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  1. web 431 Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com

  2. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Entire Course WEB 431 Week 1 DQ 1 • WEB 431 Week 1 Individual Assignment XML Document • WEB 431 Week 1 DQ 1 • WEB 431 Week 1 DQ 2 • WEB 431 Week 2 Individual Assignment RSS and XSLT Template • WEB 431 Week 2 Team Assignment Web 2.0 Enhancement Project Implementation Plan • WEB 431 Week 2 DQ 1 • Why is the structure of a XML document important? What would be the consequences of ill-formed XML with the immediate document and with the organization? 

  3. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 1 DQ 2 WEB 431 Week 1 Individual Assignment • Complete the following tutorial available on the SkillSoft® site: • Course: XML Language Basics  Lesson: Introducing XML  Topic: Introduction to XMLCourse ID: wd_xmle_a01_it_enus_t2 • Create a simple XML document that will serve as the foundation for your static RSS pages in later weeks. Include the following: • ·         Declaration information • <!—style comments that contain the details of the class, instructor, and the project

  4. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 2 DQ 1 WEB 431 Week 2 DQ 2 • Complete the following tutorial available on the SkillSoft® site: • Course: XML Transformation Using XSLT and XSL-FO  Lesson: Advanced Uses of XSLT  Topic: Transforming and Formatting XML Course ID: wd_xmle_a03_it_enus_t33  • Imagine you are employed in a very small company with limited resources. How would you decide what goes into an XSLT template?

  5. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 2 Individual Assignment WEB 431 Week 2 Team Assignment Web 2 • Choose an organization that is familiar to you, such as a government or nonprofit group. Alternatively, use one of the Virtual Organizations. • Update the XML documents you created in Week One to establish a static RSS feed. Create 10 items of sample data, including the following for each item: • ·         Title • Begin working on the implementation plan for Service Request SR-bi-002, Web 2.0 Upgrade due in Week Three. • ·         Identify the objectives of the Web 2.0 upgrade implementation and include a description of the functionality that will be supported. • ·         Provide a rationale of why the functionality is being recommended. • Submit an informal team progress report to your instructor explaining what your team accomplished during the week, challenges your team faced, and questions.  

  6. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 3 DQ 1 WEB 431 Week 3 DQ 2 • What are examples of when poor or lack of CSS use has interfered with accessibility? How can the examples you cited benefit from proper use of CSS? • Complete the following tutorials available on the SkillSoft® site: • Course: Manipulating XML with the XML DOM and AjaxLesson: Accessing XML Data with the DOMTopic: The XML Document Object ModelTopic: Using the XML DOM to Access Data

  7. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 3 Individual Assignment WEB 431 Week 3 Team Assignment Web 2 • Setup a CSS page that will be used in conjunction with your RSS XML document, created in Week Two. The layout should be consistent with the look of any freely available RSS feed readers’ layout, for example, Google Reader™, feedley, or Atom feed readers. • Select and complete one of the following assignments: • ·         Option 1: Web 2.0 Justification Memo • ·         Option 2: Web 2.0 Justification Presentation • Option 1: Web 2.0 Justification Memo • Submit a 3- to 5-page justification memo, including the following details: • ·         Implementation plan objectives and justification for the changes

  8. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 4 DQ 1 WEB 431 Week 4 DQ 2 • Course: Manipulating XML with the XML DOM and Ajax  Lesson: XML and Ajax  Topic: Using Ajax with XML • Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following question: • How would you weight the benefits and drawbacks for using Ajax with XML?  

  9. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 4 Learning Team WEB 431 Week 5 DQ 1 • Work on implementing the XML-driven product and employee demographic profile pages. • Create 10 products and hypothetical data on a database for the product page. • Display all individuals by team on the employee demographic profile page. • Complete the following tutorial available on the SkillSoft® site: • Course: SQL Server 2008 R2: Querying and Managing XML Data Course ID: md_msdr_a06_it_enus Lesson: Working with XML Data Topic: Working with XML Data in SQL Server 2008 R2  

  10. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 5 DQ 2 WEB 431 Week 5 Individual Assignment • What professional organizations might you join, and websites might you visit, that would provide insight into a career that includes responsibility for multimedia and visual communication? Explain your choices. • Use the XML Web 2.0 Services link to generateaXML RSS document. • Enter your own CSS and XSL code. • Take a screenshotof the result tab.

  11. web 431 Course Tutorial WEB 431 Week 5 Learning Team • The complete Web 2.0 Project is due this week. • Compile the work you have completed on this project since Week Three. • Submita ZIP file to your instructor containing the product page and employee demographic profile

  12. web 431 Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com

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