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The Sea Girt Borough School District Testing Report. 2012-2013 NJASK Test Results and 2011-2012 NJ School Performance Report Presentation for the Board of Education October 29, 2013. Overview of 2013 NJ ASK 3-8 Content. The NJ ASK 3–8
The Sea Girt Borough School District Testing Report 2012-2013 NJASK Test Results and 2011-2012 NJ School Performance Report Presentation for the Board of Education October 29, 2013
Overview of 2013 NJ ASK 3-8 Content • The NJ ASK 3–8 • initially designed to provide information about each student’s achievement in the areas required by the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. • The NJ ASK 2013 was in a period of transition to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) • English Language Arts (ELA) tests addressed these standards 3-8 • Mathematics tests in grades 3–5 • Grades 6–8 Mathematics tests and Grades 4 & 8 Science tests were still aligned with the NJ CCCS.
2014 NJ ASK Administration The 2014 NJ ASK LAL and Math grades 3 through 8 will test students on the Common Core State Standards as we continue to prepare for the PARCC administration in 2014-2015
This report serves to summarize the Spring 2013 NJ ASK 3-8 test scores, including summary results that permit comparisons of district factor group (DFG), and statewide data. This report also includes a three-year comparison of NJ ASK test scores.
District Factor Group (DFG) • DFG results compare our children’s test results to similar districts across the state in demographics, including similar socio-economic status and average level of education. • DFGs range from levels A – J. • Sea Girt Borough has been identified as an “I” district. Monmouth County DFG I Districts: Avon Colts Neck Fair Haven Holmdel Marlboro Millstone Monmouth Beach Sea Girt Shrewsbury Spring Lake Other Districts In DFG I Outside of Monmouth County Madison Cranford Princeton Franklin Lakes Summit Westfield Berkeley Heights New Providence Bridgewater-Raritan
Benchmarks 100-199 Partially Proficient 200-249 Proficient Working at Grade Level in Accordance to Standards 250-300 Advanced Proficient Working at or Above Grade Level in Accordance to Standards
Score Analysis The Big Picture
Language Arts Total Proficiency Sea Girt School Total Population Average of 93% Proficient +
Mathematics Total Proficiency Sea Girt School Total Population Average of 90% Proficient + Grade 6 outlier includes students educated outside of the district and students enrolled in the school for less than one year.
Science Total Proficiency Sea Girt School Total Population Average of 96% Proficient +
Scale Score Mean: Language Arts Sea Girt School Mean Scores Surpass the DFG in 5 out of 6 grade levels in Language Arts
Scale Score Mean: Mathematics Sea Girt School Mean Score Surpassed the DFG in 3 out of 6 grade levels in Mathematics
Language Arts: Area We Are Surpassing DFGTotal Population Comparisons
Mathematics: Area We Are Surpassing DFGTotal Population Comparisons
Science: Area We Are Surpassing DFGTotal Population Comparisons
Highlights From Three Year Comparison Grade 3 All time SG High for AP in Math and Surpasses DFG and STATE 2 years in a row! Grade 4 All time SG High for AP in Math and Surpasses DFG and STATE! Grade 6 All time SG High for AP in ELA and Surpasses DFG and STATE! Grade 5 100% Of Students Proficient/ Advanced Proficient in ELA and Math!
Highlights From Three Year Comparison (Continued) Grade 7 All time SG High for AP in Math and Surpasses DFG and STATE! Grade 8 Math and ELA Surpasses DFG and STATE for AP 2 years in a row! In 2013, 15% of the total population of Sea Girt Elementary students received a score at or near 300!
Goals - based on results CCSS Call For: • Increased expository writing • Increased exposure to and study of nonfiction Literacy • Earlier identification of at risk students and implementing intervention based on assessment through Fountas and Pinnell, Language Literacy Intervention • Identification of at risk students experiencing a specific area of weakness or language learning disability through implementation of Fundations • Continue to increase our teaching of content area reading and writing in both science and social studies
Goals – based on results Math • Maintaining the pace and challenge at each grade level focusing on differentiated instruction • Implementing Common Core State Standards • Pre-High Math review of curriculum and course offerings in grades 7 & 8, building upon the good work we started for grade 6 in the spring of 2013.
Where Do We Go From Here? • Increase data analysis to analyze specific strengths and weaknesses using multiple measures • Fine tune curriculum aligned with CCSS and raised instructional bar • Prepare for changes in testing from NJ ASK to National PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers)
Sea Girt Elementary School continues to prepare students well beyond the state’s average ability and expectations, and surpasses DFG schools in out of 42 categories.
Sea Girt Elementary SchoolNJ School Performance Report 2011-2012 New Jersey School Performance Reports (NJSPR) for all schools in the state were released in March 2013. This report built upon and replaced the former School Report Card. The NJSPR includes brand new data on college and career readiness and provide comparison to “peer schools” in order to provide a more complete picture of school performance for educators and the general public. Visit our website to view a copy of the School Performance Report at: http://www.seagirt.k12.nj.us
What is a Peer School? • The peer school methodology compares schools to approximately 30 similar “peer schools” from across the state with similar grade configurations and that are educating students with similar demographic characteristics such as free/reduced lunch eligibility, limited English proficiency or special education program participation. • Peer school data provides information about how similar schools are performing to help identify strengths and areas for improvement. • Peer schools (single buildings in any district that are similar in demographics) are different from DFGs (whole districts that are identified by similar demographics).
Areas Measured on NJ School Performance Report • Academic Achievement: SGES Scored 100% • Language Arts Proficiency = 100% • Mathematics Proficiency = 100% • College and Career Readiness: SGES Scored 50% • % of Students enrolled in Algebra I = 100% • % of Students w/ Chronic Absenteeism = 0% • The state has identified the acceptable benchmark is 6%. • SGES had 9% of students chronically absent. • Student Growth – Scored 100% • Growth in Language Arts = 100% • Growth in Mathematics = 100% Sea Girt School Met All of the Statewide Targets Except for Chronic Absenteeism Indicator
What is Chronic Absenteeism? • A chronically absent student is a student who was not present for any reason for more than 10% of the total days possible for that individual student. • 10% of 180 days = 18 days therefore students absent more than 18 days are considered chronically absent. 9% of Sea Girt Students were absent for more than 18 days last year
College and Career Readiness Among the behaviors that research has shown to be indicative of success and college and career readiness are regularly attending school and challenging themselves with rigorous course work.
Steps SGES Has Taken in Response to the NJSPR • Chronic Absenteeism: • Identified the families of students that were chronically absent last year and discussed • Implemented a monthly tracking and notification system of chronically absent students. • Informed families of the importance of school attendance and ways the school will partner with them to support their child’s attendance and well-being. • Algebra I Enrollment: • Identify a means for increasing the percentage of students on track for enrollment in Algebra in Gr. 7 or 8 • Build upon the more rigorous grade 6 program that was implemented for this school year by aligning our Gr. 7&8 curriculum to the CCSS and review adjusting /expanding course offerings.
SGES Remains Committed to Excellence • Administration, teachers and support staff are committed to our students’ high achievement and to a well-rounded education. • There is always good work to be done to ensure that our students are achieving at the highest level. We embrace the challenge. • NJ was recently ranked #3 in the nation, behind Massachusetts and Michigan, for performance in Mathematics and Science. Sea Girt remains as a top performing school district in the state of NJ.
Contact Us To learn more about our performance and programs, you are encouraged to contact our school administration or teachers. Link to our staff contact information: http://www.seagirt.k12.nj.us Sea Girt is a very special place for children to live and learn and we are honored to have a hand in developing our students.