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Plant Identification

Plant Identification. Scientific Name Categories. A-B C-E F-I J-N O-Q R-Z. Abelia X grandiflora Acer palmatum Acer rubrum Ageratum mexicanum Ajuga reptans Aracaria heterophylla. Asparagus densiflorus ‘Spengeri’ Aucuba japonica Begonia X semperflorens-cultorum Berberis thumbergii

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Plant Identification

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  1. Plant Identification

  2. Scientific Name Categories A-B C-E F-I J-N O-Q R-Z

  3. Abelia X grandiflora Acer palmatum Acer rubrum Ageratum mexicanum Ajuga reptans Aracaria heterophylla Asparagus densiflorus ‘Spengeri’ Aucuba japonica Begonia X semperflorens-cultorum Berberis thumbergii Betula nigra Buxus sempervirens A-B

  4. Canna X generalis Cercis canadensis Chlorophytum comosum Chrysantheum morifolium Chrysantheum X superbum Coleus X hybridus Cornus florida X Cupressocyparis leylandii Dieffenbachia maculata Epipremnum aureum Euonymous alata Euonymous japonica Euphorbia pulcherrima C-E

  5. Ficus benjamina Ficus elastica Ficus pumila Forsythia X intermedia Hedera helix Hemerocallis cv. Hosta sp. Ilex X attenuata Ilex cornuta Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ Impatiens Iris X germanica var. florentine F-I

  6. Juniperus conferta Juniperus horizontalis Lagerstroemia indica Ligustrum japonicum Liquidambar styraciflua Liriope muscari Magnolia grandiflora Malus Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Myrica cerifera Nandina domestica Nephrolepis exaltata J-N

  7. Ophiopogon japonicus Pelargonium X hortorum Pelargonium peltatum Philodendron scandens Pinus mugo var. mugo Pinus strobus Plectranthus australis Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Quercus palustris Quercus phellos O-Q

  8. Rhododendron catawbiense Rhododendron kiusianum Saintpaulia ionantha Salvia splendens Schefflera arboricola Spathiphyllum cvs. Tagetes erecta Tradescantia zebrina Viola X wittrockiana R-Z

  9. Abelia X grandiflora • COMMON NAME: Glossy Abelia • SIZE: 4-6 feet tall, 3-5 feet wide • FORM: Semiglobal, fine texture • FOLIAGE: Summer=dark green, fall and winter=bronze-green to bronze-red and bronze-purple • FLOWERS: funnel shaped, white with a hint of pink, slightly fragrant

  10. Abelia X grandifloraGlossy Abelia

  11. Acer palmatum • COMMON NAME: Japanese Maple • SIZE: 15-25 feet tall • FORM: multi-trunked, variable forms • FOLIAGE: simple leaves, opposite, 5-13 cm long, 5-7(9) lobes, color varies with cultivar • FRUIT: samara 1.3-2 cm long, much incurved, ripen in early fall

  12. Acer palmatumJapanese Maple Early Spring growth habit

  13. Acer palmatumJapanese Maple Spring to early summer foliage and fruit

  14. Acer rubrum • COMMON NAME: Red Maple • SIZE: 60-75 feet tall • FORM: ovoid or rounded crown, develops ascending branches • FOLIAGE: leaves opposite, simple, 5-10 cm long and wide, usually 3-lobed but often 5, medium to dark green • FLOWERS: red • FRUIT: samara

  15. Acer rubrumRed Maple Growth habit in winter and summer

  16. Acer rubrumRed Maple Fall foliage color

  17. Ageratum mexicanum • COMMON NAME: Ageratum • SIZE: annual from 6-18 inches tall • FLOWERS: clusters of lavender-blue flowers grow on top of compact, neatly- formed plants

  18. Ageratum mexicanumAgeratum

  19. Ajuga reptans • COMMON NAME: Ajuga • FORM: evergreen to semi-evergreen rapid-growing groundcover • FOLIAGE: ranges from green to bronze to purple • FLOWERS: may be rose or white, but most commonly purplish-blue

  20. Ajuga reptans/Ajuga

  21. Ajuga reptans/Ajuga

  22. Ajuga reptans/Ajuga

  23. Aracaria heterophylla • COMMON NAME: Norfolk Island Pine • SIZE: 2-6 feet tall, 1-4 feet wide • FOLIAGE: needle-like, spirally arranged, to 1 ½” long, drooping branches with age • FLOWERS: cones, not seen in indoor cultivation

  24. Aracaria heterophyllaNorfolk Island Pine

  25. Asparagus densiflorus • COMMON NAME: Sprengeri fern • FOLIAGE: small, linear, soft leaves densely packed on 3 dimensional, trailing stems which have a prickly nature • COLORS: dark green, new growth is sometimes light green

  26. Asparagus densiflorusSprengeri Fern

  27. Aucuba japonica • COMMON NAME: Japanese aucuba • FORM: evergreen shrub with green stems • FOLIAGE: leaves alternate, simple, glossy, green or mottled with yellow • FLOWERS: axillary, small, 4-parted, purple-maroon • FRUIT: scarlet or rarely yellow berry

  28. Aucuba japonicaJapanese Aucuba

  29. Aucuba japonicaJapanese Aucuba

  30. Begonia X semperflorens-cultorum • COMMON NAME: Wax Begonia • FORM: 6 to 15 inches wide, upright mound growth habit • FOLIAGE: very glossy, thick, succulent, and ovate leaf blades may be either glabrous or pubescent, having short petioles • FLOWERS: corolla is single or double flowering with solid white, shell pink, pink or red petals surrounding a yellow center of stamens or pistils

  31. Begonia X semperflorens-cultorumWax Begonia

  32. Berberis thumbergii • COMMON NAME: Japanese Barberry • FORM: 3 to 6 feet tall, slightly wider than tall, very twiggy • FOLIAGE: ovate shape, significantly wider at the tip than at the base, 0.5 to 1.25 inches long, 0.25-0.5 inches wide • FRUIT: bright red berries that color in October

  33. Berberis thumbergiiJapanese Barberry

  34. Berberis thumbergiiJapanese Barberry Summer foliage

  35. Berberis thumbergiiJapanese Barberry Small, but slightly showy flowers

  36. Berberis thumbergiiJapanese Barberry Showy fall and winter berries

  37. Betula nigra • COMMON NAME: River Birch • FORM: medium sized tree, 50 to 70 feet tall or taller, oval or pyramidal • FOLIAGE: lustrous medium or dark green, alternate, simple leaves, doubly serrate margin, diamond shaped leaves • FLOWERS: flowers are catkins • BARK: showy exfoliating bark

  38. Betula nigra/River Birch

  39. Betula nigra/River Birch Diamond-shaped, doubly serrate leaves

  40. Betula nigra/River Birch Showy, exfoliating bark

  41. Buxus sempervirens • COMMON NAME: Common Boxwood • FORM: 15 to 20 feet tall with an equal spread • FOLIAGE: opposite, elliptical leathery leaves, 0.5 to 1 inch long and half as wide, dark green above yellow green below • FRUIT: dehiscent 3 chambered capsule

  42. Buxus sempervirensCommon Boxwood

  43. Buxus sempervirensCommon Boxwood Foliage dark green above, yellow-green below

  44. Canna X generalis • COMMON NAME: Canna • FORM: herbaceous perennial that can grow to seven feet tall and 18 inches wide • FOLIAGE: large clasping leaves, dark-green • FLOWERS: red, pink, yellow or orange

  45. Canna X generalis/Canna

  46. Canna X generalis

  47. Cercis canadensis • COMMON NAME: Eastern Red Bud • FORM: a small, deciduous tree, 20 to 30 feet tall, 25 to 35 feet wide, shape is rounded to broad and flat-topped • FOLIAGE: wide, heart-shaped leaves, 3” to 5” long and wide • FLOWERS: small, purplish-pink pea-like flowers, numerous and appear before the foliage

  48. Cercis canadensisEastern Red Bud

  49. Cercis canadensisEastern Red Bud

  50. Cercis canadensisEastern Red Bud

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