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Interviewing Skills

Interviewing Skills. What is an Interview?. Self Knowledge. Know the job. Know the organization. The Interview. TYPICAL ROUTINE TYPES OF INTERVIEWS. Interview Topics. Analytical skills Critical thinking Problem solving Ability to deal with challenging situations Teamwork

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Interviewing Skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Interviewing Skills

  2. What is an Interview?

  3. Self Knowledge Know the job Know the organization


  5. Interview Topics • Analytical skills • Critical thinking • Problem solving • Ability to deal with challenging situations • Teamwork • Communication skills • Time management • Planning and organizing

  6. Questionsfor the Candidate What is a good question? Types of Questions • Traditional • Behavioral • Case Questions

  7. GOOD ANSWERSTHINK STORY The STAR Technique • S-SITUATION specific moment in time • T-TASK Conflict, problem, or challenge • A – ACTION Feeling, doing, thinking • R- RESULT Punch line

  8. After the Interview • Take notes on high and low points • Thank you Notes • Evaluate and consider

  9. Remember… IS IT A fit?

  10. InterviewStream • Login to SpiderConnect from the Career Services homepage: http://careerservices.richmond.edu/. • Click on InterviewStream (Mock Interviews) under Career Resources on the right hand side of the home page. • Create an account using your “richmond.edu” email. • Click on “Conduct Interview.” • Choose the “Beth Chancy Wellness Class.” • Start the interview.  • Once you click on “Submit,” InterviewStream will send your interview to your instructors.

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