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Integration Net Transnational Leader Initiative Petri Rinne, Joutsenten Reitti LAG Manager. EU Rural Cooperation Fair Edinburgh 23rd-24th September. Joutsenten Reitti LAG & the Partnership.
Integration NetTransnational Leader InitiativePetri Rinne, Joutsenten Reitti LAG Manager EU Rural Cooperation Fair Edinburgh 23rd-24th September
Joutsenten Reitti LAG & the Partnership Local Action Group of Huittinen, Hämeenkyrö, Punkalaidun and Sastamalamunicipalitiesfor ruraldevelopmentOne of the 55 Finnishlocal action groups (LAG) in the countryside50 000 inhabitants, 2 500 km2, 4.6 M€ Partners: Aisapari LAG, Aktiivinen Pohjois-Satakunta LAG, Ravakka LAG in West Finland Agricultural lowlandareaswherelevel of internationalisationhasbeenlow www.joutsentenreitti.fi – Petri Rinne
Background Immigration to Finland remainedverylowuntil the 1990’s (1 % of the population)Sincethen the figurehastripled (EU membership, PISA study, NOKIA, niceclimate…)Traditionalruralcommunitiesarefacedwith ”new Finns”: eitherlabor-basedorrefugeeimmigrantsHow to dealwith the new situation and integrate the immigrants to the society? (and keepthem in countryside!) www.joutsentenreitti.fi – Petri Rinne
Stepstaken to form the partnership ”Immigrant as a strength of countryside”seminarorganised at Punkalaidun refugeecentre 1.12.2009Successfulintegrationmodelspresentedby the immigrantsthemselves (Bosnian, Polish, Spanish…) dissemination of the bestpracticesNeedsidentified: Whoare the ruralimmigrants? Whattype of integrationservicestheyalreadyhave? Whattheywouldneedmoreactually to stay in countryside? design of the inter-regionalfeasibilitystudy in a follow-up session (for nineregions in West Finland, budget 74 000 €, duration 1.5.10-30.4.11) www.joutsentenreitti.fi – Petri Rinne
Challenges Prejudices of the traditionallythinkingBoardmembersThe economicdownturnaffecting the mindsetTime delays/ competing TNC projectideas 5 regionsdropped the idea, 4 continued Nextsteps Regionalimmigrantsurveys & identificationof the bestintegrationpracticesTransnationalpartnershipsearch (Sweden, Germany, UK etc.) www.joutsentenreitti.fi – Petri Rinne
THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Contact: Mr Petri Rinne petri.rinne@joutsentenreitti.fi Tel. +358 40 555 3232