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MITRAL STENOSIS & REGURGITATION Pathophysiology & Anesthetic considerations for non-cardiac surgery. Presenter: Dr Prashant Kumar. University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi. Mitral Stenosis. Mitral valve is present between LA & LV
MITRAL STENOSIS & REGURGITATIONPathophysiology & Anesthetic considerations for non-cardiac surgery Presenter: Dr Prashant Kumar University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi
Mitral Stenosis • Mitral valve is present between LA & LV • Normal mitral valve orifice area (MVA): 4-6cm2 • MVA <2.5cm2 leads to symptoms • Decrease in Mitral valve orifice area leading to chronic & fixed mechanical obstruction to LV filling is termed as MS.
Causes • Rheumatic Heart disease • SLE • Carcinoid syndrome • Active Infective Endocarditis • Left atrial myxoma • Congenital mitral stenosis • Massive Annular Calcification
Rheumatic mitral stenosis • More common in females (2/3rd of all pts) • Symptoms occur two decades after onset of Rheumatic fever • Age of presentation • Earlier in 20s-30s • Now in 40s-50s (slower progression) • Isolated MS in 40% cases of RHD • Remaining 60% cases associated with other valvular diseases- MR/AR
Patho-physiology • Immunological disorder initiated by Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus. • Antibodies produced against streptococcal cell wall proteins & sugars react with connective tissues & heart; result in rheumatic fever and symptoms like • Carditis • Arthritis • Subcutaneous nodules • Chorea • Erythema marginatum
Chronic cardiac & valvular inflammation leads to cardiac & valvular pathology • Valvular pathology Rheumatic fever involving mitral valves Valve leaflet thickening and fusion of commissures Increased rigidity of valve leaflets Thickening, fusion and contracture of chordae & papillary heads Leaflet calcification (long standing MS) Progressive reduction in mitral valve orifice area Mitral Stenosis
Mechanical obstruction to left ventricular diastolic filling Adaptative ↑ in LAP to maintain LV filling ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA enlargement ↑ in pulmonary venous pressure → ↑ in pulmonary arterial pressure* Atrial fibrillation Transudation of fluid into pulmonary interstitial space Thrombus formation Systemic thrombo-embolism ↓ed pulmonary compliance ↑Work of breathing Progressive dyspnoea on exertion/rest Acute conditions like AF, Pregnancy, Pain, sepsis (↑ HR/CO) Acute ↑ in LAP Pulmonary edema ↑ in pulmonary arterial pressure*--------→ Pulmonary arterial hypertrophy (Pulmonary HTN) RV hypertrophy and dilatation RV failure
Pressure gradient between LA & LV Effect of MS on left ventricle
Effect of heart rate • Gorlin formula Valve area = Transvalvular flow rate (ml/s) K x PG1/2 (PG: Transvalvular pressure gradient, mmHg) (K is a hydraulic-pressure constant =38) • Tachycardia shortens diastole more proportionately than systole • Decreases the overall time for transmitral flow, • In order to maintain CO, the flow rate per unit time must increase • Pressure gradient increase proportionate to square of flow rate • ↑LAP → Pulmonary venous congestion and symptoms. • So, patients with MS do not tolerate tachycardia.
Effect of Atrial fibrillation in MS • Increased chances of thrombus formation & systemic thrombo-embolism • Normally effective atrial contraction is important in LV diastolic filling • In presence of AF • Loss of effective atrial contraction • ↑ed ventricular rate (↓ed diastolic filling time) ↓ Impaired LV filling (↓ed LV preload) ↓ decreased cardiac output
Diagnosis • Clinical presentation • Dyspnea, fatigue, orthopnea, PND, cough, hemoptysis,. • 10% patients have anginal type chest pain not attributable to CAD • Systemic thromboembolism (first symptom in 20% cases). • Physical examination • Low volume pulse • Sign & Symptoms of right sided heart failure - engorged neck veins, enlarged tender liver
Mitral facies ‘Pink purple patches on the cheeks, cyanotic skin changes from low cardiac output’ • Cardiac auscultation • Opening snap • Rumbling diastolic murmur best heard at apex radiating to the axilla • Loud S2: pulmonary hypertension
ECG Broad notched P wave (left atrial enlargement) Atrial fibrillation
Chest X-ray Normal to ↑ed cardiac shadow Straightening of the left heart of border and elevation of left main bronchus (left atrial enlargement) mitral calcification Evidence of pulmonary edema/ HTN LAA: Left atrial appendages, MPA: Main pulmonary artery, LPA: left pulmonary artery, RPA: Right pulmonary artery, Ao- Aortic knuckle (Ao)
Echocardiography • Anatomy/size of mitral valve & its appendages • severity of MS (area of orifice) • Size & function of ventricles • Estimation of pulmonary artery pressure • Cardiac catheterization and invasive measurement • Are almost never necessary • Reserved for situations ECHO sub-optimal/conflict with clinical presentation
Guidelines “Symptomatic MS (progressive dyspnoea on exertion, exertional pre-syncope, heart failure) is an active cardiac condition & pt should undergo evaluation & treatment before non cardiac surgery” • Emergency surgery Mild / Moderate MS • High risk • Continue medication • Proceed with surgery • Severe MS • Very high risk consent • Post- op ventilatory consent
Pre-operative Optimization of patient • Atrial fibrillation Sinus rhythm/control of ventricular rate 1.Digoxin (emergent IV digitalization:- loading dose 0.25mg iv over 15 minutes followed by 0.1mg every hour till response occur or total dose of 0.5-1.0mg. Monitor ECG, BP, CVP; HR <60bpm- Stop) 2. CCB (verapamil/diltiazem: 0.075-0.15mg/kg IV) 3. β-blocker (esmolol: 1mg IV) 4. Amiodarone (loading: 100mg IV, infusion: 1mg/min IV for 6 hrs. 0.5mg/min for next 18 hrs) 5. Cardioversion in hemodynamic unstable patients
Pulmonary HTN/Edema/RVF 1. Oxygen 2. Diuretic Loop diuretics High dose deleterious Combine with vasodilator 3. Digitalis 4. Morphine (0.1mg/kg)
(Pre-operative Optimization of patient> Pulmonary HTN/Edema/RVF continued…) 5. Vasodilators (NTG) Pulmonary vasodilation (↓PAP) Start from small dose (0.5–10 μg/kg/min) S/E: systemic hypotension 6. Nesiritide Recombinant BNP (Brain natriuretic peptide) Arterial & venous dilatation Controls dyspnoea in Acute heart failure 7. Myofilament calcium sensitizer (Levosimendan) Inodilators (↑es myocardial contractile strength, dilatation of systemic, pulmonary & coronary artery)
(Pre-operative Optimization of patient> Pulmonary HTN/Edema/RVF continued…) 8. Inotropic agents Norepinephrine Dopamine Dobutamine 9. Inodilators Amrinone Milrinone
Elective surgery • Mild/ moderate MS • Proceed with surgery after evaluation • Continue medications • Severe MS • Cardiology referral/surgical correction • Patients taken in optimized condition
Pre medication • To decrease anxiety & any associated likelihood of adverse circulatory responses produced by tachycardia • Drug to control heart rate • Antibiotics (prophylaxis for infective endocarditis is no longer recommended) (Ref: Miller’s Anesthesia, 7th edition)
Asymptomatic Standard non-invasive ECG, HR NIBP Pulse-oxymetry Capnograph Temperature Symptomatic pts or major surgery Standard non-invasive Serial ABG Invasive monitoring IBP CVP/PAC Echocardiography (TTE/TEE) Cardiac catheterization Monitoring
Management Monitoring Oxygen Pain relief: multimodal including neuroaxial opioids Intravenous fluids Anticoagulants Complication Pulmonary congestion/edema Thrombo-embolism Heart failure Post-operative
New York Heart Association functional classification of patients with heart disease
Congestive Heart Failure • Diuretics: loop diuretics (furosemide 20-40mg IV); S/E: Hypokalemia • Digoxin: Therapeutic plasma concentration level: 0.5-2.0ng/ml
Clinical manifestation of digitalis toxicity • Plasma level > 3ng/ml • Extra Cardiac: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting & abdominal pain (CTZ stimulation) • Cardiac: any type of atrial or ventricular arrhythmia, delayed conduction through AV Junction. • Atrial tachycardia with AV block is most common arrhythmia • Ventricular fibrillation is most frequently cause of death. Treatment of digitalis toxicity • Stop further dose • Correction of hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, arterial hypoxemia • Drugs • Phenytoin (0.5-1.5mg/kg IV over 5min), lidocaine (1-2mg/kg IV), atropine (35-70µg/kg IV) for cardiac dysarrhythmia • Digiband (digoxin specific antibodies, Fab portion, IV preparation 40mg vial) • Insertion of a temporary artificial transvenous cardiac pacemaker
Anticoagulant therapy • Management of Patients on warfarin • Emergency surgery • Discontinue warfarin • Give vitamin K 0.5 – 2.0 mg IV • FFP 15 ml/kg repeat if necessary • Accept for surgery if INR <1.5 • Elective surgery • Stop 3 days preoperatively • monitor INR daily • Give heparin when INR <1.5
Stop heparin 6 hours prior to surgery • Check INR • Accept for surgery if INR <1.5 • Restart heparin post-operatively as soon as possible • Both to be given for 2 – 3 days, stop heparin if INR 1.5 – 2.0.
Management of Patients on Heparin • Emergency surgery • Consider reversal with IV protamine 1 mg for every 100 IU of heparin • Elective Surgery • Stop heparin 6 hours prior to surgery • Check INR, accept for surgery if INR <1.5 • Restart heparin in post-op as soon as possible If patient is on LMWH, we rarely need to stop it.
Summary of MS • Is a low & fixed cardiac output condition • Stress condition like pregnancy, labour & sepsis, condition become worst- CHF, pulmonary edema, AF • Patients may be on diuretics, digitalis & anticoagulant therapy • Peri-operatively these patients have to be managed as per medications & guidelines • Tachycardia has to be avoided at any cost • Pulmonary vasculature resistance has to be reduced • Preload & afterload both should be maintained • NYHA I & II :- Epidural block or GA • NYHA III & IV :- GA preferred over epidural block
Retrograde flow of blood from LV to LA through incompetent mitral valve during systolic phase Causes • MR is almost always (90%) associated with MS in RHD • Degenerative processes of leaflets and chordal structures • Infective endocarditis • Mitral annular calcification
Functional Structurally normal leaflets and chordae tendineae • Ischemic heart disease (Ischemic MR) • Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy • Mitral annular dilatation
Pathophysiology of MR Mitral regurgitation Systolic (Retrograde) ejection into LA Acute Chronic Volume overload in LA & LV ↓ed LV afterload (into LA) ↑ed LA, LV Pressure ↑ed LA/LV size/ compliance Pulmonary edema ↓ed Cardiac output LA dilatation ↓ed contractility AF ↓ CO Pulmonary congestion
Acute MR Sudden onset MR Sudden increase in LV preload Enhanced LV contractility ↑ed LAP (acute) (LV size: N) (LA size: N) Ejection into LA & ↑ed Pulm vascul pressure systemic circulation ↓ cardiac output Pulmonary congestion/edema
Chronic compensated MR • Slow development of MR Chronic LV overloading Eccentric LV hypertrophy LA dilatation ↑LV radius, ↑ed wall tension Maintenance of LAP Maintenance of LV systolic function Change in LV compliance (LVEDP maintained) After load/CO: maintained Gradual decline in LV systolic function Decompensated phase
Decompensated phase Progressive LV dilatation Mitral annular dilatation ↑ed wall stress/afterload Increased regurgitation deteoration in LV syslolic & diastolic function ↑ed LAP Atrial enlargement Pulmonary congestion/edema/HTN Atrial Fibrillation RV dysfunction/failure
Pathophysiology of MS with MR MSMR Obstruction of blood flow systolic (retrograde) ejection into LA from LA to LV during diastole Volume overload in LA Volume overload in LV ↓ed LV filling ↑ LAP LV dysfunction ↓ed CO ↓ed COLA dilatation ↑PVP/PAP (LV size/function: N) RV dysfunction
Diagnosis • Clinical presentation • Fatigue, dyspnoea, orthopnoea/Systemic thrombo-embolism • Physical examination • Arterial pressure: N/↓ • Pulse (Water Hammer pulse- ↓DBP, ↑ SBP) • Signs of RVF like ↑ JVP • Systolic thrill at apex (hyperdynamic circulation) • Cardiac auscultation • Holosystolic murmur • S1 is absent, soft or buried in the systolic murmur
ECG Non-specific findings Atrial fibrillation LA enlargement/LV hypertrophy Chest X-ray Left heart chamber enlargement Pulmonary congestion