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Lecture 8 MP and MPM containing flavonoids with cholagogue, diuretic and diaphoretic activity. MP and MRM containing flavonoids with diuretic activity. Diuretic is any drug that elevate the rate of urination and thus provides a means of forced diuresis.
Lecture 8MP and MPM containing flavonoids with cholagogue, diuretic and diaphoretic activity
MP and MRM containing flavonoids with diuretic activity Diuretic is any drug that elevate the rate of urination and thus provides a means of forced diuresis.
Bidentis Herba - Bidens tripartita- Three-lobed Beggarticks, Three-part Beggarticks, Burr MarigoldAsteraceae • Constituents. Flavonoids: luteolin glucoside, khalcones, aurones, condensed type tannins (6,5%), coumarines, carotin, ascorbic acid, mucilage, microelements (Mn). • Uses. Infusion has diuretic, diaphoretic anti-bactericide action, normalises the metabolism. It is used internally to treat bladder and kidney problems, blood in the urine, uterine bleeding, ulcerative colitis and peptic ulcers. Oil extract has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Also externally is used to treat alopecia.
Equiseti arvensis Herba Equisetum arvense- Field Horsetail, Common HorsetailEquisetaceae • Constituents. Flavonoids- derivatives of apigenin, luteolin, kempferol and quercetin; grass also contain phenolcarbolic acids, tannins, saponnins. The plant also concentrates molybdenum and selenium. • Uses. Has a multibiological action: diuretic, haemostatic, anti-inflammation, litholitic and detoxical action when poisoned with Pb. Extract is a part of Marelin, Phytolit, Phytolisin, Traskov mixture, Arphazetin.
Ononidis Radices – Restharrow Roots Ononis spinosa- Field RestharrowFabaceae • Constituents. Roots contain izoflavonoids (1,5-2,5%): formononetin, ononin, onosid, onospin; ether oils, tannins, triterpenoid saponins. • Uses. Decoction has diuretic and haemostatic medicines in treatment of haemorrhoids, tincture and Flavanobol have anabolic activity. • In homeopathy fresh roots are used as a diuretic in treatment of ascites (is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, most commonly due to cirrhosis ans severe liver diseases) and nephrolithiasis (the process of forming kidney stone).
Centaureae cyani Flores – Cornflower FlowersCentaurea cyanus- Cornflower, Bachelor’s buttonFam. Asteraceae • Constituents. Flowers contain antocyanes (0,6-1%)- cyanin, pelargonidin derivatives; flavones; flavonols; rutin; saponnins; coumarin cycorin; pectines, alkaloids etc. • Uses. Infusion is the light diuretic and used in treatment of kidney diseases, bladder. Also has cholagogic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant functions.
MRM containing flavonoids with diaphoretic action • Diaphoretic is a herb or substance which induces sweating (perspiration).
Tiliae Flores - Lime Flower Tilia cordata – Lime TreeFam.Tiliaceae • Constituents. The flavonoid constituent comprise quercetin glycosides (rutin, hyperoside, quercitrin, etc.) and kaempferol glycosides (tiliroside, astragalin). Mucilage, a small proportions of volatile oil. Phenolic acids are also present. • Uses. Lime flowers are diaphoretic, antispasmodic and expectorant drugs and often are used in conjunction with other herbs as a nerve tonic, for the treatment of catarrh and indigestion, and for the alleviation of headaches.
Sambuci nigrae Flores - Elder Flower Sambucus nigra – Sweet ElderCaprifoliaceae • Constituents. The drug contains a small portion of a semi-solid volatile oil consisting of free acids, principally palmitic acid. Flavonoids (up to 3.0%)- rutin predominates, with smaller quantities of isoquercetrin, astragalin and hyperoside together with the aglycones quercetin and kaempferol. Other constituents are triterpenes, triterpene acids, other plant acids (chlorogenic, p-coumaric, caffeic and ferulic acids and their β-glucosides), sterols, mucilage, tannin and traces of sambunigrin. • Uses. Elder flowers are administered principally as an infusion or herbal tea for the treatment of feverish conditions and the common cold. It acts as a diaphoretic, also has diuretic properties, also has expectorant properties.
MRM which contain flavonoids with cholagogue activity • Herbs with cholagogue activity promote and regulate the normal production and release of bile acids, therefore minimizing liver- and gallbladder-related diseases.
Helichrysi arenarii Flores – Helicrysum Flowers Helichrysum arenarium- Helichrysum. Yellow immortelleeFam. Asteraceae • Constituents. Flavonoids (6.5%) mainly consist of flavanon naringenin and its glycosides- salipurposide, izosalipurposide and helichrysyn; from flavones apigenin and it’s 5-glycoside are available. Tannins, ether oil, coumarines, sterols, organic acids, mucilage and carotenoids are present in dwarf everlast. • Uses. Infusion, dry extract, herbal teas, and mixes. Flamin are cholagogic edicines.Promote gastric and pancreatic secretion.
Tanaceti Flores – Tansy FlowersTanacetum vulgare- TansyAsteraceae • Constituents. Flavonoids (2.5%)- apigenin derivatives, acacetin, luteolin; alcaloids, tannins, ether oils (0.2%), organic acids are also present. • Uses. Medicines have cholagogic action, tonic action on gastrointestinal system, decrease heart rhythm, increase blood pressure. The powder has anthelmintic action and used as aromatic bitter. Also used for treatment migraine, neuralgia, rheumatism, bloating and loss of appetite Tanacecholis used to treat hepatitis, enterocolitis, low acidity gastritis. Can cause miscarriages.
Constituents. More than 30 flavonoids and isoflavonoids,including liquiritigenin, liguiritin, chalcones isoliquiritigenin, isoliquiritin, and neolicuoriside, glabrol, neoliquiritin, hispaglabrinin A and B; coumestanes; coumarins; triterpenoid saponins glycyrrhizin and others. Uses. As an antiphlogistic and spasmolytic in gastritis and stomach ulcers. As an axpectorant with secretolytic and secretomotor action for coughs and bronhial catarrh. Medicines: Likvriton and Flakarbin used for stomach ulcer. Gycyrrhhizae Radices – Liquorice RootGlycyrrhiza glabra - LiquoriceFam. Fabaceae