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Having established the premise that tinnitus treatment can be achieved by eye modulation, we need to exact the exact sequences that bring about this phenomenon.
Having established the premise that tinnitus treatment can be achieved by eye modulation, we need to exact the exact sequences that bring about this phenomenon. House provided the earliest case report which centered on a patient who had just undergone neuroma surgery in order to remove a tumor. Under the auspices of the House report, it was clear that shifting the eye by some degrees could induce or reduce tinnitus. After 2 decades other reports confirmed the earlier analysis which led to the future development of tinnitus treatment programs. Clinicians concluded that this was a rate example of complications that may arise from acoustic neuroma surgery. Nonetheless it could provide clues on how to manage chronic tinnitus.
The condition is not very rare: When the research was in its infancy, it was assumed that this was a very rare surgical side effect. In due course a response based survey in the Acoustic Neuroma Association newsletter indicated that the prevalence was rather high. Gaze-evoked tinnitus was not as rare as the experts had originally predicted. 159 patients responded with information that they were modulating their tinnitus symptoms through shifting their gaze or alternative movements in the neck and head area. This came from a single notice within the newsletter and suggested that there were many more cases waiting to be explored. The statistics: A tentative model for assessing the prevalence and impact of this phenomenon was established. In about 95% of the cases the removal of a tumor would result in total hearing loss within the affected ear. The average timescale it took for the full impact to take place was 7.6 years and the standard deviation was 6.5 years. 77% of the acoustic neuroma patients said that they heard the phantom sounds on the side of the head from which a tumor had been extracted.
The impact of the gaze: About 99% of the patients confirmed that the lateral gaze had the biggest impact. The sound doubled in 44% of the patients while 37% said that it was three times louder as they performed the movement. Pitch also increased with eye movements in 89% of the cases but about 7% said that it decreased. In about 4% of the cases there was a combination of increases and decreases. 95% of the respondents reported that jaw movements increased the pitch. Some of the patients had not even undergone surgery before they began to experience these relationships. From the information above, it is clear that surgery is not always a prerequisite for gaze-evoked versions of the condition. In fact there is a relationship with jaw movements which is at 80% in the sample above. https://good-ta-go.com/tinnitec-supplement-review/