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DJVS Educational Institution Vivek Nagar, Kumta, Uttar Karnataka. Project funded by AshaAZ in June 2004 (Funded 1 st installment $2220; 2 nd installment of $2220 requested) Funds used for Six months’ salary to staff (June to November 2004) Purchased 10 desks and 10 chairs Project Update
DJVS Educational InstitutionVivek Nagar, Kumta, Uttar Karnataka • Project funded by AshaAZ in June 2004 (Funded 1st installment $2220; 2nd installment of $2220 requested) • Funds used for • Six months’ salary to staff (June to November 2004) • Purchased 10 desks and 10 chairs • Project Update • Total enrollment is 148 (87 boys, 61 girls) • Two trimester examinations were held for 8th & 9th standard students. ALL these students have passed (100% result). The last trimester examination will be held in March 2005. • 4 Unit Tests and Half-early exam were held for S.S.L.C. students. 70% of the students have passed. 2 Preparatory exams will be given for these students before the final board exam. • Academic/Cultural Activities • Singing competition (national anthem and Kannada songs) • Speech competition (Held in August 2004) • Drawing competition (Held in September 2004) • Students participated in “Prathibha Karanji” function at Divgi Primary School and were selected for Taluk level cultural activities. • Conducted Zonal Level Sports Meet in July 2004 (sponsored by Rotary Club of Kumta). • Scholarship distribution to poor students by Baad Kamath and family • Speech by experts on Preservation of Environment and Methods of Rain Harvesting in collaboration with “Sneha Kunja” of Kasarkod, Honnavar, an NGO • Conducted AIDS Understanding Program (by Family Planning Association of India, Kumta). • Surrounding ground was cleaned and leveled by college students. • ½ HP water pump and 300 ft long sprinkler pipe donated by Mr. Rathod • Educational tour and Annual Gathering (Planned for early 2005)
Note from Krish • Currently, DJVS does not have FCRA approval to receive foreign currency. They are trying to fill the required forms and are gathering all support documents needed by the Home ministry. Mr. Krishna Shetty, local DJVS contact person, has made several phone calls to India to clarify and provide support to the DJVS administrator in completing these forms. I believe that the forms will be submitted early March. • The 2nd installment of funding to DJVS for the 2004-2004 year is overdue. As indicated in the attached summary, DJVS has made good progress last year and is using the AshaAZ funds as specified. I suggest that we vote on this asap and find a way of sending the funds (via Asha India??) which were due in December. • DJVS will be requesting funding renewal for the 2005-2006 year. We need to arrange a site visit soon. Krishna and Gowri Shetty visited DJVS in June/July 2004 and have given us their feedback and photos; these have already been posted in the project website. • -Krish