principles & suggestedprocedures for implementation, incl. toolsand templates Includes: Definitions of proscribedpractices (fraud, corruption, etc,) alignedwiththose in the UN ConventionAgainstCorruption and  IFIs Debarment as a potential sanction and procedure for rehabilitation Gives vendors the opportunity to know, and contest, the acts or omissionsthatkickedoffproceedings UN Organizationsencouraged to aligntheirprocurementintegritypractices by adoptingoradapting it. A total of 12 agencieshave implemented or areworkingtowardsimplementation.

  7. Successes – HLCM PN UN Supplier Code of Conduct: Adopted by: FAO, IFAD, ITU, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS, WIPO

  8. Successes – HLCM PN Procurement Professionalization: Cohesion and a shared vision among UN organizations 5 organizations use other organizations procurement trainings for staff accreditation – mainly UNDP/CIPS training

  9. Successes – HLCM PN Collaborative Vehicles Project : Total annual UN spend on vehicles: $300M Funded by the HLCM, Project aims to consolidate volumes to leverage savings with a target of 10% 16 Funds, Agencies, Programmes participating including all large purchasers Project manager appointed, preliminary meetings held and data gathering under way Other collaboration areas: safety/driver training, fleet management, armored vehicle management, sat tracking

  10. Successes – Other Initiatives Value for money through Collaborative Procurement Actions - Examples: Cargo Insurance (UNICEF, FAO, UNDP, UNOPS, UNFPA). Annual savings: USD 1.9 M / 53% compared to previous premiums Freight Forwarding Death and Disability insurance (UNDP, UNOPS, UNFPA and UNICEF): 60% of savings from current premiums for UNDP alone, etc.

  11. Successes – Other Initiatives UNGM (latest progress): InTend integration (e-procurement) Easierregistration for vendors, more effectivesearchfunction, better tender alert due to nowuse of industry standard coding system Flag potential banned vendors and send alerts Coming soon: harmonized registration process for all organizations

  12. Barriers to Joint initiatives Specificprocurementrules , policies and procedures for harmonizationare missing Differences in mandate, scope and business processes of UN entities’ procurement review committee. Regulatory framework does not talk about inter-agency procurement review committees Harmonization of keyprocurementdocuments Implementation of abovewouldhelpformulation of effectiveSOPs for UN Country Teams



  15. 1. PROCUREMENT IN BRIEF Mission Mission:Support UNFPA Programmes and Partners to deliver reproductive health results through procurement and supply chain management services Procurement = Strategic component of programme

  16. 1. PROCUREMENT IN BRIEF Statistics

  17. 1. PROCUREMENT IN BRIEF Organization • Procurement Services Branch in Copenhagen (ISO 9001 certified since 2007) • Commodity and Security Branch in New-York

  18. 1. PROCUREMENT IN BRIEF Staff • All procurement staff have to be CIPS accredited • ”License to practice”


  20. 2. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Shift from process-oriented activities towards supply chain management Major Outcome: • Increased support to programme via better coordination and communication with external partners, suppliers, donors, etc. • Actions aligned and break down silos

  21. 2. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Value for money through partnerships and strategic approaches • Partner with stakeholders through the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition to shape RH markets • Engage the pharmaceutical sector jointly & collaboratively

  22. 2. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Value for money through partnerships and strategic approaches • Align own actions with the "asks" of critical suppliers for better procurement terms (commitment to minimum quantity, etc.) • Work together with other large procurers, major donors and other partners

  23. 2. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Value for money through partnerships and strategic approaches • UNFPA alone: US$ 4.5 million on only 3 critical products • Entire reproductive health community: US$ 12 million on only 2 critical products

  24. 2. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Value for money through partnerships and strategic approaches Impact on programme results: • UNFPA alone: 250,000 additional women having access to implants • Entire reproductive health community: 700,000 additional women

  25. 2. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY Value for money through partnerships and strategic approaches • Such results could not have been achieved if UNFPA had been operating alone/in silos • Programme results can be demonstrated through strategic procurement actions


  27. 3. Current Project: AccessRH An innovative supply chain management initiative that contributes to capacity-building (www.myaccessrh.org) • Reduction in delivery times • Competitive prices for on line ordering of contraceptives, medical equipment & kits • Quality of products (pre-qualified suppliers & tested products) • Timely information on shipments • Access to comprehensive RH data


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