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Advertising/Sales. Ads in Mags Notes: Motives/Ad Strategies Assignment: Motives and Appeals. Target audience-. A specified audience or demographic group for which an advertising message is designed.

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  1. Advertising/Sales Ads in Mags Notes: Motives/Ad Strategies Assignment: Motives and Appeals

  2. Target audience- A specified audience or demographic group for which an advertising message is designed. Age, Gender, Income, Likes, Dislikes, lifestyle, career, education, hobbies, housing (own,rent) Special interests

  3. Target Audience Breakdowns Male or Female • Tween- 8-12 years old • Teen- 13-17 • Young adult- 18-24 • Maturing adult- 25-34 • Adult- 35-55

  4. Appetite/Hunger Health Ambition/success Physical Comfort Approval by others/acceptance Personal appearance Possession: Have just to have Competition: Fun/Play Sport/Physical Activity Fear/caution/Safety Happiness Economic awareness Notes: Motives

  5. Marketing to Teens - Advertising Strategies • Advertisers have many methods to try and get you to buy their products. • Lots of times, what they are selling is a lifestyle, or an image, rather than the product. • Here are some tricks of the trade.

  6. Family seems perfect Kids are hip looking, hottest fashions, toys. All attractive Everyone to get along Represents the types families that kids “want” to have A product that brings families together Helps them have fun together all it takes is for Mom or Dad to bring home the "right" food, and a ho-hum dinner turns into a family party.  Ideal Kids (or families) Family Fun

  7. Boredom ends with product Everything will become fun and exciting Who could ever have imagined that food could be so much fun? One bite of a snack food and you're surfing in California, or soaring on your skateboard! Excitement

  8. Star Power • Favorite sports star or celebrity • Celebrity tells you they use product

  9. Bandwagon • Join the crowd! • Don't be left out! • Everyone is buying the product

  10. Scale • Product looks bigger and better than competitor • Appear more appealing than they do in real life

  11. Put Downs Specifically saying your product is better than another product.

  12. Facts and Figures Usefacts and statistics to enhance your product's credibility. % % % % % % %

  13. Repetition • Say product name over and over • The same commercial will be repeated

  14. Heart Strings Ads that draw you into a story and make you feel good.

  15. Sounds Good • Uses Music and other sound effects • Jingles: stuck in your head ALL day Have you ever noticed that the volume of commercials is higher than the sound for the program that follows?

  16. Cartoon Characters • Cartoon Character is the “face” of the product • Tony the Tiger-cereal • Trix: Rabbit • Energizer Bunny- Batteries

  17. Humor Catches your attention with humor Ex. Most of the commercials you shared earlier!

  18. Sexual Attraction Uses sexual attraction to catch your attention. Ex. Carl’s Jr. Go Daddy

  19. Weasel Words Words that can mislead viewers. Look for words in commercials like: • "Part of..." • "The taste of real....." • "Natural...." • "Because we care..." By law, advertisers have to tell the truth, but sometimes, There are hundreds of these deceptive phrases

  20. Omission • Where advertisers don't give you the full story about their product. • For example, when a Pop Tart claims to be "part" of a healthy breakfast, • it doesn't mention that the breakfast might still be healthy whether this product is there or not.

  21. Cool Enough? • You will gain coolness with the product • You are shown showing “uncool” people then they use “product” and the are COOL!

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