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Attila the Hun. The Huns. All Germanic tribes were barbaric but non were as intimidating as the Huns Invaded Europe in 4th century (300) from China and Mongolia. Able to sustain the harsh weather and winters No written records so little info about their everyday life. Daily Life of a Hun.
The Huns • All Germanic tribes were barbaric but non were as intimidating as the Huns • Invaded Europe in 4th century (300) from China and Mongolia. • Able to sustain the harsh weather and winters • No written records so little info about their everyday life
Daily Life of a Hun • Migratory and took everything they owned • Lived in Yurts (tented houses) • For many years they spend their time journeying from China to Europe. Some stopped in Asia or Russia • Landed in territory of Roman Empire had some fighting but made peace with Hun King Ruga.
Huns were very superstitious • Hung heads of horses on sticks around camp to ward off evil spirits • Told prophecies and the future. • Attila found a sworn in the forest and said must have come from sky and one who carried it would defeat the world
Attila • Born in 406 AD Father died when young • Encouraged to ride horses and use bow and arrow • As part of Roman agreement paid 350 lbs of gold and both sides had hostages. • Attila went to live in Roman Empire learned to read, write, and speak Latin • Liked Roman organization but despised their decadence (tendency towards material things)
In twenties returned to the Huns • As he got older had striking appearance • Tall, large head, beard, small eyes • When Attila 27 uncle Ruga died and Attila’s brother Bleda became King. (Attila upset) • Roman had to increase their annual tribute and return all Hun prisoners to avoid attack • Helped his brother expand territory and kill and plunder all over Europe • Didn’t last long…Attila killed his brother in 445 AD and assumed the throne
Attila as King of the Huns • First tried to reorganize the Hun empire. Didn’t trust Huns for advise. Tried to unite with other Germanic tribes • Encouraged savage behavior • Pillaged churches and monasteries and killed monks, women, children, and desecrate the graves of dead and saints • Wanted to defeat Constantinople
Conquering • Conquered most of Italy until reached Rome • Popes came out and tried to convince not to attack Rome • Advisors said that the last person to attack Rome did not live long after that • Advised that danger would happen if he attacked. (later he was unhappy with the peace)
Death of Attila • Married a young, beautiful German woman. Legend has that they drank a lot and he and she retired to their bedroom and the next morning he was found dead in a pool of blood • Natural causes due to drinking • Wife murdered him for revenge for the deaths of her countrymen who were killed by Attila