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The integrated approach Best practice experiences in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Udine -17 October 2006. Giorgio Pontoni INFORMEST external expert. www.informest.it. The first experience.
The integrated approach Best practice experiences in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Udine -17 October 2006 Giorgio Pontoni INFORMEST external expert www.informest.it
The first experience • Both Documents (Objective 5b and Objective 2 OP) of the programming period 1994/2000 in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region had an INTEGRATED APPROACH (really just as a first experience) • The experience taught us a lot for the following programming periods 2000/2006 and 2007/2013. www.informest.it
Programming Period 2000/2006 • A best practice of “integrated Project” WHAT KIND OF INTEGRATION? - Structural funds co-financing (Ob 2) (public financing) - Private financial resources - Strong and active inputs from the Municipalities • Actions integrating several measures of the Ob 2 OP. www.informest.it
The Spread Hotel One experience is represented in the GRIP-IT partners project. The spread hotel is already operating on the territory as it was established in the previous programming period. The example is interesting not only for the results but also for the INTEGRATED FINANCING METHOD. www.informest.it
A Measure dedicated to the Mountain area “to enforce and to develop the capacity of the entrepreneurs in the mountain area” Let us analyse a best practice in this context keeping in mind that the “Integrated approach” is normally related to the European principle of the “concentration of the financial resources” www.informest.it
AGEMONT (a particular cluster) • This is a regional company whose mission is to support the competitiveness of SMEs and big companies in the mountain area, developing knowledge and capacity in the different sectors like financial, fiscal, technologic, marketing (national, international) and IT issues • New technologies know-how transfer from scientific research laboratories (in the field of prototyping, models, new materials, speeding process of productions) to the SMEs. www.informest.it
What kind of integration?(Several Measures and …) • ROP Ob 2 • Measure 1.3.2 “realization of structures for fitting in the laboratories of scientific research finalized to the development of innovative technologies” • Two laboratories have been co-financed and are already working in two different mountain areas. • A new financing has been approved (working in progress) www.informest.it
Which kind of integration?(Several Measures and …) 2 • ROP Ob 2 • Measure 2.3.2. A) “Economic animation on the territory of mountain areas” • ROP Ob 2 • Measure 2.3.2 B) “Animation in favour of the internationalisation of SMEs and big companies” • ROP Ob 3 • Different courses on the subjects as described www.informest.it
What kind of integration?(Several Measures and …) 3 • ROP Ob 2 • Measure 2.4.1 “Innovation and technology transfer, actions leading to the organisation on networks among SMEs, big companies and research institutions” • Measure 2.5.1. “Promotion of the enterprise start- up” www.informest.it
What kind of integration?(Several Measures and …) 4 • ROP Ob 2 • Measure 4.1.2 “Financial services to support credit facilities for the SMEs and big companies”. • A) Venture Capital • B) Loan funds www.informest.it
What kind of integration?(Several Measures and …) 5 INTERREG Italy/Austria • Establishment of a scientific laboratory specialized in the field of gold materials for the Italian-Austrian Gold Association of the Art Craft. • LEADER PLUS Synergy for the promotion and dissemination activities in the territory of mountain areas www.informest.it
What kind of integration?(Several Measures and …) 6 • The total co- financing for the Measures of the Ob 2 and INTERREG in the programming period 2000/2006 is about €10.000.000. • It has to be underlined the concentration of financial resources that gave added value to the combined actions • It has to be underlined the possibility for SMEs and big companies to use different financial resources • It has to be reminded the “Agemont Cluster Headquarter” (space for 20 research SMEs) was built during the Programming period 1994/2000 www.informest.it