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Autism, Lyme and Fibromyalgia

Autism, Lyme and Fibromyalgia. Brain Balance Program , Metabolic Supplementation, and Dr . Klinghardt’s Lyme Protocol. Discussion Topics. Hemispheric Integration Therapy Brain Balance Achievement Centers Connection between Autism, Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia

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Autism, Lyme and Fibromyalgia

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  1. Autism, Lyme and Fibromyalgia Brain Balance Program, Metabolic Supplementation, and Dr. Klinghardt’sLyme Protocol

  2. Discussion Topics • Hemispheric Integration Therapy • Brain Balance Achievement Centers • Connection between Autism, Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia • What has worked for Jacob • My goals • Some other beneficiaries of the therapy • Miscellaneous suggestions • Resources and contacts

  3. Hemispheric Integration Therapy • Works to bring the most delayed side of the brain up to the functional level of the other side of the brain • Once the sides are functioning equally, both hemispheres can communicate and develop together • Without this therapy, over time the effects of the imbalance become more pronounced

  4. Hemispheric Integration Therapy and Autism • Autism is a right brain delay • Right brain delays manifest themselves in various forms: • Severe and High Functioning Autism • Asperger’s Syndrome • Sensory Processing / Integration Disorder • Tourette’s Syndrome • Dyslexia • ADHD • OCD, etc.

  5. Hemispheric Integration Therapy and Autism (cont.) The therapy usually results in a rapid recovery in steps or stages Severe Autism High Functioning Autism Asperger’s Syndrome Sensory Processing Disorder Tourette’s Dyslexia The patient must move through each step (without skipping any) on the road to recovery ADHD OCD

  6. Additional Developmental Delays • Selective Mutism • Reading Problems • Dyscalculia • Oppositional Defiant Disorder • Many behavioral problems may • be due to developmental delays • in addition to metabolicimbalances Metabolics & Brain Development Immature Brain = Immature Gut

  7. Some Other Beneficiaries Of The Therapy • Stroke patients • Parkinson’s patients • Traumatic brain injury patients • Alzheimer’s patients • Some of these patients can end up with their Primitive/Infantile Reflexes again • Having them do the exercises to inhibit the reflexes, along with their therapies to heal the weak parts of their brains can be helpful

  8. Brain Balance Achievement Center • Founders: Dr. Robert Melillo and William Fowler • Each location has a nutritionist on staff and a corporate nutritionist • One compounding company for all locations who designs a child specific supplemental program • Nutrition side is similar to the DAN! Protocol, but does not test for a few other possibly necessary items

  9. Author Dr. Robert Melillo Excellent Reads • Disconnected Kids • How the brain develops • What went wrong • How to test brain function at home • How to do healing exercises • Lacks Primitive Reflex portion – See my blog site and Youtube for videos • Reconnected Kids • In depth brain function explanation • Advice for parents as their child goes through such rapid/confusing changes

  10. Connection Between Autism, Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia • Dr. Dietrich Klinghardtis an excellent point of contact for Lyme/Autism • He has Lyme • Naturopathic • BorreliaBurgdorferi and co-infections • Toxic secretions from bacteria makes Lyme patients sick • Chronic Lyme is not usually cured but can be forced to go into dormancy after killing off many spirochetes

  11. Connection Between Autism, Lyme Disease, and Fibromyalgia (cont.) • Fibromyalgia • Inability to flush out phosphates • Guaifenesin helps with pain from phosphates tremendously AND eases seasonal allergy reactions, if already on it when the time comes • Mucinex or Maximum Strength Mucinex (12 hour dose), which has ONLY Guaifenesin in it • Prescription Guaifenesin has no dyes

  12. What Has Worked For Jacob

  13. What We Are Currently Working On For Jacob • We are in the process of implementing the Lyme protocol and other items to balance out a few remaining metabolic issues • We are waiting and working through his remaining frontal lobe delays, which are among the last parts of the brain to develop • The remaining issues are very, very small now and barely noticable.

  14. Full Spectrum Of Treatments For Autism And Lyme • Our plan of action for Jacob, plus treatment of possible Lyme and co-infections, demonstrates a complete picture of what can bring full or partial recovery to patients on the Autism spectrum or those with left brain delays • With other patients there may be a few lingering issues that require additional therapies, whether traditional or alternative medicine

  15. Goals Spreading The Word Proving Theories

  16. Spreading The Word • DAN! • Pediatricians • Primary Care Physicians • Therapy centers for children & adults • OTs, PTs, Sensory Coaches, ABA Therapists • Behavioral Therapists, Psychiatrists and Psychologists • Neurologists • Brain Balance centers • Autism centers • Fibromyalgia doctors • Nutritionists • Hospitals • Individualized Education Program - IEPs • College & master program professors & students • Caregiver/babysitters for special needs • www.care.com • Various Autism/Asperger’s connection organizations

  17. Spreading The Word (cont.) • Autism clinics need to include nutrition into their overall programs and incorporate all the sensory, OT, PT, academics, timing and rhythm with the Interactive Metronome, etc. into a one hour session three times a week – Reflex exercises should be done separately, 3x day, 7 days per week, and can be done outside the clinic • Convince Pediatricians to test Glutathione levels prior to immunizing • Convince them to use a slower immunization schedule and not start until child is older • No shots for newborns in hospitals • No flu shots, period! Especially if Glutathione level is low • Interactive Metronome is key • Help Brain Balance to incorporate the treatment of Lyme and detox of metals and yeast with Dr. Klinghardt’s method

  18. Proving Theories • Do mothers of children on the Autism Spectrum, (or other developmental delays), who have Fibromyalgia, also have Lyme and metal toxicity? • Do these mothers have Spasmodic Dysphonia or Spasmodic Dystonia? • Do these mothers have Osteoporosis in their family or MS? (and Fibromyalgia with it) • Can we test a panel of mothers to prove a connection?

  19. Miscellaneous Topics Phenols Night Terrors and Frontal Lobe Seizures Yeast Activities at Home

  20. Phenols Headaches resulting in head banging Anger/violence Itching Sleep disturbances

  21. Phenol Control • This needs to be one of the first issues to address • Take phenolic enzyme ten minutes prior to consumption • Lower the overall phenol intake • No high phenol foods at dinner or later • Cut back on fruit juice intake • Enzyme may not help with apple juice or grapes

  22. Night Terrors and Frontal Lobe Seizures… • These are signs of an immature brain • The brain matures through • Continued work to develop hemispheric equilibrium • Natural brain development with age

  23. Killing Yeast Overgrowth • If killing yeast, make sure there is a good plan in place for detox of die-off • Killing yeast at the same time as giving higher oxalate foods can cause issues with oxalates • A few of the reactions can be foot pain, mutism, constant hunger, sleep disturbances, anger and misbehavior

  24. Activities At Home Geared Toward Weak Side Of The Brain • Right brain delay • Recreational activities and schooling should mostly be geared toward right brain learning • Left brain delay • Recreational activities and schooling should mostly be geared toward left brain learning

  25. Q & A Can you help me spread the word? Can we work to open more Brain Balance Achievement Centers for children and a Hemispheric Integration Therapy clinic for adults? Can we find someone to do the test panel to prove theories?

  26. Resources • Brain Balance Achievement Center • http://www.brainbalancecenters.com/ • Dr. Klinghardt • http://www.klinghardtacademy.com/ Sandy’s Resource Blog and reflex exercise videos http://autismrescueblog.com/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajx2szIE9Vg Financial Assistance for the therapy http://www.5bits.net/terrafirma/ Lyme – Interpreting Western Blot • http://www.anapsid.org/lyme/wb.html Lyme Doctor - ILADS • http://ilads.org/ Interactive Metronome http://www.interactivemetronome.com/ Individualized Education Program http://ed.gov/parents/needs/speced/iepguide/index.html

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