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AAE 450 - Senior Design

This senior design presents a preliminary Pressurized Rover for long-range exploration missions, focusing on scouting and key site analysis. The rover is equipped with advanced capabilities, redundancy systems, and features such as autonomous science tools, modular design, and emergency shelters. The design specifications ensure endurance, maneuverability, and sustainability for crewed missions, with a strong emphasis on safety and reliability in extreme environments.

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AAE 450 - Senior Design

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  1. AAE 450 - Senior Design Alec Spencer Pressurized Rover Preliminary Design Review 13 Feb 01

  2. Science • Long Range Exploration Strategy • Long Range Pressurized Rover • Capabilities • Redundancy • Greenhouse Concepts

  3. Long Range Exploration • Initially focus on scouting (6 months) • Scout geology • Chart water table • Focus on key sites (6 months) • Scientist discretion

  4. Rover Capabilities • Design Specifications • Range: 1000+ km • Crew: 2 (4 in emergency) • Duration: 10 days (30 in emergency)

  5. Rover Capabilities • Clearance: 0.85 m • Maximum speed: 40 kph • Maximum slope: 60o * • Maximum side-hill angle: 45o • Turning radius: 10 m

  6. Features • Control • Joystick • Modular Electronic design • Remote control capabilities • Science • Meteorology (autonomous) • Sonar or radar mapping (autonomous) • Drilling or core samples

  7. Features • External roll cage • 4 x 6 drive • 3 computer stations • Shower and chemical toilet

  8. System Redundancy • Propulsion • Main methanol engine • Methanol and O2 diesel cycle • CO2 buffer • Main source of heating • Electric • Emergency power to return to HAB • Acts as generator when not in use

  9. System Redundancy • Power systems • Generator powered by engine • Electric engine as generator • (Fuel Cell) • Batteries

  10. System Redundancy • Airlock • Emergency shelter in case of hull breach • Doubles as toilet and shower • Suit design

  11. Greenhouse • Weight • Lightweight if inflatable • Shielding • UV levels too high for plant life • Shielding for a large structure would be prohibitive

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