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Shared Learning Seminar for District and Borough Councils – the Stafford Borough experience

Shared Learning Seminar for District and Borough Councils – the Stafford Borough experience. Robert Simpson Principal Environmental Health Officer. History of local government in Staffordshire. 1996 LGR Stoke unitary Joint archive service

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Shared Learning Seminar for District and Borough Councils – the Stafford Borough experience

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  1. Shared Learning Seminar for District and Borough Councils – the Stafford Borough experience Robert Simpson Principal Environmental Health Officer

  2. History of local government in Staffordshire • 1996 LGR Stoke unitary Joint archive service • 2007 LGR No submission/not pathfinder authority Remained two tier • 2007 onwards Shared service agenda

  3. Shared services in Stafford Borough • “Sharing services is a way we can help protect our workforce, share our expertise and make us more resilient - especially in the present financial climate - benefiting our communities and staff.” • “one authority will take the 'lead' role with the other becoming a client under a service level agreement. eg. Stafford Borough will be the 'lead' on IT and Cannock Chase for Building Control.

  4. Objective of shared service Objective: to explore and where applicable implement the joining up and sharing of certain service provision for the 2 communities based upon the following principles: • Providing services at a reduced cost, whilst retaining at the outset a minimum of the current level of service quality with the long term aim being to improve quality of service provision • Securing cost savings for taxpayers • Keeping jobs local to both districts and within Staffordshire • Building capacity and expertise to offer the best services to citizens • Creating opportunities for staff and Councils in delivering shared services • Ensuring that the customer experience is not diminished

  5. We will do this by: • Identifying common areas of service delivery and exploring how we can be more efficient by working together • Making implementation decisions based on robust business cases which are supported by evidence • Ensuring that the implementation of identified shared service areas is actioned jointly • Acknowledging that a better service may be best delivered from one service point • Ensuring equity in the way the services and their management are shared between the two councils • Agreeing a common message before it is shared with staff, Trade Unions, citizens and suppliers. • Maintaining our independence by promoting and preserving our separate identities.

  6. Service                                       Authority Lead • Information Technology           SBC • Building Control                              CCDC • Human Resources                           SBC -personnel-payroll-training and development • Finance                                          CCDC-accountancy-revenues and benefits • Legal and Democratic Services       SBC-legal services-democratic services-elections • Internal Audit                                 CCDCInsurance and Risk ManagementCivil ContingenciesProcurement

  7. Review of Environmental Health Sufficient savings could not be made, however Pest Control should be considered for a shared service. South Staffordshire District Council- a new pest control service from 1st July

  8. Service transformation • The same for less • Salami cutting • Service transformation LBRO Lord Young lean thinking digital technology

  9. Pan Staffordshire Shared service • Discussion excludes: Housing Standards; Caravan site licences, Pest Control, Street Trading, Street Collections, Fly Tipping, Civil Contingencies, Unauthorised encampments, sex establishments • there may be some scope to achieve collective buying power on Pest Control which can be reviewed outside of the "in house" service.

  10. Views of EHO’s in Stafford • “a future service simply based on a past and present and increasingly obsolescent predictive inspection regime will do little to preserve the long-range status of a Regulatory Service (&EHOs) such as ours and in fact, would militate against the high profile attention that we are becoming accustomed to from our wider-impact interventions and initiatives ? Also, what becomes of certain of our Licensing and Private Sector Housing functions ? “

  11. Comparisons Buildings costs / Premises management Legal Procurement & Post Contact centres / Reception Personnel / HR Insurance Audit IT / Telephone infrastructure Central Finance

  12. Timetable for consideration • DRAFT REPORT will be available for discussion at 8th June Chief Officer Meeting ahead of recommendations going forward to Staffordshire “Oneplace” Chief Executive’s Meeting in JULY 2011. • Political input?

  13. Staffordshire wide improvements Outcome of shared resources meeting on 28th March 2011 at Lichfield DC • A register to be produced on known expertise in a subject area which other authorities can contact for advice. Eg. Approved premises, Primary Authority, Health Promotion. • A collaboration to bids. • All authorities to be in a position to issue immediate authorisations for joint warranting. Eg schemes of delegation down from Cabinet and Chief Executives to Heads of Service. • Working closer on intelligence gathering with other agencies, Police, Border Control • Sharing of best practice in documented procedures. • A joint bid for public health monies around reduction in salt in fish and chip shops, also provides another form of food intervention.

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