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Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Mr. Ambrosi Eugenio. Factors which hamper the European Union’s capacity to act. Absence of links Absence of a European perspective Absence of synergy between objectives and actions.
Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia Mr. Ambrosi Eugenio
Factors which hamper the European Union’s capacity to act Absence of links Absence of a European perspective Absence of synergy between objectives and actions
Collateral interventions which specifically concern the border regions (but not only those regions) • The Programme for freedom of movement and co-operation in the fields of external borders, asylum and immigration • The Programme relating to security • The Programme for justice and fundamental rights
Three general instruments which directly support the European external policies • The Pre-accession Instrument (IPA) • The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) • The Development Co-operation and Economic Co-operation Instrument
The instrument for stability This will make it possible: • –to react in an effective, immediate and integrated manner to situations of crisis and instability by means of a single financial mechanism; • – to tackle global and regional cross-frontier problems which threaten the security of civilians, such as the fight against illegal trafficking, organised crime and terrorism; • – to tackle the questions of nuclear security; • – to develop an international capacity for the maintenance of peace in partnership with regional organisations; • – to undertake missions of electoral assistance.
The instrument for humanitarian aid • It is proposed to maintain the current EU humanitarian aid, which is sufficiently well-defined in terms of field of application and objectives and functions well with regard to services and efficiency
Macrofinancial assistance (MFA) This is maintained and reinforced in view of a potential increase in needs, particularly in neighbouring countries of the enlarged Union, such as the new independent eastern states (Moldavia, Ukraine, Byelorussia) and the Third Mediterranean Countries
Cohesion policy of the EU after 2006: the Commission proposes that the actions supported by the cohesion policy should be concentrated on investment in a limited number of Community priorities • convergence • regional competitiveness and employment • territorial co-operation
On the basis of the experience of the INTERREG initiative, the Commission proposes to create a new objective with a view to pursuing the harmonious and balanced integration of the territory of the Union by supporting co-operation between its components on matters of Community importance at transfrontier, transnational and interregional level
The following may be admitted into transfrontier co-operation • all regions situated along the internal terrestrial borders and some external terrestrial frontiers, • as well as along some neighbouring maritime frontiers. The aim will be to promote common solutions to common problems among neighbouring authorities, such as urban, rural and coastal development, the development of economic relations and the propagation of PMIs.
Wider actions to be initiated in order to promote transnational co-operation The Member States and the regions are invited to assess, in the light of the enlargement, the usefulness and effectiveness of the present thirteen transnational co-operation zones (defined in the distribution framework of INTERREG III B).
The Commission proposes that in future the regions should include in their regional programmes (with the objective of regional convergence and competitiveness): Measures of interregional co-operation. To achieve this, the regional programmes must dedicate part of their resources to exchanges, co-operation and networking with the regions of other Member States.
At the political level On the basis of the strategic document approved by the Council, each Member State will prepare a policy document on its development strategy, which will be negotiated with the Commission and will serve as a reference framework during the preparation of sectorial and regional programmes.
At the operational level On the basis of the national policy document, the Commission will approve the national and regional programmes proposed by each Member State. These programmes will be defined only in their broad outlines by means of the priority objectives.
The principle of additionality which dictates that Community resources must be additional to rather than a replacement for national resources, will continue to be one of the key principles of the cohesion policy.
Co-operation The regions will have the primary responsibility with regard to concentrating financial resources on the measures necessary to eliminate economic, social and territorial imbalances at regional level.
The indicative distribution of 336.1 billion between the three policy objectives would be as follows: • Approx. 78% for the “convergence” objective (disadvantaged regions, cohesion Fund, and regions with “statistical effect”), • Approx. 18% for the “regional competitiveness and employment” objective. In addition to the regions which benefit from temporary support (“phasing-in”), the distribution between the regional programmes financed by the ERDF and the national programmes financed by the ESF will be 50-50. • Approx. 4% for the “European territorial co-operation” objective.
The planning and management rules are simplified and clarified: • It is necessary to establish special provisions regarding the planning, management, monitoring and control of operational programmes. • It is important to encourage effective transfrontier and transnational co-operation with the Community’s neighbouring countries where it is necessary to ensure that the regions of the Member States bordering third countries can be effectively helped in their development. • It is worthwhile to authorise, as an exceptional measure, the intervention of the ERDFfor the financing of localised projects in the territory of third countries where these provide a benefit to the regions of the Community.
The ERDF contributes to the financing of: • productive investments • infrastructures • other development initiatives • technical assistance
Innovative actions • The promotion of innovative and transnational co-operation actions will be fully integrated in the field of application of the ESF and carried out transversely in the national and regional operational programmes. In both the “Convergence” and the “Regional competitiveness and employment” objectives. • The ESF will give priority to the financing of transnational co-operation, including exchanges of experience and good practices at Union level and joint actions, ensuring, where necessary, coherence and complementarity with other transnational programmes.
ESF • Supports the promotion and mainstreaming of innovative actions as well as transnational and interregional co-operation, particularly via the sharing of information, experience, results and good practices and via the development of complementary approaches and co-ordinated or joint actions.
Commitments of the Member States • The Member States and the Management Authorities ensure that the planning of transnational and interregional activities take the form of a specific priority axis, within an operational programme, or of a specific operational programme. • The Member States ensure coherence and complementarity between the action of the Fund and the financial activities by means of other Community transnational programmes, particularly in the field of education and training via appropriate co-ordination mechanisms.
Obstacles to transnational co-operation • It is proposed to introduce an instrument of co-operation at Community level which makes it possible to set up, at territorial level, co-operative groups with legal personality, to be known as “European transfrontier co-operation groups” (ETCGs), applicable from 1 January 2007.
ETCGs • The use of ETCGs will be optional. • The ETCG will be given the power to act on behalf of its members and the regional and local authorities which make it up. • The ETCG must be able to act to implement programmes of transfrontier co-operation co-financed by the Community.
Financial responsibility on the part of the regional and local authorities, and of the Member States which is therefore not delimited by the formation of an ETCG, either with regard to the management of Community funds or with regard to national funds.
The statutory documents contain the relevant provisions, in particular: • The list of its members; • The aims and duties of the ETCG, as well as its relations with members; • The name and registered office; • Its organs and their respective areas of authority, their functioning, and the number of members’ representatives within those organs; • The decision-making procedures of the ETCG; • The Community language or languages used for the carrying out of works; • The details of its functioning, particularly with regard to personnel management, recruitment procedures, and the nature of personnel contracts designed to ensure stability in actions of co-operation; • Details of members’ financial contributions, as well as the accounting and budgeting rules adopted; • Designation of an independent body for financial control and external audit.
Composition of the ETCG • The ETCG is represented by a Director, who acts on behalf of the ETCG. • The ETCG may have an assembly constituted by representatives of its members. • The statutory documents may provide for supplementary organs. • The ETCG draws up an annual budget forecast which is approved by its members. An annual report of its activities is drawn up and certified by independent experts. • The members are financially answerable in proportion to the contribution of the budget until the debts of the ETCG have been cleared.
ETCG • The duties and delegated functions of the ETCG must be determined by its own members in a European transfrontier co-operation agreement, which may not, in particular, deal with the powers exercised by the regional or local authority in the capacity of a public authority, particularly with regard to powers of control and direction. • The members may decide to set up the ETCG as a separate legal entity or to entrust its duties to one of the components. • The ETCGs draw up their own statutory documents and equip themselves with their own organs, as well as establishing rules on budgeting and liability for each financial year. • The agreement specifies the responsibility of each of the members, both towards the ETCG and towards third parties. • The agreement specifies the legal basis for its application and interpretation. The applicable law is that of one of the reference Member States. In the event of any dispute between the members, the competent jurisdiction is that of the Member State whose legal basis has been chosen. • The conditions for exercising the concession and delegation of public services to the ETCG within the scope of transfrontier co-operation are defined in the agreement, on the basis of the applicable national normative law. • The agreement is notified to its members and to the Member States, and is published in the Official Gazette of the European Community. As of the date of publication, the legal value of the ECTG is recognised in each of the Member States. • This publication contains the name of the ETCG, its aims, the list of members and the address of the registered office.