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EQ: Where are volcanoes found on the Earth’s Surface?. Turn to IAN 45 and review your plate boundaries. On the lines provided at the top of IAN 49, make a prediction as to where you think volcanoes are found on the Earth’s surface. Remember to be specific and give reasoning to your hypothesis.
EQ: Where are volcanoes found on the Earth’s Surface? • Turn to IAN 45 and review your plate boundaries. • On the lines provided at the top of IAN 49, make a prediction as to where you think volcanoes are found on the Earth’s surface. • Remember to be specific and give reasoning to your hypothesis. • Use the knowledge you gained from Chapter 5
IAN 50 Volcano Research Jigsaw Activity • Today you will be researching Volcanoes in teams of three. • Each person in your group will become a specialist in one place that volcanoes are found on the Earth’s surface. • All of the 1’s in the class will be researching Divergent Boundaries • All of the 2’s will be researching Convergent Boundaries • All of the 3’s will be researching Hot Spots
IAN 50 Volcano Research Jigsaw Activity • You will use the top third of your paper to take notes on your topic. Utilize the questions on IAN 48 to drive your research. • Remember, you are to report back to your team and must explain your findings to them. • Be prepared to share your research with the class.
IAN 50 Volcano Research Questions to think about while researching… • Where is my location that volcanoes are found? • How are they formed here? • What are some specific locations they are found?(i.e. Hawaii) • Also, be creative and site anything you find interesting while reading about your topic.
All the red dots on the map below show the locations of volcanoes. • Click the link: Volcanoes and Plate Boundariesto see which ones are located at converging boundaries & diverging boundaries. • Why are there occasional volcanoes in the middle of a tectonic plate in the ocean or a continent? The RInGoFFIre
IAN 49 6.1 Volcanoes & Plate Tectonics EQ: Where are Volcanoes Found on Earth’s Surface? A: Volcanoes can form at Convergent and Divergent plate boundaries and also along HOTspots. Convergent Boundaries: • Where two oceaniccrusts collide to form an island arc • ex. Japan, New Zealand, Caribbean Islands • Where one continental crust and one oceanic crust collide • ex. Andes Mountains, Mt.Saint Helens, and Mt. Rainier Divergent Boundaries: • Where two oceanic crusts pull apart and form mid-ocean ridges • ex. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, East Pacific Rise • Where two continental crusts pull apart and form a rift valley. • Ex. Great Rift Valley in East Africa Hot Spot: an stationary area where material deep within the mantle may rise through the crust and melt to form magma, this can create volcanoes as tectonic plates move over them.
IAN 49 6.1 Vocabulary: • Volcano: a mountain that forms in Earth’s crust when molten material, or magma, reaches the surface. • Magma: a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle, below earth’s surface. • Lava: magma that reaches Earth’s surface • Ring of Fire: a major belt of volcanoes most are along the rim of the continents encircling the pacific ocean • Island Arc:a string of volcanic islands that result from one oceanic crust colliding and subducting underneath another oceanic crust. • Hot Spot: an stationary area where material deep within the mantle may rise through the crust and melt to form magma, this can create volcanoes as tectonic plates move over them.
Homework Complete the following Reflection question in the space provided on IAN pg49 Compare and Contrast volcanoes formed at hot spot with those formed at convergent or divergent plate boundaries. (Must use science vocabulary terms and AVOID words like“he, she, IT, they, we”)
Animation pHet Plate Tectonics Interactive Click on the link above to download an interactive simulation of plate boundaries to see the resulting land formations.
IAN 51 6.2 Volcanic Eruptions Parts of a Volcano • Magma chamber – a pocket beneath earth’s surface where magma collects • Pipe – a long tube that extends through the crust to the top of a volcano (connects chamber to surface of earth) • Vent – the opening in a volcano where magma and gases exit • Lava Flow – the spread of lava as it pours out of a vent • Crater – a bowl shaped area that may form at the top of a volcano around the central vent Other Vocabulary • Pyroclastic Flow – a fast moving cloud of hot rock and ash moving down the side of a volcano
What happens when a volcano erupts? • Magma in the magma chamber heats up and begins to rise. • The gasses within the magma, much like in a soda can, begin to expand and create bubbles • The bubbles increase and create an enormous force • When a volcano erupts, the force of the expanding gases pushes magma from the magma chamber through the pipe until it flows or explodes out of the vent
Types of Eruptions • Geologist classify eruptions into two categories: quiet and explosive • The viscosity of the magma and its silica content helps determine the type of explosion • Temperature can also effect the type of eruption
Quiet Eruptions • Properties of magma: • Extremely hot • Low in silica content • Low viscosity- thin and runny • Gases bubble slowly • Hazards of quiet eruptions: • Lava can cover large areas • The temperature can set fire to anything in its path • Buries anything that gets in its way
Explosive Eruption • Properties of magma • Cool in relation to quiet eruptions • High in silca content • High viscosity- think and runny • Hazards of Explosive Eruptions • A ticking time bomb • Landslides of mud, melted snow, rocks • gases, hot ash and rocks shot into the air, cinder and bombs (pyroclastic flow)
Example of an Explosive Eruption Before eruption in 1980 After eruption 1982
Stages of Volcanoes • Active – a volcano that is erupting or shows signs of erupting in the near future • Dormant – sleeping volcano; expected to become active again in the future • Extinct – dead volcano, unlikely to erupt ever again
IAN 51 6.2 Volcanic Eruptions EQ: What happens when a volcano erupts? • A: the force of expanding gases pushes magma from the chamber, through the pipe until it flows or explodes out of a vent.
Reflection • Complete the following on IAN pg 52 for your Reflections: • Describe what happens when a volcano erupts and compare/contrast the two types of eruptions that can occur. • NOTE – avoid these words in your answer: he, she, it, they, we, and use science terms instead!
Homework • Complete Volcanic Eruptions Lesson Quiz • Study for Vocab Quiz Tomorrow!! • All vocabulary words from 6.1 and 6.2
Enjoy the show Eyewitness Volcanoes