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Reaching Families (while reaching kids)

Discover the importance of reaching out to families while touching the lives of children. Explore biblical foundations and practical ideas for nurturing faith in homes worldwide. Address challenges and explore transformative models for family engagement.

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Reaching Families (while reaching kids)

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  1. Reaching Families (while reaching kids)

  2. Why Families? --Story of a young girl --Families you know? --Global and local realities: state of families What are YOUR dreams for families?

  3. BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS • God created families (Genesis 2, 3) • 2) Families are the best place for people to grow in faith (Duet 6:1-7) • 3) Church is comprised of families (a child’s first “church”) (Acts 16:1, 15, 34) • 4) The history of “God’s people” is always in the hands of families (Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Jesus, Disciples; Psalm 78:1-6;Acts 2:38-39) • 5) GOD’S DREAMS: He wants whole families to know, love, follow Him (Acts 16:30; Psalm 22:27)

  4. What are your biggest questions, challenges in reaching out to unbelieving families? • Children who don’t behave like Christians • 2) Unhealthy families and/or relationship skills • Different parenting values • Anger, wounded, fearful, “baggage” • Unkind, ungrateful, unsupportive, meddlesome • 3) Sometimes WE are the problem • Are we prepared for the culture clash? And the questions? • What is our attitude? Is it showing? • Do we have wisdom, boundaries, common sense?

  5. What are your biggest questions, challenges in reaching out to unbelieving families? (continued) • 4) Children from unbelieving families want Christ • What about conversion, telling parents, etc.? • Bibles? Church going? Baptism? • How will they grow? • 5) Issues of follow up and ongoing presence • This is all about relationships and process (not a project or program) • How will you be “present”? • 6) Other?

  6. Physical -Practical Mental-Educational Social-Emotional Spiritual-Inspirational No direct contact i Brief contact i Some interaction i Initial friendship i Ongoing relationship i Commitment- personal involvement • How can we better engage families? • Requires “holistic” approach • A scale of engagement: What keeps us from engaging with families more?

  7. How can we better engage families? • (some practical ideas) • Share information through kids • Offer invitations/welcome parents to gatherings • Listen (informal, calls/visits and/or surveys for interests) • 4) Invite families to help/support in various ways • Believe-belong? • Or Belong-believe? • 5) Offer to meet a need (programs to help parents?)

  8. Important questions to ask: • 1) What is your capacity for relationship? • How can you increase this, if needed? • 1for50 versus 50for1 • 2) What is God asking you to do? (or NOT do?) • 3) Why is this so hard? • It is real kingdom work • It is real mission • Transformation is always messy

  9. Rediscovering 4 powerful models for reaching families • MODEL 1: Be a good NEIGHBOR • The power of one • MODEL 2: Be a good CITIZEN • The power of goodness and kindness • MODEL 3: Be the CHURCH • The power of UNITY (and WE) • MODEL 4: Pray (then listen and obey) • The power of GOD to lead, guide and transform! • Acts 16 – it will look different, be messy

  10. Models, Ideas & Resources • Who is reaching families? • Parachurch Programs: AWANA, social services, parenting classes, ESL, tutoring, “move in” help, prison ministries, special needs (Key Ministry) etc. • Neighbors: moving into the neighborhood, schools, the kids, etc. • Churches: AWANA, MOPS, Visitation, community events, etc. • Prayer Groups: Cityreaching groups, Mom’s in Prayer, prayer networks, praying grandmas, etc. • Other?

  11. CONCLUSION: • Do you really believe that Jesus changes lives? • (kids and their families?) • What is God asking you to do?

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