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  1. Gen 480 Course Tutorial For More Classes Visit www.gen480guide.com

  2. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • GEN 480 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Awareness Inventory • GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 1 • GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 2 • GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 3 • GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 4 • GEN 480 Week 1 Summary • GEN 480 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis • GEN 480 Week 2 Individual Ass.. • How have your ethical perspectives changed since you started your educational program at the UOP GEN 480 Entire Course GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 1

  3. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Provide an example of an ethical situation you encountered in the workplace and how you reacted.  How did your behavior compliment or contradict your Ethical Awareness Inventory? • How would you respond to a corporate decision to which you are ethically opposed? GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 2 GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 3

  4. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • What are the similarities and differences in professional and personal ethics? • Complete the Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI), located on the student website.  • Upon completion of the EAI, take a screen shot of your results and save them (see EAI Assignment - Weeks One and Two thread in the Course Materials forum for detailed instructions on taking a screen shot).  Please post results to theAssignments section of the classroom. GEN 480 Week 1 DQ 4 GEN 480 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Awareness Inventor

  5. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Write a 100-150 summary what you have learned this week  • Is it possible to make effective decisions without thinking critically? GEN 480 Week 1 Summary GEN 480 Week 2 DQ 1

  6. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • What is the relationship between critical thinking and ethics? • How have your University classes helped you achieve the university’s learning goals?  (The goals include professional competence and values, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, information utilization, and collaboration). GEN 480 Week 2 DQ 2 GEN 480 Week 2 DQ 3

  7. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • If you were tasked with developing a code of ethics for your organization, what process would you use? What things would you include? Explain why you selected these items. • Prepare a 300- to 600-word analysis of your Ethics Awareness Inventory. • Interpret the results and apply them to your personal and professional development. GEN 480 Week 2 DQ 4 GEN 480 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis

  8. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper analyzing a professional dilemma and values conflict you experienced before you began or during your studies at University. • Describe the experience: • Refer to the University Material: Consulting Scenario Paper and Presentation, located on the student website, for additional information about this cumulative project. • • Conduct an in-depth analysis ofteam member skills and strengths based on education and experience. • o Create a matrix of team GEN 480 Week 2 Individual Assignment Professional Workplace Dilemma Paper GEN 480 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Skills Assessment Paper and Matrix

  9. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Write a 100-150 summary what you have learned this week • Do you think most companies have and enforce a code of ethics? Explain why or why not GEN 480 Week 2 Summary GEN 480 Week 3 DQ 1

  10. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • How has your University program of study helped you become a strategic thinker? • Why is strategic thinking critical to your current and future success in the workplace? GEN 480 Week 3 DQ 2 GEN 480 Week 3 DQ 3

  11. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • What class in your course of study had the most effect on your personal and professional growth? Why? • Select the Critical Thinking Case Study link under the Assessment heading on your student website to review the case study. • Review and complete the University Material: Critical Thinking Case Study Assignment to finish the case study. GEN 480 Week 3 DQ 4 GEN 480 Week 3 Individual Assignment Critical Thinking Case Study

  12. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Refer to the University Material: Consulting Scenario Paper and Presentation, located on the student website, for additional information about this cumulative project. • • Identify the type of consulting firm your learning team will create. • o Based on your learning team skill • Write a 100-150 summary what you have learned this week  GEN 480 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Analysis of Business Specialties GEN 480 Week 3 Summary

  13. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Where would you look for the resources to support personal growth and development? • Why do personal growth and development seem more urgent today than they were in the past? GEN 480 Week 4 DQ 1 GEN 480 Week 4 DQ 2

  14. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • What universal workplace competencies and skills do you need to be successful in the next 3 to 5 years? • How proficient are you in your professional competencies? What resources can you use to increase your proficiency in the areas where you need improvement? GEN 480 Week 4 DQ 3 GEN 480 Week 4 DQ 4

  15. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Thisis a three-part, 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you reflect on your personal and professional growth during your University program of study. • Write a 100-150 summary what you have learned this week  GEN 480 Week 4 Individual Assignment Past, Present, and Future Paper and Presentation GEN 480 Week 4 Summary

  16. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Refer to the University Material: Consulting Scenario Paper and Presentation, located on the student website, for additional information about this cumulative project. • Are college graduates better prepared for the current workplace than non-graduates? Explain why or why not. GEN 480 Week 4 Team Assignment Role Identification GEN 480 Week 5 DQ 1

  17. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • If you might change or improve three things about your program of study, what would they be? Explain why you would recommend the changes. • What portion of your program helped prepare you for the future most? Why? GEN 480 Week 5 DQ 2 GEN 480 Week 5 DQ 3

  18. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Week 5 DQ 4 • Do you feel learning about ethics can make you a more ethical person? Why? • Write a 100-150 summary what you have learned this week  GEN 480 Week 5 DQ 4 GEN 480 Week 5 Summary

  19. Gen 480 Course Tutorial • Refer to the University Material: Consulting Scenario Paper and Presentation, located on the student website, for additional information about this cumulative project. • • Finalize a 2,800 to 3,500-word paper that includes: GEN 480 Week 5 Team Assignment Consultant Scenario Paper and Presentation

  20. Gen 480 Course Tutorial Easy A+ Your Grades No More Headaches For More Course Tutorial Visit www.shoptutorial.com

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