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UNIT 3. Level D. cherubic. 1. cherubic. Adjective Resembling an angel portrayed as a small child with a beautiful, round, chubby face S: angelic, seraphic A: impish, devilish. condone. 2. condone. Verb To pardon or overlook S: ignore, wink at A: condemn, disapprove . dissent.
UNIT 3 Level D
1. cherubic • Adjective • Resembling an angel portrayed as a small child with a beautiful, round, chubby face • S: angelic, seraphic • A: impish, devilish
2. condone • Verb • To pardon or overlook • S: ignore, wink at • A: condemn, disapprove
3. dissent • Verb • To disagree • S: differ, dispute • A: agree, concur • Noun • Disagreement • A: harmony
4. exorcise • Verb • To drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome or menacing • S: expel, dispel
5. fabricate • Verb • To make, manufacture; to make up, invent • S: devise, concoct • A: undo, demolish
6. obesity • Noun • Excessive fatness • S: overweight, corpulence • A: emaciation, scrawniness
7. altercation • Noun • An angry argument • S: quarrel, dispute, squabble • A: agreement, accord
8. adherent • Noun • A follower, a supporter • S: disciple • A: opponent, adversary, rival • Adj. • Attached, sticking to
9. semblance • Noun • A likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition • S: appearance, air, aura, facade • A: dissimilarity, contrast
10. terminate • Verb • To bring to an end • S: conclude, finish, discontinue • A: begin, initiate, commence
abridge • V • To make shorter w/o losing the sense • An oppressive government may abridge the liberties of the people. • An abridged version of a text may help younger readers comprehend it. • T-P-S: syns & ants
maraud • V • To raid, steal, or plunder • N • A raider or robber • Small, defenseless fish like sardines are prey to every hungry marauder in the sea. • Marauding pirates destroyed the island. • T-P-S: syns
pilfer • V • To steal in small quantities • A homeless person may attempt to pilfer an apple from a local farmer. • Time has a way of slowly pilfering our youth from us. • T-P-S: syns
surmount • V • To overcome an obstacle / rise above • A person who is determined learns to surmount setbacks in life. • When they surmounted the ridge, a beautiful sunset awaited. • T-P-S: syns
usurp • V • To seize by force or w/o right • The Hanoverian dynasty usurped the Stuarts. • A rival team may try to usurp your title as champions! • T-P-S: syns
eminent • (adj) famous, distinguished • A group of eminent scientists met to discuss long-term changes in Earth’s climate. • T-P-S: syns & ants
irate • (adj) angry • Students who plagiarize and copy their work can make professors irate. • T-P-S: syns & ants
pauper • (n) an extremely poor person • During the Great Depression, many people were reduced to leading the desperate life of paupers. • T-P-S: syns & ants
rift • (n) a split / break • Failure to repay a loan can result in an angry rift between longtime friends. • T-P-S: syns
trite • (adj) overused, stale, cliché • When writing, be especially careful to avoid using trite expressions so that you’re work stands out. • T-P-S: syns & ants