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Welcome to Curriculum Night! GTD Reading/Language Arts Ms. DeBruin

Welcome to Curriculum Night! GTD Reading/Language Arts Ms. DeBruin. Wednesday, September 14th. About Ms. DeBruin. Recently completed my master’s degree from Northeastern Illinois University Graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education

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Welcome to Curriculum Night! GTD Reading/Language Arts Ms. DeBruin

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  1. Welcome to Curriculum Night!GTD Reading/Language ArtsMs. DeBruin Wednesday, September 14th

  2. About Ms. DeBruin • Recently completed my master’s degree from Northeastern Illinois University • Graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education • Middle School Endorsements in Math and Reading • Previously taught in a Chicago Public School for 4 ½ years • Gifted, general education, and special education

  3. Placement • Meet one of the following criteria • CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) Verbal Standard Score: 130-150 • Spring/Winter MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) score both tests: 98 or 99%ile

  4. Goals of the GTD Program To identify outstanding intellectual potential in students and recognize that demonstrated exceptional abilities require differentiated educational services that match student needs. To offer a continuum of services designed to challenge academically gifted and talented students and to provide opportunities for the development of intellectual behaviors. To integrate differentiated services into the school environment through collaboration, implementation, and evaluation among all teachers, parents, and administrators. To support the district’s commitment to this program by providing educators with appropriate staff development and resources to meet the needs of academically talented students. To communicate the nature and needs of academically gifted and talented students within the school and community in order to build awareness and develop an understanding of talented students’ needs.

  5. What will the class be like? Pilot program Aligned with 6th grade curriculum and state standards Texts from the same genre as other 6th grade classes, but more challenging or more opportunities for inquiry based learning Activities: collaborative group work, small group discussion, debate, inquiry based projects, formal writing, journaling, vocabulary development, reading to learn

  6. Classroom Expectations • Think from different perspectives • Speak your mind and listen to others • Do the right thing even when no one is looking • Communicate constructively • Take risks

  7. Grading Tests 50-100 points Quizzes 5-15 points In-class assignments/Homework 5-30 points Projects 50-100 points Writing assignments 50-100 points Small Group Discussion 5-10 Grades are updated weekly Student will receive one grade for both classes, but that grade will be counted twice.

  8. Extra Credit Opportunities provided throughout the year Some are announced while others are rewards for doing what you are supposed to do All extra credit will be offered to everyone. No individual extra credit opportunities will be granted.

  9. Homework Important to finish assignments on time Late assignments will only be accepted 2 days after the due date One letter grade drop for each day absent

  10. Absences • # of days student is absent= # of days to make-up work • Does NOT apply to reading assignments • Students would fall too far behind • Assignments can be found on the school website and the syllabus

  11. Reading Assignments • At least a basic understanding of major ideas • Little to no class time will be spent on basic comprehension • Quizzes given after each reading assignment to ensure understanding • If student frequently does poorly on these quizzes you will be contacted to determine if the child is struggling with comprehension OR not completing assignments

  12. Independent Reading & Reading Journal Book Reviews Art Letters Diagrams Sequel Ideas Cartoons Responses to Questions Current Events • Best way to improve reading and writing skills is to READ • 1 hour minimum per week • One journal entry per week • First journal entry will be done in class on Friday, September 16th • Students will need to bring any materials they want to use for their entry on this day

  13. In-Class Assignments Work collaboratively, but independently Use time wisely With independence comes responsibility

  14. Discussion • Small groups • Discussion sticks • I think… 2x • I agree… (in the text) • I disagree… (in the text) • Connect • Question (On your Own) • Question (Want to know more about)

  15. What’s next? Learner Profile • Learning Styles • Visual • Auditory • Kinesthetic • Brain Dominance • Left Brain • Right Brain • Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences • Verbal Linguistic • Mathematical-Logical • Musical • Visual-Spatial • Bodily-Kinesthetic • Interpersonal • Intrapersonal • Naturalist • Existential

  16. What’s after that? • Whale Rider by WitiIhimaera • Realistic fiction • Maori people (Natives of New Zealand) • The struggle to balance modernization and staying true to their traditions and culture • Female leadership • Guided Reading Groups • Small group discussion • Author’s Craft • Writing • Vocabulary (English & Maori) • Inquiry-Based Group Project • Grouped by Multiple Intelligences • Develop a question • Create a presentation based on your groups MI of what your group has learned

  17. Conferences October 20th Complete the conference request form (if you want turn it in tonight) All conferences will be with me, but we will discuss all classes

  18. QUESTIONS??? Thank you for coming! ~Ms. DeBruin If I do not get to your question or if your question is specific to your child, please fill out an index card with your question and either an email address or phone number and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

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